Organizational Communications
Facets of organizational communication include organization, people, culture, and platforms. First, good communication is driven mainly by the organization. The organization’s communication is influenced by whether it is an NGO, a government entity, a private firm, or a PLC. Government agencies are infamous for their bureaucracy, hierarchy, and procedure, which define vertical communication routes. An organization’s structure, history, geography, size, and rules influence communication (Downs et al., 2020). Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Second, people inside an organization influence communication at all levels. They set policies and processes in place and operate within these frameworks. Cultures, personality types, etiquette, communication styles, access to education, professional expectations, and many other elements necessitate people’s ongoing adaptability while speaking with one another.
Third, an organization’s accomplishments largely reflect its culture. Many factors impact this, including the organization, the national culture, the industry in which it works, and its objective or goal. An organization’s culture determines whether it allows employees to convey criticism to superiors and fosters whistleblowing. Lastly, the old concept of colleagues meeting face to face in the same building, speaking the same language, and speaking the same language is no longer valid. Today’s communication mediums are diverse. People collaborate via email, phone conversations, and virtual meetings.
Communication Flow in Organizations
Communication flows in five primary directions inside an organization: downward, upward, lateral, diagonal, and external. In a downward flow, communication moves from a higher to a lower level: from managers to employees in a command structure (Eke, 2020). Managers use the downward flow to disseminate work-related information to lower-level personnel. Second, upward communication is the movement of information to a higher level. It provides data on how well the firm is operating. Employees use upward communication to communicate with their executives about their issues and performances.
Third, lateral communication happens inside an organization at the same echelons, incorporating communication among coworkers, superiors at the same echelons, or other horizontally comparable members. Fourth, diagonal touch occurs between management and employees from various workgroups and mainly does not exist on an organizational chart. Finally, external communication flows between management and external parties like suppliers, vendors, and banks. For example, the Executive Director would engage with the Bank Manager to receive finances.
Downs, C. W., DeWine, S., & Greenbaum, H. H. (2020). Measures of organizational communication. In Communication research measures (pp. 57-78). Routledge.
Eke, G. J. (2020). Effective Communication Processes: A Peanacea for Organizations’ Success. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 22(8), 42-54.
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Organizational Communications
Define the facets of organizational communication and explain the communication flow in organizations.