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Organizational Change and The Kotter Model

Organizational Change and The Kotter Model

What have you learned about Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model during this team collaboration?

Kotter’s 8-step Change Model is more effective when all the members of the change team appreciate the importance of each step. Omitting or overlooking one of the steps, such as the creation of a sense of urgency, can interrupt the entire process of change and lead to failure (Kotter, 2009). It should not be assumed that everyone is aware of the change simply because they are part of the organization.

What is the process for creating a sense of urgency around change?

The creation of a sense of urgency revolves around ensuring that all members of an organization understand the need for immediate action. This means that the entity’s employees are briefed on the current issues, and a justification is provided to explain why change is the only viable option (Kotter, 2009). This step ensures that all involved are on the same page as regards the importance of the proposed change.

How does collaboration promote self-analysis and help you prevent or correct mistakes?

Through collaboration, it is possible to consider other people’s opinions and identify one’s misgivings. Listening to a colleague’s opinion provides a perspective that is different yet illuminating.

How does collaboration promote problem-solving and help team members improve their skills?

Collaboration facilitates problem-solving and leads to skill improvement. As members of a team brainstorm on the current challenges, each gains new knowledge on what should be done from the other. It provides a platform for sharing information, which is beneficial to the change process.

What are the connections between new behaviours and organizational change? How do you replace old habits?

Organizational change heavily relies on new behaviours. An individual’s ability to learn new behaviours determines their ability to remain positive and relevant to the change. The entity’s process of instituting change is dependent on the new behaviours that each relevant stakeholder can master. To replace these old habits, training and consistent motivation/incentives to utilize them are critical.


Kotter, J. P. (2009). Four Ways to Increase the Urgency Needed for Change. Harvard Business Review.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Organizational Change and The Kotter Model

The following exercise allows you to practice workplace collaborative skills and Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model.

Read the Shell Case Study.

Complete the interactive analysis, Strategies for Creating Positive Organizational Change. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What have you learned about Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model during this team collaboration?
What is the process for creating a sense of urgency around change?
How does collaboration promote self-analysis and help you prevent or correct mistakes?
How does collaboration promote problem-solving and help team members improve their skills?
What are the connections between new behaviours and organizational change? How do you replace old habits?

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