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Nursing Care-Competencies, Strategies, and Transferable Skills

Nursing Care-Competencies, Strategies, and Transferable Skills

Design relevant, multidimensional nursing care for optimal health inclusive of client preferences, values, and beliefs.

Multidimensional care is essential in healthcare. Health is multidimensional and is determined by cultural, socioeconomic, political, and economic factors (Logan, 2017). A multidisciplinary healthcare team should offer multidimensional care. They should consider patient-specific factors, values, and preferences when offering care. Understanding multidimensional care will be critical in my career since I will care for my patients while considering their backgrounds.

Select approaches to client care that incorporate care and comfort, risk reduction, health promotion, and disease management.

I learned this course competency by attending lectures and completing assignments. I learned how to answer ATI questions and give the rationale behind my answers. This information will be beneficial in the future when I take my NCLEX exams. It will also be part of my nursing philosophy when caring for my patients.

Prioritize evidence-based, client-centered nursing care as a foundation for emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.

Evidence-based practice is the center of nursing practice. It should be applied in everyday nursing practice. It involves incorporating the best nursing evidence and patient preferences in patient care (Reid et al., 2017). I will apply evidence-based practice to formulate policies that will improve patient care. Any intervention implemented should aim to serve the patient as the center of healthcare.

Utilize data-driven nursing care strategies inclusive of continuous quality improvement.

Data is vital in the healthcare delivery industry. Data can be used to implement evidence-based strategies to improve patient care (Dash et al., 2019). I learned this competency by researching the use of data in healthcare. I will use this knowledge to implement evidence-based strategies guided by relevant data.

Synthesize components of clinical judgment, professional nursing identity, and reflective practice for lifelong learning.

Clinical judgment is critical for nurses since it helps them to prioritize care. Nurses should create a professional identity to help them grow their professional identity. Professional identity can be defined as nurses’ skills, values, and beliefs (Pullen, 2021). I achieved this competency by creating an infographic on professional identity. Creating a professional identity will help me grow in my nursing career.

Determine effective responses to clinical problems integrating information technology, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and interprofessional collaboration.

Interprofessional collaboration is essential in the healthcare delivery industry. It enhances communication, improves patient care and enhances patient outcomes (Moss et al., 2016). Communication is important in preventing medication mistakes. I will utilize healthcare technology to improve patient care.

 Transferable Skills

This module has imparted essential communication skills to me. I completed my assignments by communicating professionally. I have learned how to communicate in a multidisciplinary team. I have learned to communicate with my patients empathetically. Critical thinking is important in healthcare. I have gained crucial critical thinking skills to identify issues affecting patient care. I will also use my critical thinking to implement solutions. Digital fluency is a transferable skill that I have gained. I can now locate healthcare information by using technology and creating new knowledge. Digital fluency will help me collaborate with other healthcare professionals remotely. Teamwork is important in healthcare. The healthcare team is diverse, with healthcare professionals from different backgrounds. I have learned how to communicate in a multidisciplinary team to promote teamwork. Information literacy is another important skill I have learned. I completed my assignments by locating credible information and presenting it to my instructor. This is an important skill that will help me in my future nursing practice. Ethics are important in nursing and the healthcare delivery industry. I have learned to become an ethical nurse. I can now implement care while adhering to the ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, and autonomy.


Dash, S., Shakyawar, S. K., Sharma, M., & Kaushik, S. (2019). Big data in healthcare: Management, analysis, and prospects. Journal of Big Data, 6(1).

Logan, R. A. (2017). Seeking an expanded, multidimensional conceptual approach to health literacy and health disparities research. Information Services & Use, 37(1), 59-83.

Moss, E., Seifert, P., & O’Sullivan, A. (2016). Registered nurses as interprofessional collaborative partners: Creating value-based outcomes. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3).

Pullen, R. L. (2021). Professional identity in nursing practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 19(2), 55-56.

Reid, J., Briggs, J., Carlisle, S., Scott, D., & Lewis, C. (2017). Enhancing utility and understanding of the evidence-based practice through undergraduate nurse education. BMC Nursing, 16(1).


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Nursing Care-Competencies, Strategies, and Transferable Skills

Discussion Topic

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Areas for reflection:

Course Competencies

  1. Design relevant, multidimensional nursing care for optimal health inclusive of client preferences, values, and beliefs.
  2. Select approaches to client care that incorporate care and comfort, risk reduction, health promotion, and disease management.
  3. Prioritize evidence-based, client-centered nursing care as a foundation for emotional, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.
  4. Utilize data-driven nursing care strategies inclusive of continuous quality improvement.
  5. Synthesize components of clinical judgment, professional nursing identity, and reflective practice for lifelong learning.
  6. Determine effective responses to clinical problems integrating information technology, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and interprofessional collaboration.

Transferable Skills

Take a moment and review the Transferrable Skills Media from Module 02.


You are required to give a minimum of two responses and follow the criteria listed below:

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