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Parenting Across Cultures

Parenting Across Cultures

Raising Children

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After watching this film, my opinions on nurturing a child have shifted slightly because I previously believed that a child should be brought up with a balance of being co-dependent and independent. Being an overprotective parent is not good and can negatively impact the child and adults or parents. This is because it is the nature of human beings to be inquisitive and desire to get solutions to disturbing questions. Therefore, the way we treat and connect with our kids will encourage them to be open to us as parents; this openness gives them the freedom to question and choose the path they wish to take. In my encounters as a kid and young adult, I grew up feeling disregarded by my parents since they never bothered to give answers to my red-button inquiries.

Unfortunately, I was unaware they had been nurtured in a different, challenging environment than I ever knew. My parents desired to better my life and provide me with things their parents could not give them. It was not until I grew up and now that I came to understand what my parents meant. From then, I decided that in the future, when I have kids, I will be honest with them, teach them more about the more challenging life questions, and never choose the path they wish to walk but give them the freedom to decide on their own. Growing up, I was not too fond of following instructions because nobody was ready or willing to explain why I needed to do what I was instructed to or the repercussions of doing whatever I was to do. How could I possibly have known that my parents were very knowledgeable about teenage challenges or growing up in a complex environment, yet they never shared it with me? Therefore, I realized that children were empathetic and understood more than we would imagine, and it is always their wish to do the right things. However, they first want to understand on their own what is genuinely significant to them before doing what is right. Clearly, we all are created different persons, and that which can work for one individual might never work for another. This is one vital lesson we all need to remember whenever we see people who look different or live uniquely. Such differences have a means of uniting and linking us all together. For parenting, it is essential not to be overprotective but to learn to give children the freedom of choice so that they can experience the repercussions of their choices (Frosch et al., 2021).

Culture & Play

After viewing the film, I realized that U.S parents only interact and play with their children when they are executing their house chores because, most times, they are occupied with their jobs and find little to no time to have fun and interact with their children. For instance, kids such as Bayer would interact and play with their parents, but it would only be when his parents took care of the home or farm. Surprisingly, we see Bayer finding ways of keeping himself busy or occupied, like his mother, while tending to animals or hanging clothes. The culture and environment that these families live in impact how they interact or engage in play with their children. Ideally, the American culture is too restrained and complex, so parents are more occupied with their jobs to meet the family’s needs and have no time for their children (Justice et al., 2019).

One of the similarities I noted in the film demonstrating the interconnectedness in human behavior was the moments when every parent created time to soothe their babies and put them to sleep or rest. It was clear that the skin-to-skin contact parents had with their kids while they soothe them for sleep was similar in all parents and even in me as a parent. Every family comes from different cultural backgrounds with different ways of living and lifestyles. However, the universal subject for every child’s story is that lifestyle, culture, and background can be different from others. However, human undertakings and how we build our interactions with community and family remain the same. Wardle & Fitzpatrick (2016) affirm that regardless of the cultures and environments in which we nurture the kids, the universal aspect remains that human activities and how we build our relationships with the community and family never change. For instance, Hattie and Ponijao’s environments and lifestyles were completely different. However, both had parental bonding, which exhibited kindness, love, times of self-lessons, and struggles. The parent-child relationships also demonstrated vital teachings on sharing personal wants and desires, which remained the same throughout the video (Balmes, 2010).

Central Themes

This film has imparted vital lessons and insights to me as a future parent; the video helped me foresee the kind of life and nurturing I will give my children when I get one. Most importantly, I have learned that children are different in their own way, and they will have their own unique nurturing experiences. The primary theme I walked away with after watching the film is that even if the babies presented in the movie grew up in diverse environments, they all end up knowing the meaning of love from their community and their parents.

The film might affect my professional diversity statement in diverse ways. First, the film Babies (2010) demonstrated how families from different environments and areas loved their kids and ensured they interacted and were involved with their kids throughout their daily activities (Balmes, 2010). It was evident that regardless of where the children grew up, whether in a modern community, an affluent home, or adverse poverty, there was no impact on love or how love was shown to children by their parents. I learned that children tend to remember their parents’ struggles and fail to recognize the love their parents have for them.


Balmès, T. (Director). (2010). Babies [Film]. Swank Motion Pictures. , Babies  Links to an external site..

Frosch, C. A., Schoppe-Sullivan, S. J., & O’Banion, D. D. (2021). Parenting and child development: A relational health perspective. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine15(1), 45–59.

Justice, L. M., Jiang, H., Purtell, K. M., Schmeer, K., Boone, K., Bates, R., & Salsberry, P. J. (2019). Conditions of poverty, parent-child interactions, and toddlers’ early language skills in low-income families. Maternal and Child Health Journal23(7), 971-978.

Wardle, F., & Fitzpatrick, T. (2016). Children & Families: Understanding behavior & dynamics. Bridgepoint Education.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Parenting Across Cultures
[WLO: 1] [CLO: 3]
Professionals working with children and families typically receive cultural competency training; however, such training rarely includes the influence of culture on family dynamics and child-rearing practices (Johnson, Radesky, & Zuckerman, 2013). As a professional working with diverse families, it is important to consider the influence of culture on parenting. To complete this assignment, please set aside 80 minutes to watch the required documentary film in addition to writing the assignment.

Parenting Across Cultures

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Read Chapter 6 of the course text.
Be sure to have taken the Babies Pretest quiz this week.
Watch the 80-minute documentary BabiesLinks to an external site..
Use the Parenting Across Cultures Assignment Template. Download the Parenting Across Cultures Assignment Template.

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Write: In this assignment, evaluate the film, addressing each of the following:

Raising Children: Ponijao chewed on a dirt-covered bone. Bayar climbed naked on a rusty barrel in a field of roaming cows. A person living in a first-world might ask, where were their parents? Where is this child’s safety net and protection? But consider this: there are negative implications to overprotection. There are a multitude of different perspectives about raising children. After watching this, have your thoughts on how to raise children changed at all? How and why?
Culture & Play: Did you notice the difference in how U.S. parents play and interact with their children? What conclusions can you draw about the influences of culture and parental support on children’s play? Which scenes in this film most clearly indicate to you the interconnectedness (the similarity) in all human behavior? While each story is unique, what are some universal themes that run through each child’s story?
Central Themes: In what way did this movie most impact you? What is the central theme you walked away with after viewing this film? How might this film affect your own professional diversity statement?
The Parenting Across Cultures paper,

It must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site, as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. Resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper in bold font
Space should be between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
Student’s name
Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Due date
Must display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice links to an external site. Resource for additional guidance.
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

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