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NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 3 Disseminating the Evidence Scholarly Video Media

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 3 Disseminating the Evidence Scholarly Video Media

The nursing profession depends on evidence-based practices to convey the ideal consideration. Disseminating evidence in nursing is the spreading of evidence-based nursing information, examination, and discoveries by attendants to other medical care experts or to the general population. This is crucial for the nursing profession since when medical attendants keep up to date with new proof in their field, they can spread that data to others to guarantee that the greatest and best consideration is being conveyed to patients (Pinto et al., 2021). We previously analyzed clinical goals for the Medicare-endorsed hip and knee populace as far as influencing well-being results by means of the care coordination process. PICOT questions address openings in care coordination practice tended in the full report. A deliberate review of care coordination organizations and resources open to this gathering was guided by using evidence-based strategies to sort out care to give the best thought. Care planning associations and organizations open to this gathering would be evaluated by using evidence-based intercessions with deference to the patient’s determination to all the conceivable degrees.

Care-Coordination Efforts Based on A PICOT Question

The most widely recognized approach to sorting out care for patients and their families starts before the movement. Many weeks’ of joint educational gatherings’ drawn-out courses for organized joint replacements are given by the Office of Surgery as a team with clinic directors, cautious division clinical overseers, home prosperity units, genuinely trained professionals, and medication subject matter experts (Hamline et al., 2018). Aside from the down conversations, specialists from every center discipline meet with patients and their families to discuss everything from operations to home presumptions to prescriptions to social determinants of prosperity, gatekeeper commitments, and durable medical equipment (DME) (Ordway et al., 2020). Facilities are pushing more toward privately arranged care and are utilizing gave care coordination staff like community health workers (CHW) to continue to circle back to calm thought once thoroughly prepared home administrations organizations are finished to ensure patients happen with their home consideration plan (Brasil et al., 2021). Moreover, the Registered Nurse Transition Management Model fills in as the foundation for the Medicare-upheld hip and knee patient social affair (RN CCTM) (Halloran et al., 2021). Patient-centered care focuses on the RN CCTM model, which empowers and urges patients to attract their clinical benefits specialists through coordination and joint effort of treatment across arranged gatherings.

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 3 Disseminating the Evidence Scholarly Video Media

Changes in Practice for the Interprofessional Care Coordination Team

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a fundamental piece for working on the essential segment of nursing practice. Different disciplines are continually connected with handling complex patient issues, making data sharing across the disciplines key to reasonable thought. Besides, EBP depends on using the web and outside fitness and surveying the EBP culture in the affiliation (Melnyk & Fineout, 2022). Moreover, the creation of an Interprofessional group for the organization is the primary change for care coordination. After that, the pain assessment protocol must be standardized. A thorough investigation/ examination of the intervention is necessary before its implementation. Moreover, the sharing of information regarding disease management across the interprofessional group is also vital for elder patient care (Hata et al., 2022). One of the most important steps for the betterment of care coordination is to appreciate the working staff for their efforts.

Efforts To Build Stakeholder Engagement

Including stakeholders during all phases of consideration, the board program can prompt an early purchase, a fruitful program plan, and a foundation of long-haul support for the program (Andrews et al., 2022). Engaging key stakeholders is basic to the outcome of a Medicaid care executive program. Including partners during the preparation and planning stages can prompt an early purchase, a fruitful program plan, and a foundation of long-haul support for the program. In many States, partners’ drawn-out help has prompted help with program development and manageability (Poger et al., 2020). Care management program staff and policymakers shouldn’t underrate the worth of program champions in planning, executing, and supporting a fruitful program. The Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) model will be utilized to team up with the accomplices (Vinson, 2022). The following efforts were made to build stakeholder engagement within the interprofessional team. The accompanying subsections frame three techniques to engage stakeholders.

Future Recommendations for Resource Utilization and Safe Environment in Care Coordination

Thoughtful resource utilization and a safe environment in care coordination are necessary to maintain the quality of healthcare organizations. Raising medical care costs, uplifted familiarity with clinical blunders, and a higher than any time in recent memory number of safeguarded Americans certainly stand out to the requirement for quality improvement in US medical care. Today, numerous endeavors around quiet results and security, care coordination, proficiency, and cost-cutting are in progress and care upgrade drives are being assessed to direct future medical services quality enhancements. The following guidelines may assist in healthcare enhancement attempts.


Disseminating evidence in nursing is the spreading of evidence-based nursing information, examination, and discoveries by attendants to other medical care experts or to the general population. We analyzed clinical goals for the Medicare-endorsed hip and knee populace as far as influencing well-being results by means of the care coordination process. The most widely recognized approach to sorting out care for patients and their families starts before the movement. One of the most important steps for the betterment of care coordination is to appreciate the working staff for their efforts. Engaging key stakeholders is basic to the outcome of a Medicaid care executive program. Including partners during the preparation and planning stages can prompt an early purchase, a fruitful program plan, and a foundation of long-haul support for the program. Today, numerous endeavors around quiet results and security, care coordination, proficiency, and cost-cutting are in progress, and care upgrade drives are being assessed to direct future medical services quality enhancement.


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Braithwaite, J. (2022). Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) in Implementation Science (pp. 83-84). Routledge.  23/plan-study-act-pdsa-Jeffrey-Braithwaite

Brasil, C., Silva, R., Bezerra, I. C., Vieira, L., Figueiredo, M., Castro, F., Queiroz, F., & Capelo, M. (2021). Community health workers caring for dependent elderly people. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 26(1), 109–118. 81232020261.31992020

Hallaran, A. J., Edge, D. S., Almost, J., & Tregunno, D. (2021). Newly registered nurse transition to the workforce and intention to leave: Testing a theoretical model. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 53(4), 384-396.

Hamline, M. Y., Speier, R. L., Vu, P. D., Tancredi, D., Broman, A. R., Rasmussen, L. N., Tullius, B. P., Shaikh, U., & Li, S. T. (2018). Hospital-to-Home Interventions, Use, and Satisfaction: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 142(5), e20180442.

Hata, S. R., Berkowitz, L. R., James, K., & Simpkin, A. L. (2022). An Interprofessional Group Intervention to Promote Faculty Wellbeing: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 42(1), e75-e82. ervention_to_Promote.25.aspx

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overhold, E. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice In Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide To Best Practice. hl=en&lr=&id=EPaBEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT26&dq=Evidence

Ordway, A., Pitonyak, J. S., & Johnson, K. L. (2020). Durable medical equipment reuse and recycling: uncovering hidden opportunities for reducing medical waste. Disability And Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 15(1), 21–28.

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Pinto, R. M., Park, S., Miles, R., & Ong, P. N. (2021). Community engagement in dissemination and implementation models: A narrative review. Implementation Research and Practice, 2, 2633489520985305.

Poger, J. M., Mayer, V., Duru, O. K., Nauman, B., Holderness, H., Warren, N., Vasquez, C., Bibi, S., Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J., Hosseinian, Z., Shi, L., Wallace, J., Goytia, C. N., Horowitz, C. R., & Kraschnewski, J. L. (2020). Network Engagement in Action: Stakeholder Engagement Activities to Enhance Patient-centeredness of Research. Medical Care, 58 Suppl 6 Suppl 1(Suppl 6 1), S66–S74.

Schram, A., Paltved, C., Lindhard, M. S., Kjaergaard-Andersen, G., Jensen, H. I., & Kristensen, S. (2022). Patient safety culture improvements depend on basic Healthcare education: a longitudinal simulation-based intervention Study at two Danish. Hospitals. BMJ Open Quality, 11(1), e001658.

Vinson, M. H. (2022). Integrating a Racial Equity and Inclusion Lens into the CCTM Advocacy Role. AAACN Viewpoint, 44(1), 1-14. origsite=gscholar&cbl=46506


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At the completion of your intervention, produce a 5-8 minute video discussion of your care coordination
intervention for a peer-reviewed media platform.

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