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Objectives of the Department of Homeland Security

Objectives of the Department of Homeland Security

Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States objective in Homeland Security

The most crucial objective of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is to prevent terrorist attacks from happening on US soil. The DHS prevents individuals under the country’s terrorist watch list from coming to the US to achieve this. The DHS uses various tools to detect and prevent suspected hardliners from committing attacks from within the country. For instance, the department has enforced strict vetting capabilities to prevent potential terrorists from entering through official ports of entry or exploiting immigration programs. Also, the department collaborates with foreign governments to discover the real identities of those seeking to enter the US.  The DHS has prevented potential terrorist attacks of the 9/11 magnitude from recurring By investing in vetting capabilities (Department of Homeland Security, 2019).

Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism objective setbacks in Homeland Security

One of the most challenging objectives to achieve among the three DHS post-9/11 objectives is reducing America’s vulnerability to terrorist attacks. That is so because the desire to attack the US is mainly driven by an anti-Western sentiment dating back decades. There is a general feeling among moderate and hard-line Muslim countries that the US and its Western allies threaten Islamic values. Also, poverty has partially contributed to the menace. Since parents cannot enrol students in proper schools, they end up in madrassa, which entrenches the jihad concept against the West.

DHS’s primary role in preventing terrorism

Among the three objectives, DHS’s primary role is to prevent terrorism from occurring on US soil. The objective is incorporated in the department’s mission statement. Although the country is stronger and more resilient due to strengthening the department’s capabilities, terror threats still exist and keep evolving. The department has achieved this by maintaining partnerships with domestic, international, and private sectors to bar potential terrorists from entering the US (Department of Homeland Security, 2018).


Department of Homeland Security. (2018, February). Preventing Terrorism Results. Department of Homeland Security.



We’ll write everything from scratch


Although homeland security strategy (HLS) was subsumed into the 2010 national security strategy, the following original 2002 objectives remain essentially unchanged:

Objectives of the Department of Homeland Security

Objectives of the Department of Homeland Security

Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States
Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism
Minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur
In 150–250 words, answer each of the following questions:

Of these 3 objectives, which do you think is most important, and why?
Of these 3 objectives, which do you think is most difficult to achieve, and why?
Of these 3 objectives, which one falls mostly within the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?
Responses to Other Students: Review at least two other posts. Do you agree or disagree with your peers’ responses?

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