Personal Evaluation Concerning the Choice of My Degree
By employing the various self-evaluation tools covered in the previous module, I conducted a self-assessment to shed more light on my personality traits, attitudes, behavior patterns, competencies, personal goals, natural abilities, and career interests. This paper is a culmination of the assessment, which documents all the results I found on top of what I have known about myself all along. Moreover, the assessment results will be gauged to establish how effective they are in my pursuit of a career in business management. The challenges that may derail my success in academics and career will also be evaluated to know what I might adjust so that my career path succeeds and develops the competencies that will make me prosper in my career as a manager.
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I was able to know my personality type. From this, I discovered my strengths and weaknesses in following my dreams and pushing myself to the limit. I also assessed my emotional intelligence, which contributes to how I interact with others in light of my aspiration in business management and my pursuit of a degree course that will ultimately see me take a leadership position as a manager. Here is what I have discovered about my strengths and weaknesses.
First, on my strengths, I have vast experience and background in business dealings, having grown up helping my parents run the family business. My interactions with the employees at my father’s business instilled in me some sense of leadership and a drive to always strive to achieve all the set goals. From helping in updating the inventory to handling disputes at the workplace and overseeing the employees’ overall operations, I have developed team-leadership skills that have been monumental in my interactions with the rest of the students. The skills that I have gained over the years by virtual my background in business administration have enabled me to take an active role in the students’ discussion groups that are part of my everyday study. To me, this is the greatest strength that I may build upon in my career as a manager, which will enable me to understand the intricacies of the division of roles and team-building to make work easier at the workplace (Cooper & Sawaf, 2016). I also find myself intrinsically motivated to keep moving despite all the hardships I face in my studies. This is drawn from one of my values: persistence and perseverance. Through hard work and determination, I have been able to overcome a myriad of hurdles in my academic life, and this suits my choice of career where I will be expected to drive the organization’s agenda by all means possible, even if it will means working late and foregoing personal comforts to attain the set goals.
On my weaknesses, I found out from the MBTI test that I have a poor perception of emotions in others. This may hinder me from fully connecting with the people who work under me in the future or those working with me (Berens & Nardi, 2013). This is also evident in my student life, where I am sometimes mistaken for being selfish for failing to understand the plight of my colleagues when I interact with them as I always focus on the issues that matter to me most and ignore those things that I deem to be non-issues like the comfort of others. In other words, the MBTI test showed that I have low empathy, which needs to be worked on to improve how I interact with others.
My Personality, Values, and Interests as Relating to My Chosen Degree Field
As earlier established, my career path in business management was inspired by my knowledge and understanding of how businesses are run. I have gotten this from my participation in the family business from an early age. As such, I have developed a set of values that have been pivotal in the way I handle the clients and the employees at the family business unit. The most profound of these values is integrity, which requires that I treat all people with honor. This is combined with my perseverance and persistence in everything I set my mind to accomplish. I guess these values stem from my personality conscientiousness and openness as obtained from the Big Five indicator personality types indicators (Westerhoff, 2008). My openness as a personality trait results from my ingenuity and creativity in finding solutions to things that I find challenging both in life and in academics. I am conscientious due to my discipline, intrinsic motivation to work hard and see results, and trustworthiness (Pappas, 2017). These traits have made me who I am and are well suited for the degree of choice in business management, and I believe they will impact immensely on how I will handle issues later in life when I become a manager.
Challenges That May Inhibit the Completion of My Degree
One thing that may be a stumbling block to the completion of my degree is a shortage of time and funds to facilitate my education. Balancing between work and studies can sometimes be hectic for one’s schedule. It is always difficult to give the two competing activities the needed time to get the best results needed for both. In most cases, I leave so little time for research in my degree field, which leaves me at a disadvantage compared to those who have all their time dedicated to their studies. Nonetheless, I have tried to devise a strategy to help me cover the lost time for my studies by engaging in more academic activities during my free time.
A second challenge that I find threatening my ability to complete my business or business management degree is the shortage of funds set aside for my education. Life is a struggle, and one has to ensure that not a single aspect of one’s life comes to a standstill because of a shortage of resources. As such, sacrifices must be made on the unnecessary luxury to allow for better utilization of the few available resources. If need be, once in a while, one can postpone some part of studies to cover other more pressing needs in one’s life and come to academics later. Such situations may mean that one will take longer than expected to complete their degree, and this could have a toll on an individual’s success in the given field.
Berens, L. V., & Nardi, D. (2013). The 16 Personality Types: Descriptions for self-discovery. Huntington Beach, CA: Telosn Publication.
Cooper, R. K., & Sawaf, A. (2016). Executive EQ: Emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group.
Pappas, S. (2017, September 7). Personality traits & personality types: What is personality? Retrieved from Live Science:
Westerhoff, N. (2008, December 17). The “Big Five” Personality Traits. Retrieved from Sciientific American:
We’ll write everything from scratch
Personal Evaluation Concerning the Choice of My Degree
Important! Read First
For this assignment, you will evaluate your personal skills in relationship to your chosen degree program. You may use any assessment tools you find in the CSU-Global Career Center, or online, to help develop your self-evaluation.
Assignment Preparation/Activities
Go to the CSU-Global Career Center ( and scan the site so that you know the kind of information and resources you will be able to find there.

Personal Evaluation Concerning the Choice of My Degree
Develop a well-written paper that includes the following:
- A self-evaluation of your personal strengths and weaknesses, personality, interests and values as they relate to your chosen degree field. You may use tools included in previous modules of the course to help you formulate your self-evaluation. If you have not yet chosen a degree field, you may evaluate your personal skills in the context of degree programs that are of interest to you.
- An assessment of challenges that your unique life situation may present to your ability to complete your degree. You may be as specific or general as you like with this assessment to maintain your personal privacy.
Assignment Requirements
- Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not counting title and reference pages, and conform to CSU-Global
- Guide to Writing and APA. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU
- Global Library is a good place to find these references.
- Be 3-4 pages in length
- Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements
- Include any assessment tools you used in the References page