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Organizational Change

Organizational Change

Causes of Change Resistance

Employees resist planned and unplanned organizational changes because they alter the social structure of a company. The decision to move from a mechanistic model to a somewhat more organic and flatter model will affect the company’s operations in multiple ways. The change will affect the organization’s jobs, underlying technologies, and social systems (Champoux, 2020). Some employees will resist the change because it will alter the company’s social networks. Some forms of resistance include deliberate sabotage, extreme conflict levels, and lack of cooperation in implementing a change effort.

One of the reasons for resistance is the fear of losing social status. If individuals or team members feel that a change will threaten their position, they will likely resist it. Additionally, this applies to people who value their quality. Besides, misunderstandings about the intended goal of a change may cause resistance. Resistance happens if the change agent fails to effectively communicate the reason for the transition to the target members (Grama & Todericiu, 2016). Also, resistance occurs if there are longstanding trust issues between a change agent and the target. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.

Managing Resistance to Change

According to Champoux (2020), managers can use a reward program to head off the resistance. The program should recognize outstanding performers and reward them for their efforts. Such a program should be accompanied by dramatic organizational ceremonies that recognize the strength of employees. Ceremoniously burying old operations reduces resistance to change.

Personal Experience

I have experienced the impacts of organizational change at a personal level. I was working in a local restaurant that faced financial hurdles. The restaurant decided to cut labour costs by reducing employees’ salaries. Consequently, there was stiff resistance initially, with some staff threatening to leave. However, after considerable negotiations with managers, we abandoned the negative sentiment. There was a general agreement that once things returned to normal, employees would earn as they initially did.


Champoux, J. E. (2020). Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations. Routledge.

Damawan, A. H., & Azizah, S. (2020). Resistance to Change: Causes and Strategies as an Organizational Challenge. Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2019).

Grama, B., & Todericiu, R. (2016). Change, Resistance to Change and Organizational Cynicism. Studies in Business and Economics, 11(3), 47–54.


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Organizational Change

Organizational Change

Unit 7 Discussion: Organizational ChangeUnit 7 Discussion: Organizational Change
In response to various expected environmental changes in your industry, your business has decided to change its organizational structure to be more consistent with a new strategy for increased competitiveness. They plan to move from a mechanical organization model to a flatter, more organic system emphasizing self-managing work teams. These are significant internal changes, not to mention the external modifications that are bound to occur. Using what we have learned from our readings:
What resistance to the changes do you expect and why?
How would you advise critical decision-makers on the best ways to affect the planned changes successfully?
Share any personal experiences and cite all resources.

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