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Pediatric Health Promotion Plan

Pediatric Health Promotion Plan

Pediatric health deals with ensuring that children are healthy by implementing programs and interventions appropriate for their health. Health promotion enables individuals to take control and improve their health (Peckham et al., 2017). Health promotion is essential in pediatric populations since certain developmental aspects of children may affect their quality of life later on. Examples of health promotion activities in children include promoting healthy nutrition, breastfeeding, injury prevention, and physical activities.

2 Years 6 Months Old


The CDC vaccination schedule will be followed for this child. He will also be given any vaccines he may have missed. This child will receive four doses of the Diptheria vaccine (CDC, 2021). This vaccine will be given according to the schedule. This vaccine will protect the child against diphtheria, which causes paralysis, breathing failure, heart failure, and death. The patient will also get four doses of tetanus and pertussis. These three vaccines will be given in the FDC of the DPT vaccine (CDC, 2021). The other vaccination that the child will receive is three doses of the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (CDC, 2021). The IPV vaccine protects the child against polio, which can cause paralysis.

The child will also be given three doses of Haemophilenza influenza type B, which will help prevent influenza (CDC, 2021). The sixth vaccine the child will be given is the MMR vaccine, which protects the child against measles, mumps, and rubella (CDC, 2021). The seventh vaccine that the child will receive is three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine, which will protect the child from the hepatitis B vaccine. The eighth vaccine that this child will receive is a single dose of the chickenpox vaccine to protect the child against the varicella virus (CDC, 2021). The 9th vaccine that the child will receive is two doses of the rotavirus to protect the child against the rotavirus, which causes viral gastroenteritis (CDC, 2021). The 10th vaccine is four doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to protect the child against Strep pneumonia (CDC, 2021). The final vaccination is two doses of the Hep A vaccine to protect the child against the Hepatitis A virus (CDC, 2021).


At the age of two and a half years, toddlers are in the self-exploratory stage and thus touch anything around them. To ensure the safety of this child during this stage, several safety measures must be implemented. The child should not be left alone for an extended time. This will protect him from falling from high grounds that they may have climbed, which can cause severe injuries and broken limbs. The parents should also keep sharp objects away from the child to ensure they do not injure themselves.

Furthermore, they should keep away pharmaceuticals or toxic chemicals to ensure the child does not ingest them. This is because toddlers put anything in their mouths at this stage. The parents should also ensure that they have someone who supervises them not to get hurt whenever their child goes out to play; when toddlers are in an uncontrolled environment, their risk of getting hurt increases. The parents should fit a child’s safety seat in their car to ensure their child is safe whenever they are in the car. The child should never be left alone in a wading pool or bathtub. The parents should lock away their medicine after use. Kerosene and other cleaning products should also be stored in places out of their reach. The parents should buy the child age-appropriate toys which are big enough that they can’t swallow them. The child should not be left alone in heaters or burning fireplaces. Matches and lighters should be kept out of sight of the child. Finally, dangerous tools such as gardening equipment should be locked in a cabinet.

Health Promotion

Health promotion activities are essential for this child. The parents should give the child a balanced diet to ensure they get the necessary nutrition required for growth and development. The food should include vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins for bodybuilding, nutrients, and immunity. To ensure the growth of mental and intellectual capacity, the child should be given games that stimulate his thinking. Sleep is essential at this age, and hence, the parents should have a healthy sleeping pattern to promote brain growth and development. Sleep improves attention, memory, behaviour, learning, and overall physical health (Jiang, 2019). Parents should also limit the time that the child uses electronic gadgets such as phones and computers. Excessive use of electronics can negatively affect the child (Sivrikova et al., 2020).

Wellness Preservation

Parental touch is important for childhood development (Sullivan, 2018). Hugs and kisses help to boost the self-esteem and confidence of a child. Parents should hug and kiss the child, especially when the child does something right. Parents should give the child a reward that will encourage them always to do commendable and right things. Consistently the parents should be constantly present for all critical activities that happen to this child. They should be there in their school and support their activities. This will improve the child’s emotional development and boost their self-confidence and esteem.

Furthermore, parents should serve as role models for this child. They should act as good examples since children at this age tend to copy what they see or hear. They can thus imitate the good behaviour of their parents.

6 Years Old


Several vaccinations can be given to children aged six years. The first vaccine is the 5th dose of Diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), which will protect the child against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus (CDC, 2020). The second vaccine will be the fourth dose of IPV to protect the child against poliomyelitis (CDC, 2020). The third vaccine will be the third dose of the MMR vaccine to protect the child against measles, mumps, and rubella (CDC, 2020). The fourth vaccine given to the six-year-old is the 2nd dose of chickenpox vaccine to protect the child from varicella (CDC, 2020). The fifth dose will be the influenza vaccine. It will be given annually to protect the child from influenza viruses (CDC, 2020).


Even though the child is six years old and handles herself in many situations, her parents should ensure they are safe and not harm themselves. The parents should teach the child about emergency contacts such as 911, which the child can call in emergencies such as a fire in the house. This will give the child basic life survival skills, which help her to handle situations well instead of panicking. The parents should ensure that they keep away any dangerous substances such as pharmaceuticals, guns, chemicals, and knives that may cause harm to the child. Children are curious at the age of six years, and they may want to experiment with them. The parents should insist the child wears a helmet when she goes bike riding or whenever necessary. The child should wear wristpads, kneepads, and helmets when skateboarding and skating. The child should be taught the proper use of complex kitchen appliances such as heaters and blenders. Whenever the child is playing a game, they should use well-maintained and well-fitting sports equipment. Finally, the child should be taught basic first-aid skills.

Health Promotion

The parents should teach the child the importance of hygiene and sanitation. She should be educated on proper handwashing techniques after visiting the toilet and before eating. The child should be encouraged to shower daily and taught how to shower properly. In addition to this, she should be taught good dental hygiene and practices. They should be taught to brush their tooth daily to prevent decay and help in good oral health. The parents should advise the child against eating sugary food. They should limit her sugary intake and instead give the child milk and fruits. A six-year-old is still developing, and hence, sleep is essential.  The parents should develop a healthy sleep schedule. The parents should take their child for annual dental checkups to ensure good oral health and hygiene.

Wellness Preservation

It is critical to instil discipline at this age. The parents should ensure they strictly enforce any instructions they give to the child. The parents should be present in the child’s life. They should be commended when they do well. They should show the child love by hugging and kissing her. This will improve the child’s self-esteem. The parents should also encourage them to participate in extra-curricular activities such as sports to help them develop essential life skills. The parents should support the child and constantly remind her that they love and care for her.


Health promotion and safety are critical in developing children. When developing a treatment plan for children at this age, the healthcare provider should include the parents in the care plan to ensure they are comfortable with it. The healthcare provider should formulate treatment objectives in collaboration with the parents. They should use evidence-based guidelines such as the CDC vaccination schedule to develop a treatment. When advising the parents on health promotion, they should use a language they understand. Health education should be concise and straightforward.


CDC. (2021, June 16). Birth-18 years immunization schedule | CDC. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jiang, F. (2019). Sleep and early brain development. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism75(1), 44-54.

Peckham, S., Hann, A., Kendall, S., & Gillam, S. (2017). Health promotion and disease prevention in general practice and primary care: A scoping study. Primary Health Care Research & Development18(06), 529-540.

Sivrikova, N. V., Ptashko, T. G., Perebeynos, A. E., Chernikova, E. G., Gilyazeva, N. V., & Vasilyeva, V. S. (2020). Parental reports on digital device use in infancy and early childhood. Education and Information Technologies25(5), 3957-3973.

Sullivan, R. M. (2018). Faculty opinions recommendation of parental touch reduces social vigilance in children. Faculty Opinions – Post-Publication Peer Review of the Biomedical Literature


We’ll write everything from scratch


Pediatric Health Promotion Plan

A family just migrated from another country to your area, and you are seeing them in the clinic for the first time. They do not speak English well. There are two children, ages 2 years 6 months and 6 years. When taking the children’s history, you become aware they have not seen a provider in two years. Utilizing the Health Promotion Guide available in the course and the CHC vaccination schedule, develop a treatment plan to include vaccinations, safety, health promotion and wellness preservation for these children. Provide a rationale for recommendations from sources such as the CDC.

Length: 1500 words
Format: APA
Research: At least two high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years

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