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Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

Ethical-legal issues in nursing are a critical element in care delivery because they not only indicate a level of ethical behavior but also how decision-making can directly have an effect on the health of a patient and their quality of life. As a nurse leader, the creation of sensitive cultures that promote courage for the care providers is the primary objective that must be observed (Esmaelzadeh et al., 2017). The nature of the ethical dilemmas experienced in healthcare provides the need for competent, visible, credible, and expert leaders (Rushton, Caldwell & Kurtz, 2016). Furthermore, as a nurse leader, there is also a need to take action in morally distressing circumstances as verbally working to minimize moral challenges faced by the nurses in morally conflicted situations.

Besides, as a nurse leader, I will also advocate for the increase in nursing research because it will facilitate our understanding of the organizational factors and practical environmental issues. Additionally, nursing studies that are carried out well have an impact on the ability of nurses on care provision and how they can offer services in a courageous manner (Numminen et al., 2017). I will also be at the forefront of acting when the rights of a nurse or a patient are violated by decisions that are made by other individuals in healthcare.

Moral distress experienced in healthcare has a negative impact on care delivery. Therefore, they must be addressed to facilitate quality service provision. The strategies that can be involved include encouraging nurses to talk about it, fostering cultural reflection, encouraging consultations, and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses providing 4 A’s, which I firmly believe to be the best approach (Daniel, 2017). This includes “ASK,” which suggests a review of the symptoms and definition of moral distress to ensure it is what the individual is experiencing, and “AFFIRM,” which confirms the issue the individual is feeling. Others include “ASSESS,” where the individual needs to analyze the problem well to know the cause, actions to take, and other players of the issue, and “ACT,” where the individual is required to create a plan of action which he/she need to implement (Gonzalez, 2016). Moreover, addressing distress issues provides the opportunity for the hazard to be recognized, and it also minimizes the threat to the healthcare provider’s moral integrity.


Daniel, H. (2017). Mitigating moral distress in nursing. Retrieved 18 September 2019, from Article_ID=4353941&Journal_ID=417221&Issue_ID=4353928

Esmaelzadeh, F., Abbaszadeh, A., Borhani, F., & Peyrovi, H. (2017). Ethical Sensitivity in Nursing Ethical Leadership: A Content Analysis of Iranian Nurses Experiences. The Open Nursing Journal, 11(1), 1-13. doi:10.2174/1874434601711010001

Gonzalez, J. (2016). Exploring the Presence of Moral Distress in Critical Care Nurses. Retrieved 18 September 2019, from

Numminen, O., Repo, H., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2017). Moral courage in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 24(8), 878-891.

Rushton, C. H., Caldwell, M., & Kurtz, M. (2016). CE: moral distress: a catalyst in building moral resilience. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 116(7), 40-49.


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In the course, you will research ethical decision-making and legal issues that influence your role as a nursing leader.

Nursing Leaders as Ethical-Legal Change Agents in Health Care

Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself, state your area of specialization, and explain how you see your role as a nursing leader in making ethical and moral decisions. Include what actions you plan to take to minimize or alleviate moral distress caused by ethical dilemmas and the values that support your actions.

Information about me: My name is Mauricio; I am an ER nurse, and I perform charge nurse duties most of the time.

Requirements for discussion: at least three references, APA style, and one page and a half or less are enough.

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