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Nutritional Intake

Nutritional Intake

  Food log: Nutritional Intake Tracking  
` Record meal content here Record servings and of which food group
21st October, 2021 Breakfast 1 pancake made with buttermilk, 1cup coffee( One tablespoon sugar) dairy: ¼ Cup

sugar: 1 tablespoon

fat: 21 grams

grains: 1 ounce wheat serving

21st October 2021 Lunch Two slices of pizza made with chicken and cheese dairy:1 Cup

grains:2 ounce of wheat

proteins:2 ounce

21st October 2021 Dinner One baked sweet potato, 1 cup plain yogurt, one apple proteins:1 ounce

fruits:1/2 Cup

grains:1 ounce

dairy: 1 cup

22nd October 2021 Breakfast One slice of whole bread, two tablespoons of peanut butter, one glass of milk grain:1 ounce

proteins:2 ounces

dairy: 1 cup

22nd October 2021 Lunch ½ Cup tomato soup, one slice of grilled cheese vegetable: ½ Cup

dairy:1/2 Cup

22nd October 2021 Dinner Macaroni and cheese dairy: 1 cup

grains:3 ounces

23rd October 2021 Breakfast One egg, two slices of whole wheat toast, one glass of orange juice proteins:1 ounce

grains:2 ounces

fruits:1 Cup

23rd October 2021 Lunch ½ Cup brown rice, two slices cheese, two pieces chicken, one banana proteins: 2 ounces

grains:1 ounce

dairy:1 Cup

fruits:1/2 Cup

23rd October 2021 Dinner One slice of meatloaf, four mashed sweet potatoes proteins:1 ounce

grain:3 ounce


Nutritional Intake Analysis and Self-Evaluation
  Dairy Servings Protein Servings Fruit Servings Vegetable Servings Grain






Day 1 2 ¼ cups 3 ounces ½ Cup 0 cup 4 ounces minimal minimal
Day 2 2 ½ cups 2 ounces 0 cup ½ Cup 4 ounces Minimal moderate
Day 3 1 cup 4 ounces 1 ½ cups 0 cup 6 ounces Minimal moderate
Daily USDA Dietary Guidelines for an Adult* 3 cups 5.5 ounces 2 cups 2.5 cups 6 ounces minimal minimal

Self-evaluation Questions:

  1. In which areas of your nutritional intake did you do well?

Grain servings and sugar servings

  1. Which areas of your nutritional intake need adjustment?

Vegetable servings, fruit servings, dairy servings, and protein servings.

  1. What specific eating/drinking changes could you make to balance your nutritional intake better?

Ensure a balanced diet when preparing my meals and avoid frequent takeouts.

  1. What surprised you after comparing your nutritional intake to the USDA guidelines?

My diet level is too low, and I have to work on it to avoid becoming malnourished.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Nutritional Intake

Nutritional Intake

People lead busy lives. Many individuals quickly lose track of just how much food and drink they have consumed throughout the day. This assignment will allow you to track and reflect on your nutritional intake. The results may surprise you!

For this assignment, use the Nutritional Intake Worksheet (below) to:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines for an adult.
  2. Track all of the food and beverages you consume for three days.
  3. Analyze your nutritional intake compared to the USDA Dietary Guidelines.
  4. Answer a series of self-evaluation questions.
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