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Peer Responses – Mixed Methods Research

Peer Responses – Mixed Methods Research

Responding to Mavis

Hello Mavis,

Thank you for sharing your post. Your points on the four major types of mixed methods research (MMR), the importance of paradigms in mixed methods research, the funding outlook for MMR, as well as the various methods of disseminating data are well presented. Arguably, MMR gives researchers the advantage of leveraging the strengths of qualitative and quantitative research, leading to a comprehensive exploration and understanding of a research problem (Simonovich, 2017). However, due to the use of differing methods of data collection and analysis, MMR can lead to a conflict in the design of the study due to the differences in the approaches for data collection, analysis, and interpretation each method applies (McKenna et al., 2021). The paradigm chosen by a researcher, whether it is positivism, interpretivism, pragmatism, or critical theory, influences how the study is designed and helps overcome the conflict raised by the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods. In this case, the paradigm guides a series of events in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, the researchers will have the choice to make on whether to apply a convergent parallel design, explanatory sequential design, exploratory sequential design, or transformative design. With the MMR gaining more acceptance in nursing and health research, improved funding will also help in further exploring and redesigning the MMR to achieve better integration of qualitative and quantitative research. Overall, regardless of some of the few constraints researchers face when using MMR, it is a great research design in nursing.


McKenna, L., Copnell, B., & Smith, G. (2021). Getting the methods right: Challenges and appropriateness of mixed methods research in health-related doctoral studies. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(3–4), 581–587.

Simonovich, S. (2017). The Value of Developing a Mixed-Methods Program of Research. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3).

Responding to Yomi

Hello Yomi,

This is a good post. There are many mixed methods research (MMR) designs: examples include sequential design, concurrent design, and transformative design. Agreeably, the choice of the design of the MMR remains with the researcher based on the aims of their research. MMR combines qualitative and quantitative research methods and allows for concurrent collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data to answer separate but related research questions (Polit & Beck, 2017). MMR designs create a wider view of the problem and allow researchers to explore it from multiple perspectives (Timans et al., 2019). Funding is an issue that must be considered in MMR. MMR is quite resource-intensive compared to using qualitative and quantitative methods separately. Studies that apply MMR designs must secure sufficient funding to ensure effective data collection and analysis. I can add that funding is an often-ignored factor in ensuring the research is valid and reliable. However, as you have noted, the funding outlook for MMR is promising. This will further help develop MMR and support the effective dissemination of findings. Without effective dissemination of research findings, it is hard to reach a study’s relevant audience. For the choice of the method to disseminate research findings, it is best to employ multiple methods, such as publishing the findings in peer-reviewed journals, use of posters, and using podium presentations such as in conferences. As with the MMR designs, multiple methods of disseminating research findings help overcome the limitations of a single dissemination method and leverage the strengths of each method applied.


Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice 9th edition. In MCN The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing (Vol. 34, Issue 6).

Timans, R., Wouters, P., & Heilbron, J. (2019). Mixed methods research: what it is and what it could be. Theory and Society, 48(2), 193–216.


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Peer Responses – Mixed Methods Research

Please provide a short (250 words) response to each of my peer’s posts

Mavis Post

Different types of mixed method (MM) research exist, including convergent parallel design, explanatory sequential design, exploratory sequential design, and transformative design. A similar concurrent design requires the simultaneous collection of both subjective and quantitative data. In contrast, a sequential explanatory method entails gathering and analyzing quantitative data and then using qualitative data to explain the results. The exploratory sequential process involves collecting qualitative and quantitative data to explore and test the findings. The transformative method uses descriptive and quantitative data to transform the understanding of the research problem (Brown et al., 2015).  It’s essential to consider which approach is most appropriate for a given study and to use all available resources to ensure accurate and meaningful results. It’s great that funding opportunities are available to support these research endeavors.

Paradigms in MM research shape how researchers approach and understand the research problem. The paradigm choice can affect the design, methods, and interpretation of results. For example, positivist paradigms prioritize objectivity and quantification, while constructivist paradigms prioritize subjectivity and performance (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). Researchers should know the paradigm they use and its implications. However, they should also be open to other paradigms and approaches that may offer more significant insights.

Literature reviews are conducted differently in qualitative, quantitative, and MM research. A literature review explores and develops research questions and theoretical frameworks in qualitative research. In quantitative analysis, a literature review is used to identify gaps in knowledge and develop hypotheses. In MM research, the literature review determines the best methods for integrating empirical and statistical data (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). Ultimately, the literature review is a critical step in the MM research process that should be noticed.

The current outlook for funding MM research in nursing is positive, as there is growing recognition of the value of MM research in addressing complex healthcare issues. Funding opportunities are available from organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). It’s essential to continue promoting the importance of MM research and seeking out these funding opportunities to advance the field.

The advantages and disadvantages of various mediums for disseminating data depend on the audience, purpose, and context of the research. Poster presentations are an effective way to communicate findings visually and are often used at conferences and symposiums. Podium presentations allow for more detailed explanations and discussions of the findings but may be limited by time constraints. Manuscripts offer the most complex and comprehensive presentation of results, but they may not be as accessible to specific audiences (El-Masri, 2017). While manuscripts may be suitable for academic or scientific communities, they may not be as easily understood by the general public. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the intended audience when selecting the format for presenting research findings.

Yomi’ post

Mixed methods research is a research approach that integrates both quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a particular research topic. According to Halcomb (2019), there are several types of mixed-methods research, including sequential design, concurrent design, and transformative design. Sequential designs involve conducting one phase of research followed by another, whereas concurrent designs involve collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data at the same time. Transformative designs aim to not only provide a comprehensive understanding of a research topic but also to bring about change or transformation in the field being studied. Each type of mixed-methods research has its own benefits and drawbacks, and researchers must carefully consider their research question and goals when selecting a mixed-methods approach.

Paradigms play a crucial role in mixed methods (MM) research as they shape the researcher’s worldview and influence the choice of research methods and design. For instance, a researcher with a positivist paradigm may prefer a sequential design that prioritizes quantitative data, while a researcher with a constructivist paradigm may prefer a transformative design that includes both quantitative and qualitative data. In my opinion, it is important for researchers to be aware of their own paradigms and biases, as well as the paradigms of others involved in the research, to ensure that the research is conducted in an ethical and rigorous manner.

The conduction of literature review differs between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. In qualitative research, literature review is used to generate research questions and design, while in quantitative research, it serves to confirm or refute hypotheses. In mixed methods research, literature review is used to inform the choice of research design and methods. (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007)

The study investigated the funding trends and distribution of research funding among Schools of Nursing, particularly from the National Institute of Health (NIH). The NIH is a major funding agency in the United States that supports biomedical and health-related research, including nursing research. Understanding the funding patterns provides insights into the priorities and investments in nursing research, including the funding of mixed-methods research projects. It is crucial to recognize the significance of funding in nursing science research and how it affects the overall advancement of the field. With this knowledge, researchers can make informed decisions on where to allocate resources and prioritize their research projects.

When it comes to presenting research findings at academic conferences, there are several mediums to choose from. Poster presentations are a popular option due to their visual appeal and one-on-one interactions, but they have limited space for information and may not convey complex data effectively. Podium presentations, on the other hand, allow for more detailed explanations and immediate feedback but require more preparation and may not be as accessible to everyone. Manuscripts, such as journal articles, provide a formal and detailed account of research findings with a wider audience reach but require a significant amount of time and effort to write and publish. Ultimately, the choice of medium depends on the goals and audience of the research project, and researchers should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making a decision (Polit & Beck, 2017)

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