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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan

Leadership plays a vital role in the success of an organization. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the people that play this role have the qualities that will enable optimum performance (Bolden, 2016). A personal development plan assesses the qualities of a leader and develops strategies for improvement. The following is a personal development plan for an incumbent leader, including an assessment of their rates and an improvement plan.

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Individual Assessment

This section sets out the personal qualities of the leader in question. These qualities were compiled from interviews with the leader and self-assessment test results. The team will evaluate the leader’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and personality characteristics.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the personal strengths observed in the leader was enthusiasm. During interviews, he expressed signs of intrinsic motivation to continue in his leadership role. The leader also has determination. He is ready to take on any challenge that might come about during his leadership. Furthermore, the leader expressed good interpersonal skills. For instance, he was very good at communication. He was also very open about what he felt and the goals that he wanted to achieve while in the leadership role. Good interpersonal skills are essential because they enable individuals to form meaningful interactions with their colleagues, including subordinates. This encourages team and organizational efficiency. Lastly, this leader demonstrated an acute sense of discipline. The leader showed peculiar mannerisms throughout the Assessment, all indicating respect for authority. He followed all the rules as required and did not raise any alarms during the assessment period.

However, he demonstrated spontaneity, which is reflective of an impulsive personality. Spontaneous personalities tend to do things without a plan or on a whim. While this quality may be necessary in some individual cases, a leader must know how to plan. Planning enables people in leadership roles to deal with foreseeable risks to ensure that such threats do not affect their productivity. This leader was also too honest. While honesty is a good quality, it can be limiting if unchecked. A good leader communicates well but knows to distinguish between information that should be shared and kept from subordinates. This quality helps to maintain order in an organization.


Personal values are an expression of the qualities which are essential to an individual. The values of the assessed leader were appraised through interactions during interviews and based on the answers he gave in the self-assessment questionnaires. The following were the principles that this leader held in high regard:


The personality of this leader was examined using the Myers-Briggs and Jung personality tests. The tests’ results classify the leader’s personality into five main characteristics: Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism (Soto & Jackson, 2013).

Theories and Concepts to Explain the Leader’s Behaviors

Various theories and concepts in organizational structure may be used to explain any leader’s behavior at the individual, team, and organizational levels, as seen below. These concepts contextualize otherwise nuanced personality traits to make sense within a corporate environment, as seen below. However, it must be remembered that under different circumstances, different individuals may act differently and have different outcomes depending on variables called behavior moderators (Matyusz, 2012). These variables are “a class of […] difference variables that cannot be encoded into a model” (NRC, 1998). In leadership models, they may be classified as neutralizers; these moderators will be discussed below as well.

What theories/concepts describe your behavior as an individual?

One of the concepts that can be used to explain the behaviors of this leader at the individual level is trait theory. Trait theory argues that there are several personality traits that good leaders tend to share. This theory is essential in identifying the personal qualities that make a person a good leader. According to this theory, this leader possesses some characteristics that make them a good leader (Bolden, 2016). The qualities of honesty and integrity, sound judgment, wisdom, and respect are some of the qualities the leader possesses. These are traits that most good leaders tend to share. Therefore, they contribute to making the leader good enough for the role they are expected to play. However, the trait of competitiveness is not common in many good leaders. Competitiveness can be a good trait sometimes, but it limits a leader’s ability to collaborate effectively with others. Therefore, this is a trait that might need to be changed.

However, it is essential to note that not all leaders with these characteristics are guaranteed to be great leaders. The interaction between these factors may differ in different people. Some people may use their qualities positively, while others may use them negatively. Therefore, developing a plan to ensure that this leader maximizes their qualities’ positive effects and maintains the best performances can be achieved through training and development. The training and development plan will be executed after determining the development goals of the leader.

What factors (i.e.,      contingencies/moderators) affect the operation of these theories/concepts?


At this level, moderators are internal, including intelligence, personality traits, level and type of expertise, and emotions/affective factors (NRC, 1998). Intelligence, for example, may affect leadership quality in situations requiring extensive leader involvement in tasks. Expertise also affects personal leadership traits since it forms the core of completing tasks beyond the individual. Therefore, a highly motivated leader with integrity is unlikely to perform to standard if he does not have the necessary expertise. Affective factors also affect leadership at a personal level. As discussed above, the leader in question was found to be impulsive/ spontaneous. Suppose he, for example, acts as a response to internal emotions. In that case, he may neutralize or lessen the effect of his leadership qualities depending on the outlook such emotive traits affect subordinates.

Theories and Concepts explaining behavior at the Team Level

Effective leadership depends on how well a leader interacts with people on the team level. Leaders’ interaction with team members can be explained using behavioral theories. These theories examine people’s behaviors in the context of the team working. The theories evaluate how people make decisions and communicate with others when working in a group. Kurt Lewin developed three main leadership characteristics that can explain the range of interactions people have in the team context (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt & Van Engen, 2003). They include democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire leadership.

Democratic leadership is a participative model where all team members are involved in decision-making. Such leaders seek input because the team members’ agreement is significant (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt & Van Engen, 2003). The leader assessed in this case expresses some qualities that would help them to be this kind of a leader. One of the qualities is their agreeableness and excellent interpersonal skills. Democratic leaders often interact with their subordinates; these qualities may help the leader ensure meaningful interactions. An autocratic leader is the opposite of a democratic leader. This kind of leader makes all the decisions and directs the followers to do what the leader wants. This kind of leadership is not participative because the leader does not consider the group’s agreement necessary (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt & Van Engen, 2003). The leader assessed in this case does not show signs of being autocratic. He is an open leader who values communication; hence, their leadership style is unlikely to be authoritarian. Lastly, Laissez-faire leaders allow people to make decisions without interference (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt & Van Engen, 2003). They motivate their followers and give them the autonomy to make their own choices. One quality that may prevent this leader from allowing the team to exercise this teamwork model is the fact that there are competitive. There is a high chance this leader will want to make some of the decisions to achieve his goals.


Several moderators may affect leadership at the team level, majorly neutralizing moderators who work to lessen or even negate the effect of “relationship and target oriented leadership, and enhancers which strengthen connections between leader behaviors and criteria (Howel, Dorfman & Kerr, 1986). For example, supportive leadership behaviors, including democratic leadership, tend to have little effect on the performance of subordinates with authoritarian personalities. Conversely, subordinate experience works to augment leadership since experienced team members, for example, can use ambiguous instructions to produce organizational advantages (Howel, Dorfman & Kerr, 1986). Additionally, extensive leader control over corporate rewards can enhance the impact of leadership on performance, especially where team members perceive rewards as contingent upon performance. These are just a few examples of neutralizing and enhancing moderators.

Theories and Concepts explaining behavior as an Organizational Citizen

Power and influence theories can be used to describe this leader’s behavior in the organizational context. One of the power theories is the theory of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a theory that focuses on how leaders inspire others to join in their vision. Transformational leaders can convince others to personally want to work to achieve the goals that they have set (Kuster et al. 2015). One characteristic of transformational leaders is that they are inspirational. This leader may achieve this leadership model because of their confidence and dedication. Such leaders tend to be idealistic. They are always enthusiastic and confident that they can achieve their plans (Johansen, 2012). This leader demonstrated a lot of enthusiasm and confidence that they can be a great leader. These characteristics show that they can be transformational.


Moderators at this stage are mainly organization-wide, majorly being value congruence and tenure. Value congruence refers to the degree to which an individual’s value system matches that found in their workplace (Molina, 2016). Value congruence boosts the effects of transformational leadership on new employees. On the other hand, it plays a substitute role or none in the instance of more tenured employees (Lajoie, 2017). That is to say, it renders relationship-oriented leadership, such as transformational leadership, unnecessary or impossible (Howell, Dorfman & Kerr, 1986).

Development Goals

Development Goal Individual Level

The goals for development at the personal level include the following;

Development activities

The development activities for enhancing self-awareness include psychometric and personality tests. The organization will design a self-assessment test that targets the specific skills that impact leadership. These tests will also target individual awareness of the leader’s dynamic characteristics. Once the leader is more aware of his characteristics, they will undergo a training program to develop the skills they lack.


This training program will require financial resources to hire a leadership trainer who can perform all the activities to develop the leader’s skills.


This training program will last for three days. The first day will focus on developing self-awareness, the second day will be the training itself, and the third will examine the movement’s effects.

Potential Obstacles

Some challenges may limit the achievement of the set goals. Change resistance is one of the main challenges that can affect individual-level development. If the leader is already used to the status quo, it may be hard to change how they view leadership and implement their leadership skills.

Evidence of Progress

The evidence of progress will be measured in a post-training survey by the leader. The survey will examine the possible changes in the leader’s characteristics.

Development Goal Team Level

The team-level goals that need to be achieved include the following;

Development activities

The team development goals will be achieved in a team-building program to be organized outside the organization. This program will include various activities with the leader and the other team members. There will be a range of activities to help the leader to get familiar with the team.


The team building program will require a financial investment by the organization to cater to the team building activities and the accommodation o the team members. The program’s success will also need the organization’s support to give all the employees the time to attend the program.


The team building program will take two to three days to allow the team to participate in various activities to develop their cohesion.

Potential Obstacles

One of the main obstacles that can be experienced includes the lack of motivation by the team members to participate in the team building program. Without adequate explanation, the team members may be unable to pay attention to the lessons taught in the program, thus, creating no change after the team building.

Evidence of Progress

            Evidence of progress will be measured by examining the team relations with the leader after the team-building program. The survey will monitor the effectiveness of communication and conflict management.

Development Goal Organizational Level

The primary goals to be achieved in developing the leader on the organizational level include the following;

Development activities

The leader will attend a leadership workshop where leadership theories and concepts and how to apply them in the organizational context will be taught.


The organization will cater to all the costs required for the successful training of the leader. They will also find the best leadership workshop to develop the necessary skills.


The timeline of the training will depend on the plan of the organization that is managing the selected workshop.

Evidence of Progress

Progress will be measured in how the manager handles workplace responsibilities after attending the workshop. For instance, performance measures will be set and examined after a particular period to determine how well the leader performs.

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Bolden, R. (2016). Leadership, management, and organizational development. In Gower’s Handbook of Leadership and management development (pp. 143-158). Routledge.

Eagly, A. H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C., & Van Engen, M. L. (2003). Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: A meta-analysis comparing women and men. Psychological bulletin129(4), 569.

Howel, J.P., Dorfman, P.W., & Kerr S. (1986). Moderator Variables in Leadership. The Academy of Management Review. Vol.11 (1), pp.88-102, 1986.

Johansen, R. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world.Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Kuster, J., Huber, E., Lippmann, R., Schmid, A., Schneider, E., Witschi, U., &Wüst, R. (2015). Leadership and Teamwork. In Project Management Handbook (pp. 213-239). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Lajoie, D. (2017). “Value Congruence and Tenure as Moderators of Transformational Leadership Effect,,” Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol. 38 (2), pp.254-269.

Matyusz, Z. (2012). The Effect of Contingency Factors on the Use of Manufacturing Practices and Operations Performance. Corvinus University Press, 2012, pp.13

Molina, A.D (2016). Value Congruence. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy & Governance. Springer, 12 May 2016.

National Research Council (1998). Modeling Human and Organizational Behavior: Application to Military Simulations. National Academy of Science, 500 Fifth St., NW, Washington DC, 1998.

Soto, C. J., & Jackson, J. J. (2013). Five-factor model of personality. Oxford University Press.


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Option #2: Assessing a Leader

MGT500 Portfolio Project’s second option is an assessment of an incumbent leader. During this process, you will create a consulting/coaching report to recommend how this leader can be more effective in their role. Thus, your job is to prepare a personal development plan (PDP) tailored to the needs of this particular individual and will require interviews with this leader and their key followers and supervisors.

Personal Development Plan

The leader’s personal development plan (PDP) will allow the leader to better understand themself, as an individual, as a member of teams, and as an organizational citizens, as well as to create opportunities for improvement goals. Thus, the PDP provides an understanding of this leader’s current characteristics and how the leader can become more effective as a follower, a leader, and a team member.

First, articulate the leader’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and personality. Understanding the leader as a person is needed before describing explanatory theories, concepts, and fit in teams and organizations. This section can include materials from observations, interviews, assessment instruments, and the application of objective evidence.

Individual Assessment (3-5 pages)

Next, an articulation of theories and concepts to explain the leader’s behavior at three levels of analysis (individual, team, and organization) is needed. In addition, a discussion of factors (contingencies/moderators) that may alter the theory/concept’s operation is required. This section should include a meeting of the following:

Theory/Concepts at the Individual Level (1-2 pages)

Theory/Concepts at the Team Level (1-2 pages)

Theory/Concepts at the Organization Level (1-2 pages)

The final section looks to the future. Choose and describe at least one developmental goal at each of the three levels of analysis–the individual level, team, and organizational levels for the leader. For each development goal, please provide the development goal, development activities (how the leader can work toward accomplishing the objective), resources/support (that the leader has or can develop toward achieving the goal), timeline, potential obstacles, and evidence of progress (i.e., milestones), as shown below:

Development Goals (2-3 pages)

  1. Development Activities
  2. Resources/Support
  3. Timeline
  4. Potential Obstacles
  5. Evidence of Progress
  1. Development Activities
  2. Resources/Support
  3. Timeline
  4. Potential Obstacles
  5. Evidence of Progress
  1. Development Activities
  2. Resources/Support
  3. Timeline
  4. Potential Obstacles
  5. Evidence of Progress


Your Portfolio Project should be 8-12 pages long, not counting title and reference pages, and conform to APA. Include at least five scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.

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