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How to write a nursing process essay

 Nursing process essay

Writing a nursing process essay is a huge requirement for people who are in the profession or studying nursing. Due to the activity holding such high regards in the said profession, it also entails hectic work during performance. The heavy and tiresome work is also time-consuming. As a result of the above demerits, this article will give you clarity and offer assistance into understanding what is required when writing a nursing process essay.

Definition of nursing process essay

Nursing process essay is a written account of the series of events during administration of health care. The writing begins from the interview where the medical profession questions the patients. All the records including the diagnosis and treatment are also added in account. The process of healing is also an important section of writing the nursing process essay. Nurses use this form of writing as a means of planning and viewing discrepancies that may occur during provision of health care.

What is the value of nursing process essay

If the writing of nursing process essay is of huge importance, then it is important for you to understand the main reason why you are writing the said essay paper. The importance of nursing process essay can be sub-divided in to two sections. One is the benefit it offers to students who write it as a form of study. The nursing process essay is important to students pursuing nursing as it educates on the day to day activities of top-notch professionals.

On importance to professionals in the nursing section, you should ask yourself what is the importance of the nursing process in relation to the profession. Below are a couple of merits of writing a nursing process essay.

  1. The nursing process essay gives a clear image of what the patient is suffering from and what the medics should anticipates as it entails every detail of the patient in the assessment
  2. The nursing process essay assists nurses to be able to prepare of healthcare administration
  3. The nursing process essay provides cover for nurses in a legal manner as following the detailed procedure and every action that was done to the patient is documented
  4. Assists in the creation of procedures and anticipations for other nurses who will be tackling a patient facing similar health concerns
  5. Enables nurses are organized and thus reduces the chances of errors during provision of health care

Essay on nursing process

When writing a nursing process essay you need to follow an outline. The first part of the essay is always the introduction. This part is important as it familiarizes the audience with the content they should expect from the paper.

Critical thinking is a crucial part of the nursing process introduction. This part is important to the nurse because it entails studying the patient. The nurse has to recognize what the patient requires in a manner that does not put the patient’s life at risk.

The second part is the nursing process. This process is sequential and every step crucial. All the steps are bounded by a common goal. The aim is to provide high-quality health care to the patient in need. This process helps in solving the patient’s problem. It also helps the nurses protect the patient from any future ailments.

The nursing process is different for different patients and it could take years, days or months to be effective. A lot of factors like the disease type or patient immune contribute to the nursing process timeline.  The nursing process entails five steps that are chronological and are patient centered to offer solution through health care administration. Below are the steps involved.

1.      Nursing assessment process essay

This is the first step as it entails collection of data from the patient. Methods of collection of data may differ depending on the type of data being acquired. Information can be acquired from primary, secondary or tertiary sources. Primary sources involve conducting interviews on the patients. Secondary sources of information are people close to the patient. These could be family or friends who know the patient well.

Tertiary sources involve doing research on textbooks, articles or medical journals. Another form of data collection is observation. Nurses need to have observation skills as most patients do not have a full comprehension of the exterior bodies and it contains lots of clues.

After data collection, the next step nurses follow is the validation of the information collected. This is an important step as you do not want to provide healthcare on something wrong. On the nursing field having all the facts right and double checking helps a long way in saving lives.

2.      Diagnosis

After the data has been documented, the nurse must create a diagnosis. Diagnosis formation is more of combining medical knowledge with what data you have collected in order to arrive at what the patient is suffering from. An organization known as NANDA provides nurses with diagnoses from previous cases to offer assistance in tackling current needs. Validation done before ensures the nurse gets accurate data for comparison with diagnosis offered from NANDA.

3.      Planning

This is the phase that entails preparing to administer healthcare. The nurse should answer the questions that are poised by the patient. This is to ensure that the nurse has the patient on board in what treatment plan the nurse has. The planning should be centered on the patient well-being and not to the comfort of the nurse. Planning should be in consideration to the diagnosis, you should prepare even for surprise outcomes that are documented.

4.      Implementation

This section entails doing everything that you had planned. You should have the patient on board your plan in order for the procedure of administration of health care to work. Below are a set of skills that you will use in this phase.

  1. Cognitive skills

This is the skill that is involved with comprehension and use of nursing procedures.

  1. Interpretational skill

This skill entails relationship between the nurse and fellow workmates and the patient in order to have positive outcomes when providing health care.

  1. Technical skills

This is the skill that enables you perform particular procedures like injections. You need to have this skill as some procedures are complicated.

4.      Evaluation

Evaluation is the phase of documenting the results of the healthcare procedures that you provided to the patient. The condition of the patient is of importance. Data in this section assists in the validating of procedures and documenting scenarios that are with the use of certain procedures.

Using the above data, you will be able to write a five page nursing essay. Each page will have a different phase ranging from assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.

Characteristic of nursing process essay

  1. Patient-centered

The process should be favorable to the patient to ensure maximum commitment. The nurse should consider every single detail laid down by the patient as moving forward without the patient being on-board will end up with an unsuccessful trial to provide healthcare.

  1. Interpersonal

This is the skill that ensures that transfer of data is efficient. Good communication skill will enable a nurse to acquire information from the victim. It will also be beneficial when conversing with other nurses in conjunction to provide a solution to the patient.

  1. Planned

Having a well-planned nursing process ensures that procedures and acquiring of data is error-free. Step by step provision of healthcare is efficient when systematic plan is followed.

  1. Goal directed

The nursing process essay should have an intention to solve the patient’s illness. This being the case, the essay should be goal oriented to solve the issue.

Nursing process essay examples

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To wind up

Nurses implement the nursing process every day when dealing with patients. As a nursing student writing a nursing process essay is unavoidable. This paper will be assigned to you at one point. You could be asked to come up with a nursing essay on nursing process slide share or a nursing assessment process essay. There are plenty of topics involved with the nursing process.

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