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Organizational Factors Preventing Promotion

Organizational Factors Preventing Promotion

Career advancement is the goal of every new employee when they enter an organization. For that reason, most organizations explain their career advancement opportunities at the point of hiring new staff. Consequently, new employees consider the opportunities for career advancement against organizational cultures before deciding to take up new jobs. Notably, several organizational barriers inhibit employees from getting job promotions.

One of the perspectives of organizational culture that may inhibit some employees from getting a promotion is if it is based on performance. In that case, employees in consistently underperforming teams are bound to stagnate (Munjuri, 2011). For instance, if a company like Apple bases its promotional strategy of sales teams on performance, employees in the American market will not be promoted. Apple’s sales performance throughout America has been consistently shrinking.

Moreover, some demographic factors expressed in the form of unwritten rules may inhibit some employees’ career advancement. For instance, the corporate culture requiring top executives to comprise people above a particular age is a common inhibitor for young but ambitious employees (Munjuri, 2011). Such a culture denies young but potential employees from occupying top positions. It does not matter whether such employees can perform such jobs or not.

Also, managers’ negative analysis and perception of employees may inhibit an employee’s career advancement. To that end, employees who lack ideal work attitudes will not get promoted. For instance, employees who prove that they lack self-awareness and emotional intelligence are unlikely to be promoted in diverse teams. Such employees are perceived to lack the necessary skills to manage conflict.

The Pipeline Theory

According to Mariani (2008), the pipeline theory favors the enhancement of women’s numbers in traditionally male-dominated positions. Male employees working in organizations implementing this theory are completely locked out of promotional opportunities. The pipeline theory is common in public institutions where promotions are political-based. Politicians may decide only to promote female employees if that is the basis of their campaign strategies. Similarly, sometime back, I was barred from a political campaign team for a blogging position. Apparently, the position was allocated to a specific gender.


Mariani, M. D. (2008). A Gendered Pipeline? The Advancement of State Legislators to Congress in the Five States. Politics & Gender, 4(02).

Munjuri, M. G. (2011). Factors affecting career advancement. DBA Africa Management Review1(1), 93-117.


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Describe organizational barriers that put people at a disadvantage for promotion, including corporate culture and the pipeline theory.

Organizational Factors Preventing Promotion

Organizational Factors Preventing Promotion

Use anecdotes from your experiences with these types of barriers

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