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Oracle Customer Relationship Management

Oracle Customer Relationship Management

Overall Summary Thoughts on Oracle Customer Relationship Management and Recommendations

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a software developed by the Oracle Corporation (Oracle, 2022a). The software enables organizations to manage their relationships with customers. The sales department mainly uses CRM in an organization for marketing and service. The sales team, as well as the customer service team, can serve customers better by collecting customer data and analyzing it through CRM. For example, a customer service representative could greet a customer by name based on the information pulled from the CRM. At the same time, a sales representative can market the organization’s products effectively to a customer based on past purchases. This may make customers feel more valued and consequently retain customers while increasing sales (Oracle, 2022a).

Further, Oracle CRM can be used on desktop and tablet browsers (Oracle, 2022b). The recommended browsers include Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome for desktops. Tablet browsers include Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. All browsers should be updated to their most recent version. Oracle CRM could also be installed on desktops with Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, either 32-bit or 64-bit (Oracle, 2022b). An equivalent operating system for Linux and MAC can host the Oracle CRM, too. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us.

Linux OS features

The Linus operating system supports x86, x86-64, PowerPC, and ARM (Thangavel et al., 2019). It is made for x86 hardware for Intel and has over 12 ports for CPU types, including ARM. Accordingly, this makes Linux’s computer architecture and hardware highly compatible with most platforms. Linux allows users to run multiple programs and distribute them according to user preference (Thangavel et al., 2019). On desktop platforms, users have more liberty in the distribution of programs. This is because Linux is open-source, hence the flexibility in customization. Software developers especially find Linux user-friendly because they can customize the operating system to accommodate their needs. For example, when installing the Oracle CRM, a user with developer skills can further customize the Operating System to include additional features.

Memory and CPU usage can be monitored in Linux using the top command (Thangavel et al., 2019). The command lists all running processes. A user or Linux administrator can view more details on how resources are distributed using various commands. For example, the Isof command lists all open files and programs. Such commands would indicate all running programs, and if the CRM software is running, it could show the resources assigned. The user can stop other processes with Linux if the required program is not given adequate resources. This would allow the preferred program to run efficiently.

Linux has various file support systems (Thangavel et al., 2019). These include FAT, exFAT, UDF, ISO 9660, HFS, HFS+, NTFS, etx2, ext3, and ext4. Therefore, Linux allows the management of various files regardless of their file type or extension. Currently, only a few devices are compatible with Linux compared to Windows (Thangavel et al., 2019). However, the Linux device management module is fully developed. It can also be further customized. Hardware device compatibility issues could result from manufacturers not fully incorporating Linux requirements on all devices currently on the market. These include input and output devices. As manufacturers produce more Linux-compatible hardware devices, the Linux operating system will serve more users in diverse ways.

Windows OS features

The Windows operating system’s computer architecture supports x86 and x86-64 (Thangavel et al., 2019). ARM is supported through Windows NT, while PowerPC is not (Thangavel et al., 2019). This is false in Linux and MAC operating systems because PowerPC and ARM are supported. Windows concurrent processing capability for programs has developed over the years (Thangavel et al., 2019). The Windows 10 operating system currently has the highest contemporary processing capabilities compared to all other Windows versions. A user can see all running processes and programs through the task manager feature on Windows. It is also possible for a user to end some tasks and allow others to run on the available resources. For a program on Windows to use hardware resources, it sends a request to the operating system for resource allocation (Thangavel et al., 2019).

Hardware resources are allocated depending on the prioritization specified by the processor. When the resources are no longer in use, they are given to the following process that requires them. The Windows OS has various file support systems (Thangavel et al., 2019), including FAT, exFAT, UDF, ISO 9660, and NTFS. On the other hand, HFS, HFS+, etx2, ext3, and ext4 file support systems are provided through third-party drivers. Through Windows Explorer, a user can perform file management (Thangavel et al., 2019). Authentication features for Windows have been improved and implemented in Windows 10. These features include face unlock and figure print (Thangavel et al., 2019). A device guard was also included in Windows 10 to protect intellectual property.

The various features introduced in Windows 10 have made the operating system more versatile. Users can manage the hardware components attached to the computer (Thangavel et al., 2019), including all input and output devices. A list of all hardware devices can be viewed while determining which devices to add or remove. Users can update or remove device drivers via the device management feature. In addition, a notification can be sent stating all applications and system features likely to affect the functioning of the attached hardware (Thangavel et al., 2019).

MAC OS features

The MAC operating system supports x86, x86-64, PowerPC, and ARM, unlike Windows (Thangavel et al., 2019). The Darwin core supports power management, preemptive multitasking, and memory management on MAC OS. I/O services are also provided by the same body (Thangavel et al., 2019). The architecture supports files written in previous versions in recent MAC OS versions. Essentially, this means that the file management module in MAC OS is robust (Thangavel et al., 2019). The MAC OS supports concurrent processing. Accordingly, users can play music and watch movies at the same time. Also, several programs can run on MAC OS concurrently without crashing (Thangavel et al., 2019).

For programs to run concurrently on an OS, the OS must have a high processing capability. Therefore, the MAC OS is considered to have a high processing capability. The Oracle CRM requires installation in an operating system with a high processing capability because several users can use the CRM software simultaneously. The activity monitor feature on MAC OS is used to manage all running resources (Thangavel et al., 2019). This feature lets users see all running programs and the resources allocated to each. The user can stop programs of low priority and all high-priority programs from running and using all resources necessary. Therefore, this feature is similar to the task manager on Windows OS (Thangavel et al., 2019).

Furthermore, the MAC OS has various file support systems (Thangavel et al., 2019). These include FAT, exFAT, UDF, ISO 9660, HFS, and HFS+. In addition,  etx2, ext3, and ext4 file support systems are provided through third-party applications. NTFS is only supported for the read function. In MAC OS, folders are managed through the finder feature (Thangavel et al., 2019). Therefore, both MAC OS and Windows OS have a file management feature. The MDM feature in MAC OS is used to protect MAC devices as a tool for device management (Thangavel et al., 2019). User activities on MAC devices are secured through strong user authentication and anti-theft features on all MAC devices. A secure OS would be ideal for hosting the Oracle CRM because it contains customers’ personal information (Oracle, 2022a).

Android OS features

Android supports concurrent processing (Ekanayake, 2018). This implies that more than one application can run simultaneously on Android. Users could use one application on the user interface while the others continue running in the background. The application that a user is using is referred to as a visible process (Ekanayake, 2018). Unlike Windows and MAC operating systems, Android automatically stops the cycle. A user does not have to intervene. Accordingly, Android automatically handles process management (Ekanayake, 2018). The least used process would be terminated until all operations are closed. Android creates threads for each parallel process (Ekanayake, 2018).

The main thread is referred to as UI. Related threads launched after the main line are categorized under a single UI. Only unrelated threads can have a separate UI. Memory management on Android is handled in the RAM (Ekanayake, 2018). Therefore, all the memory an application uses is held in the RAM. The ART does memory management. At the same time, virtual memory management is done by the Dalvik virtual machine through mapping (Ekanayake, 2018). Therefore, Android shares RAM for all running applications. When an application running in the background is automatically terminated because it is no longer in use, the memory it was holding is released. The released memory remains in the RAM area for reallocation (Ekanayake, 2018).

Android OS depends on Linux for regular scheduling (Ekanayake, 2018). Therefore, Android’s scheduling mechanisms are derived from Linux. This includes static and dynamic priorities. Processes on Android are assigned as very low and high priority (Ekanayake, 2018). Subsequently, the methods labeled high importance are allocated the required CPU time. As the high-priority processes move to completion, low priority processes increase in priority level (Ekanayake, 2018). This allows the methods labeled very low to move towards high priority and receive the required CPU time. The Android OS can kill cached processes to enable the allocation of resources to other active methods (Ekanayake, 2018). However, cached processes can run simultaneously, allowing the OS to manage memory efficiently.

Summary Table

Operating System Supported File System Architecture Browsers File Management Processes Management
Linux UDF, FAT, exFAT, NTFS, HFS, HFS+ X86, x86-64, PowerPC, ARM. Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. N/A Top command, Isof command
Windows UDF, FAT, exFAT, and NTFS.

etx2, ext3, ext4, HFS, and HFS+ (supported by third-party drivers).

X86, x86-64, PowerPC not supported, ARM supported on Windows NT. Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Device manager Task manager
MAC UDF, FAT, exFAT, HFS, and HFS+. etx2, ext3, and ext4 (supported through third-party applications). NTFS (supported as read-only). X86, x86-64, PowerPC, ARM. Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Mobile Device Management Activity Monitor
Android N/A N/A Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome Automatic Automatic


Based on the Oracle CRM system requirements documented, the best operating system to use would be Linux (Oracle, 2022). This is because Linux has most conditions, including supported file systems, architecture, browsers, file management, and process management. Windows and MAC operating systems require additional third-party services to keep the needed file systems (Thangavel et al., 2019). ed, MAC, and Linux operating systems have the required requirements for the computer architecture. However, the Windows operating system does not support PowerPC. Also, operating system security for Windows is considered to be lower than that of Linux and MAC operating systems (Thangavel et al., 2019).

The Android operating system has good features but lacks the required computer architecture and supported file system (Ekanayake, 2018). It scores high in file management and process management. The MAC operating system also has most of the required features. However, the Linux operating system has more necessary elements than the other three. Linux is the best, but it would do with some added features. For example, most hardware devices do not support Linux (Thangavel et al., 2019). This is a manufacturer issue, and with time, more Linux-supported hardware will be manufactured to meet the market requirements.


In conclusion, the Oracle CRM software manages customer and organization relationships. It collects and analyzes customer data, enabling the sales team to offer specialized services to each customer. If used well, the Oracle CRM could increase an organization’s sales. There are system requirements for the Oracle CRM. Most operating systems, including Linux, Windows, MAC OS, and Android, meet the basic system requirements for installing the Oracle CRM. According to research, the Oracle CRM has been installed and used in many other operating systems. However, the Linux operating system meets most of the system requirements. For this study, the need was to evaluate the best operating system. The requirements include optimal processes management, file management, resources management, file system support, browser, hardware support, and computer architecture.

The Linux operating system still requires some more features. This includes having more diverse support for hardware devices. The problem with this compatibility is that just a few hardware devices in the market are compatible with Linux. This results from a low number of users of the Linux operating system. However, as Linux gains popularity, manufacturers will be confident in producing more hardware devices that Linux supports. Windows and Android operating systems are in the lead for user popularity.


Ekanayake, N. K. (2018). Android Operating System [Doctoral dissertation].

Oracle. (2022a). CRM 101: What is CRM? Oracle | Integrated Cloud Applications and Platform Services.

Oracle. (2022b). Oracle CRM on-demand resources and documentation. Oracle | Cloud Applications and Cloud Platform.

Thangavel, R., Maiti, A., Pinto, K., & Priya, T. (2019). Comparative Research on Recent Trends, Designs, and Functionalities of Various Operating Systems. International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research8(10), 437-445.


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Oracle Customer Relationship Management

Oracle Customer Relationship Management

The paper will discuss which operating systems the Salesforce CRM platform can work on. This will be roughly four pages. Also, inside the form, you will decide which operating system is the best option for this platform.

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