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PDSA Improvement Model

PDSA Improvement Model

The situation in which I used the PDSA Improvement Model was before we started classes. I chose this situation because before classes started, I planned out when to get my books, planned out my first week in classes, organized my folders for the class, and figured out how my assignments would fit into the schedule and give me enough time to do everything else I needed to do. “If I plan out my schedule, then I will be prepared for class and get all my work done.”

The second stage of the PDSA Improvement Model is Do. So, by following my schedule and working through my list and all the assignments that I have written out in my schedule, I was able to successfully get through the week with wiggle room for all my other tasks at hand. During the week, I had three interviews, and I also started tutoring someone.

The third stage of the PDSA Improvement Model is Study. Although this situation does not involve a significant change or improvement, what I gathered from the week and from my schedule is that I was able to finish a majority of my work before my schedule got too hectic. The unexpected hiccups would have been my three interviews and my taking time out of my schedule to tutor someone else, along with making time for family and friends.

The fourth stage of the PDSA Improvement Model is the Act. Based on the third stage in this model, I would change a few things, one being my schedule, changing things around so that I won’t be rushing at the last minute, and using my time wisely. So, for this upcoming week, I will utilize my time more wisely by scheduling either my more important assignments earlier in the week or by managing my tutoring sessions more efficiently. So, “If I manage my tutoring sessions more wisely, then I will have more time for my assignment.”

Reference Page

PDSA: Plan-Do-Study-Act (Rapid Cycle Improvement) – QI Toolbox – Minnesota Dept. of Health. (2018). Retrieved 10 June 2018, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


PDSA Improvement Model

PDSA Practice Improvement Plan The assignment will be divided into four phases.

PDSA Practice Improvement Plan CC5.c

The PDSA project will provide the student the experience to initiate and coordinate planned change in a healthcare organization. The purpose of this assignment is to engage the student in the analysis of an evidence-based practice scenario within their clinical experiences. Process. The assignment will be divided into four phases.

PDSA Improvement Model

Part I: Plan

I plan to: Here, you will write a concise statement of what you plan to do.

I hope this produces the following: Here, you can put a measurement or an outcome that you hope to achieve.

Steps to execute: Here is where you will write the steps that you are going to take in this cycle. You will want to include the following:

Problem Identification: Identify a clinical problem that you observed in the clinical site. Digging up clinical problems can start with observations of clinical practice on your unit, asking staff about the problems they face when delivering care, and looking through policies procedures, and guidelines of care to assess if there is a standard or policy to improve practice. Talking with patients about their perceptions of the care they are receiving and asking clinical questions that address the clinical implication of the observation. Is there a problem, a patient, or a population that is negatively affected by the present standard of practice? Once this P factor is determined without a present resolution, then a clinical question should be developed using the PICO process.

The population could be a patient, a problem, a population, a unit, a division, or an organizational problem.

The time limit that you are going to do this project—remember, it does not have to be long, just long enough to get your results. You may set a time limit of 1 week but find out after 4 hours that it does not work. You can terminate the cycle at that point because you got your results.

Review of literature: What level of knowledge is out there to address the problem, are there any evidence-based guidelines already published? Most of the literature reviewed should utilize systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or clinical guidelines. Individual studies review expert opinion articles, and clinical articles can be used as supportive literature for clinical issues with limited research.

Part II: Do

After you have your plan, you will execute it or set it in motion. During this implementation, you will be keen to watch what happens once you do this.

What did you observe? Here you will write down observations you have during your implementation. This may include how the patients react, how the nurses react, how it fit in with your organizational system. You will ask, “Did everything go as planned?” “Did I have to modify the plan?”

Part III: Study

After implementation, you will study the results.

What did you learn? Did you meet your measurement goals? Here you would

Part IV: Act

What did you conclude from this cycle? Here, you will write what you came away with for this implementation, whether it worked or not. If it does not work, what can you do differently in your next cycle to address that? If it did work, are you ready to spread it across your entire practice?

Dissemination: This section will be the materials used to disseminate your Practice Improvement Presentation project  on the Clinical Site

This is a 10-15-minute overview of the problem, evidence, and proposed plan, results,
and recommendations. The presentation should include:
a) Actual PowerPoint slides or some other method of effective communication of
b) Handout materials for unit leadership if indicated.
c) 2-3 discussion questions prepared by students to pose to their audience to generate
discuss the project and potential for implementation
d) Presentation delivery: professional demeanor, professional dress, and generated

Please upload the e-poster presentation and PPP for the clinic presentation

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