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Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

In my practicum hours, I dived into the care of Jasmine, a patient who had anxiety problems. Anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), immobilize a person’s life by making them obsessed with indefinite worry, insecurity, and lack of concentration (Munir & Takov, 2022). Jasmine’s symptoms not only brought her difficulties but rendered her life progress and wellness almost impossible. Acknowledging the seriousness of her condition, I started developing a personalized intervention that would align with her unique and particular needs and circumstances.

Her journey served as an excellent illustration of how significant intervention specifically designed for the patient’s condition can be to enhance the patient’s quality of life. Through active involvement in the process of developing her intervention plans, I hoped to provide her with the tools and resources that would enable her to deal with anxiety independently. This proactive approach emphasized Jasmine’s well-being and reinforced the pivotal role of patient-centered care in nursing sciences.

As I started studying Jasmine’s disorder, there was no clinical shadow of a doubt that a holistic approach, including psychoeducation, cognitive therapy, and community resources, was a must. Through intensive collaboration with Jasmine and her health caregivers, I strove to provide a safe atmosphere where healing can take place. Through this, I sought to not only help her immediately but also set up a framework of sustainable long-term management of her anxiety.

The significance of anxiety alludes to the need for holistic care and patient-centered practices that comprehensively address anxieties patients might experience. Anxiety is a mental disorder that hinders the individual mentally, and physically, and in the long term, it may deteriorate the quality of their life. Hence, dealing with anxiety needs multilayered approaches that spotlight the patient’s needs while concurrently recognizing the social context, such as the immediate or supporting environment. Managing anxiety properly is one of the main keys to obtaining positive results in treatment and person-centered care by support staff as well as their relatives.

Proposed Intervention for Anxiety

Jasmine’s anxiety will involve an approach that is multifaceted to comprehensively and effectively address the intricacies of the situation. An integral part of the intervention is the use of evidence-based strategies customized to meet her unique requirements and preferences. In addition, she will be introduced to psychoeducation, which will enable her to learn more about anxiety and how to cope with it. She will explore the physiological and psychological aspects of anxiety, what causes it, and how to cope with it via relevant education workshops (Morales-Rodríguez & Pérez-Mármol, 2019). By educating Jasmine on her situation, she will be able to spot early warning signs and employ successful self-care approaches, and thus, she will be able to make better-informed decisions on her care.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) will be an integral part of the intervention. Closely working with a mental health worker, Jasmine will participate in the structured CBT sessions designed to challenge the negative thoughts and behaviors typically linked to anxiety (Morales-Rodríguez & Pérez-Mármol, 2019). By learning how to turn around negative thoughts, employ relaxation methods, and gradually expose herself to fearful situations, she will acquire the tools needed to manage her anxiety comfortably. Apart from individual therapy, the presence of mindfulness-based practices in her treatment plan not only offers more ways of treating symptoms but also helps with emotional management.

Mindfulness techniques, including meditation and deep breathing, may help develop present-moment awareness, stop ruminating, and boost her mental wellness positively. Additionally, community resources will serve as gateways for Jasmine’s social support system and allow her to gain access to continuing care and resources throughout the recovery process (Buechner et al., 2023). Introducing her to local peer support groups, online forums, and self-help projects will give her platforms to express herself, cheer and uplift herself from others who share her plight, and gather more techniques outside formal sessions.

Role of Leadership and Change Management

Leadership and change management are two of the key success factors in implementing the proposed anxiety intervention initiative. The healthcare realm is characterized by leadership that sets a vision, a direction, and support for interdisciplinary teams involved in delivering services. Nursing leaders plan and manage the implementation of interventions by ensuring they are based on evidence, meet organizational objectives, and follow ethical principles (Sevy Majors & Warshawsky, 2020). They produce a culture of cooperation, innovation, and continuous quality improvement, emphasizing patient-oriented services and good results.

Change management strategies play a vital role in dealing with resistance to change, avoiding hurdles, and helping in the process of practice adoption, as indicated by Raza et al. (2023). Nursing leaders use pro-activity, communication, involvement, and education to provoke acceptance and approval. They provide feedback, conduct training, and enable the team to quickly adapt to a new way of thinking. By creating a supportive setting and evaluation of individual and organizational requirements, competent leadership and change management implement policies that enable interventions that improve patient care and outcomes success.

Communication and Collaboration Strategies

Efficient communication and teamwork are key aspects in the intervention for anxiety. Nurses create a communication network with other professionals to avoid information gaps and enable timely actions by the whole care team (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021). Bringing the patient and their entourage within the discussion improves shared decisions and treatment compliance. Nurses use active listening, empathy, and cultural sensitivity to help patients with their problems. Patient education and written materials with health information will help the patient build up skills to cope with the disease. Collaboration encompasses both community services and support systems to guarantee continuous care and access to further resources.

Notably, a study by Sheehan et al. (2021) supports the need for good communication and cooperation during healthcare interventions. These authors highlight the importance of effective communication and working together as healthcare professionals for better patient care programs. The health of patients is positively impacted by communication strategies such as active listening and empathy, which have been demonstrated to improve patient satisfaction and treatment compliance. Furthermore, this ensures that interdisciplinary teams work together to meet the complicated needs of patients, resulting in better health outcomes.

State Board Nursing Practice Standards and Governmental Policies

The nurses’ practice standards at the state board and the government policies are key players in the development process of the proposed program. The intervention was based on the guidelines spelled out in the Nursing Practice Act (NPA), which defines the range of nursing practice, thus ensuring that such interventions are not beyond the legal and ethical boundaries of nursing. Furthermore, organizational policies concerning patient care and safety were also considered, ensuring that the intervention complied with institutional protocols and guidelines.

Essentially, observing nursing practice guidelines and governmental policies could contribute to a better prognosis for anxiety and other mental health conditions. For example, in their research, Buljac-Samardzic et al. (2020) established that interventions compliant with the state board nursing practice standards delivered favorable patient outcomes, reducing anxiety symptoms and boosting their coping mechanisms. Likewise, conforming to organizational policies regarding care coordination and patient safety has been strongly related to improved treatment adherence and fewer occurrences of adverse events for people with anxiety disorders (Labrague, 2023). These observations illustrate the necessity of incorporating evidence-based practices that align with nursing standards and policies so as to improve patient outcomes concerning anxiety.

Improving Quality of Care and Reducing Costs

This intervention intends to improve the care process, assure patient safety, and cut costs for both the healthcare system and consumers. According to Kim et al. (2021), the synergistic effect of drug treatment and psychosocial therapies (CBT and MBSR) led to the positive development of patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders. As such, the intervention design will combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to address the multifaceted character of anxiety and holistic healing. In addition, the intervention turns patient safety into an integral component by offering in-depth medicine management instructions, side effects, and coping mechanisms. The psychosocial education of patients on the appropriate handling of their anxiety condition reduces the occurrence of adverse events and errors in drug usage.

Early intervention and effective treatment of anxiety help minimize the use of healthcare services and costs as well (Colizzi et al., 2020). Thus, the proposed intervention prevents complications, evades hospital readmissions, and improves treatment compliance, which, in turn, saves costs for both the healthcare system and the patient. Furthermore, appropriate benchmark information on care quality, patient safety, and cost can be derived from hospital quality reports, healthcare utilization databases, and government agencies responsible for public health. These data sources are helpful in seeing the efficiency of the interventions. They also help identify an area that needs improvement in the care process and resource allocation.

Application of Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources

Technology, care coordination, and community resources are all key factors in the resolution of anxiety. Chaudhury et al. (2020) indicate that the application of technologies like telehealth services and mobile applications has the potential to expand access to mental health support and interventions. These technological advancements ensure remote conversations between patients and healthcare providers, timely interventions, and continuous support. Also, cognitive-behavioral therapy modules embedded in smartphone apps have proven to be effective in reducing anxiety and boosting the well-being of individuals (Diano et al., 2023).

Moreover, proper care coordination ensures smooth collaboration between healthcare professionals managing anxiety. By defining communication channels and care pathways, care coordination allows for improving the delivery of connected, patient-oriented care. In addition, Wiedermann et al. (2023) shed light on the importance of interdisciplinary care teams in supplying necessary assistance to individuals with anxiety disorders. Through case conferences and shared decision-making, the care coordination process leads to a comprehensive assessment and tailored treatment planning.

Additionally, community resources enhance the effectiveness of clinical treatments by targeting social determinants of health and strengthening the support systems for anxiety patients. Social support and skill-building often stem from community-based support groups, mental health clinics, and peer-led platforms. Accordingly, Buechner et al. (2023) show that community-oriented programs can help alleviate anxiety symptoms and improve the overall quality of life of individuals.


Buechner, H., Toparlak, S. M., Ostinelli, E. G., Shokraneh, F., Nicholls-Mindlin, J., Cipriani, A., Geddes, J. R., & Syed Sheriff, R. (2023). Community interventions for anxiety and depression in adults and young people: A systematic review. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57(9), 000486742211503.

Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & van Wijngaarden, J. D. H. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: A systematic review of the past decade. Human Resources for Health, 18(2).

Chaudhury, S., Srivastava, K., Dhamija, S., Prakash, J., & Chatterjee, K. (2020). Digital technological interventions in mental health care. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 29(2), 181.

Colizzi, M., Lasalvia, A., & Ruggeri, M. (2020). Prevention and early intervention in youth mental health: Is it time for a multidisciplinary and trans-diagnostic model for care? International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 14(1), 1–14.

Diano, F., Sica, L. S., & Ponticorvo, M. (2023). A systematic review of mobile apps as an adjunct to psychological interventions for emotion dysregulation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1431.

Kim, A. S., Jang, M. H., & Sun, M. J. (2021). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on stress, heart rate variability, affect, and wellbeing among people with schizophrenia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11871.

Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: Barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(158). BMC Nursing.

Labrague, L. J. (2023). Nurses’ adherence to patient safety protocols and their relationship with adverse patient events. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 56(2).

Morales-Rodríguez, F. M., & Pérez-Mármol, J. M. (2019). The role of anxiety, coping strategies, and emotional intelligence on general perceived self-efficacy in university students. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1689).

Munir, S., & Takov, V. (2022, October 17). Generalized anxiety disorder. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Raza, M. A., Imran, M., Rosak-Szyrocka, J., Vasa, L., & Hadi, N. U. (2023). Organizational change and workplace incivility: Mediated by stress, moderated by emotional exhaustion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2008.

Sevy Majers, J., & Warshawsky, N. (2020). Evidence-based decision-making for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader, 18(5).

Sheehan, J., Laver, K., Bhopti, A., Rahja, M., Usherwood, T., Clemson, L., & Lannin, N. A. (2021). Methods and effectiveness of communication between hospital allied health and primary care practitioners: A systematic narrative review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 14(14), 493–511.

Wiedermann, C. J., Barbieri, V., Plagg, B., Marino, P., Piccoliori, G., & Engl, A. (2023). Fortifying the foundations: A comprehensive approach to enhancing mental health support in educational policies amidst crises. Healthcare, 11(10), 1–11.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented (shared) with your patient, family, or group. You are not to share your intervention with your patient, family, or group or move on to Assessment 5 before your faculty reviews/approves the solution you submit in Assessment 4. In a separate written deliverable, write a 5–7 page analysis of your intervention.

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Please submit both your solution/intervention and the 5–7 page analysis to complete Assessment 4

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