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NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Slide 1-This presentation will discuss the significance of inter-professional collaboration for overweight hypertensive patients. This multidisciplinary effort will help us educate overweight hypertensive patients on the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Both lifestyle changes and antihypertensive medications can help patients with obesity and hypertension, but there is evidence to suggest that patients may experience side effects from the medications within the first six months (Cosimo Marcello et al., 2018). Due to these negative effects, patients have a hard time taking their medications as prescribed. However, it has been shown that making changes to one’s lifestyle, such as eating healthier and exercising, can help reduce both blood pressure and body weight with no negative effects (Cosimo Marcello et al., 2018). Healthcare providers must collaborate and develop strategies in order to educate patients to make healthier lifestyle decisions. These strategies will aid obese hypertensive patients in adopting healthier lifestyle modifications.

Steps to Improve Inter-professional Collaboration Overview to Enhance Evidence-based Practice

Slide 2- Day in and day out, new discoveries are made that lead to better treatments and more efficient methods of caring for patients. When it comes to patient treatment, new studies offer either improved methods or stronger supporting evidence. Every day, researchers uncover new information that might aid healthcare providers in delivering the highest quality treatment possible (O’Cathain et al., 2019).

It is imperative that the administration initiate training in the appropriate areas to improve evidence-based practice among healthcare professionals. It is also beneficial to allow ample time for healthcare staff to study and apply the findings of the research. Providers with more hands-on expertise with evidence-based approaches can act as guides and teachers for their colleagues (Lafuente-Lafuente et al., 2019). Healthcare leaders should also facilitate providers’ access to resources that facilitate their search for evidence-based literature and give the necessary support. Using this method to improve evidence-based practices will also boost interprofessional teamwork in a healthcare setting (Lafuente-Lafuente et al., 2019).

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Explanation of the Planning Stages

Slide 3- The following measures can be taken to boost evidence-based practices and increase inter-professional collaboration.

Making inter-professional teams: To enhance collaboration and devise the best strategies for overweight hypertensive individuals, it is essential to make an inter-professional team (Frank et al., 2020). This team will include nurses, physicians, nutritionists, physiotherapists, hospital executives, and IT

Appoint team leaders: The designated leaders will use methods supported by reliable Leaders and will also think about whether or not there is enough information to warrant a new procedure. The process of gathering information will continue so that leaders can evaluate the situation and make adjustments as necessary (Frank et al., 2020).

Regular team meetings: Regular team meetings will be held, led by the designated team leaders. To that end, team meetings will help to set priorities based on what the patients need. Healthcare workers will be able to voice their opinions and preferences in these team meetings improving interprofessional collaboration. These team meetings will help adopt innovative methods that may improve health outcomes, minimize costs, and lessen mistakes (Frank et al., 2020).

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation


Slide 4- This analysis is based on the assumption that staff members’ ability to work together across disciplines will be enhanced by scheduling frequent team meetings. On the other hand, a more diversified workforce means more creative solutions to patient problems and better overall care.

Educational Services and Resources Slide 5- Educational Strategies

Taking advantage of Health Information technology (HIT): Health information technology, such as telehealth, may be used by nurses and other team members (Chike-Harris et al., 2021). Through the use of telehealth, medical professionals will be able to not only inform patients about healthier lifestyle choices but also keep tabs on how well they are sticking to their new healthy

Finding out how a patient learns best: Patients have varied learning styles. Thus, it is important to find out whether they would benefit more from telehealth or printed materials (Chike- Harris et al., 2021).

Stir the curiosity of the patient: Patients must realize the significance of educating them on making healthy lifestyle choices. It is crucial to create a comfortable environment by engaging the patient in conversation both ways. While some patients may benefit from learning every nuance of their disease, others may feel more comfortable with a concise checklist outlining the essentials (Yen & Leasure, 2019).

Think about the patient’s abilities and restrictions: It is critical to identify any cognitive, affective, or motor deficits that could be hindering the patient’s capacity to learn. If a patient has trouble hearing, it can be better to employ visual aids and hands-on approaches rather than just talking them through the steps (Yen & Leasure, 2019).

Educational Resources

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that healthcare providers may educate their overweight hypertensive patients about the benefits of adopting lifestyle changes by using social media messaging, visuals, data sheets, and handouts in addition to HIT (CDC, 2020).

Collaborate and Partner with Inter-professional Team Members Implementation Process

Slide 6- Lee and Bae (2018) claim that the Chronic Care Model (CCM) will facilitate better care coordination, as The CCM model will aid medical professionals in formulating a treatment strategy after conducting in-depth analyses of patients’ conditions. With this, patients and physicians will be able to work together more efficiently to pinpoint issues and find solutions. With the help of CCM, healthcare providers, and patients can work together to set and meet service objectives (Lee & Bae, 2018).

The care coordination team will comprise the patient and his/her family, the primary care practitioner, the care coordinator, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and the assistant clinician. These team members should complete their separate treatment obligations and further share responsibilities relating to intervention and follow-up surveillance. The first step in the management of hypertensive symptoms is to develop a team that delivers comprehensive care based on the requirements of overweight patients with a feeling of responsibility (Lee & Bae, 2018). The next stage would be to design quality management strategies and monitor the activities. After beginning to educate patients, it would be vital to monitor the continuing operations and assess their quality.

Care coordination necessitates taking into account patient activities outside of the institution. As a result, recognizing these behaviors is critical in care coordination. With the use of telehealth, clinicians may follow and monitor the adherence of overweight hypertensive patients to lifestyle changes (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2020).

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Plans to Collaborate and Partner

Slide 7- In order to work with the team members to improve inter-professional collaboration, I will first build a social platform for interaction between the members of the different professions. Weekly team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or huddles provide a forum for staff to talk about patients and come up with plans for providing the best treatment possible (Moser et al., 2018).

Furthermore, by incorporating teamwork into routine activities, we may increase communication and information sharing. Consistent teamwork among employees is a great way to foster a cooperative atmosphere (Schmutz et al., 2019). As a result, I will institute processes to make sure that all healthcare workers routinely work together to accomplish their goals.

Increased workforce unity, morale, and productivity can result from increased opportunities for face-to-face and virtual information exchange. To this end, the implementation of a HIPAA-compliant text messaging platform could help in effective staff collaboration (Ganapathy et al., 2020).

Outcomes of the New Process

Outcomes Evaluations

Slide 8- The OECD has developed six criteria for assessing a procedure. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability are the six criteria (OECD, 2021). By using these six variables, process outputs may be evaluated more precisely.

Slide 9- In addition, good inter-professional teamwork will result in the attainment of goals for patients with obesity and hypertension. It will aid in the development of more precise and efficient ways to educate overweight hypertensive patients (Schommer et al., 2018).

These successful instructional approaches will encourage patients to choose healthier dietary and physical activity options. As a result of enhanced inter-professional collaboration, healthcare staff will operate as a team, exchange information and ideas, and respect each other’s roles and responsibilities.

Scholarly Evidence

Slide 10- Ansa et al. (2020) stated that when medical staff work together, respect one another’s expertise, and value one another’s contributions, patients are more likely to obtain optimal treatment. The authors state that a culture of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is essential because of the rising co-morbidities and the complexity of patient care (Ansa et al., 2020). Healthcare organizations may improve efficiency and patient outcomes via collaborative efforts and save costs and time. Medical mistakes are minimized, and patient satisfaction is increased as a result of the use of IPC in healthcare (Ansa et al., 2020).

The advantages of interdisciplinary teamwork in family medicine were examined by Arenson and Brandt (2021). Teamwork among healthcare providers, as argued by the authors, is key to achieving patient-centered goals and giving patients the best care possible (Arenson & Brandt, 2021).


This evaluation presupposes that improved health outcomes for people with obesity and hypertension may be achieved via the use of teamwork.

NURS FPX 6614 Assessment 2 Enhancing Performance as Collaborators in Care Presentation

Ethical Considerations

Slide 11- Patients benefit from inter-professional collaboration because of better communication and easier access to treatment, but physicians must never lose sight of patients’ most fundamental ethical ideals. The secrecy and respect of patients’ personal information and rights to privacy are paramount for healthcare practitioners offering team-based care (Varkey, 2021). Respect for the cultural variety and individual distinctions that distinguish patients and groups is equally crucial for healthcare teams. Healthcare providers, furthermore, must place a premium on establishing a rapport of trust with their patients, their families, and their coworkers (Varkey, 2021). In addition, all team members should recognize the importance of other health professionals’ cultures, beliefs, roles/responsibilities, and expertise in determining patient outcomes and seek to uphold them throughout the collaboration process (Varkey, 2021).

Slide 12- One of the cornerstones of medical ethics, autonomy, supports a patient’s freedom to refuse treatment, as stated by Pirotte and Benson (2021). According to this tenet, medical practitioners must respect patients’ autonomy by giving them all the information they need to make educated decisions about their treatment (Pirotte & Benson, 2021). Medical experts cannot impose their will on obese or overweight patients who need to lower their blood pressure by changing their eating and exercise habits. What they can do is arm them with complete and correct information, then step back and let them make their own decisions (Pirotte & Benson, 2021).


Slide 13- Healthcare practitioners must work together to devise strategies for educating patients to make healthy lifestyle choices. The interdisciplinary collaboration will aid in the creation of more precise and efficient methods of educating hypertension patients who are overweight. These effective educational tactics will inspire patients to adopt healthier dietary and physical activities.


Ansa, B. E., Zechariah, S., Gates, A. M., Johnson, S. W., Heboyan, V., & De Leo, G. (2020). Attitudes and behavior towards interprofessional collaboration among healthcare professionals in a large academic medical center. Healthcare, 8(3), 323.

Arenson, C., & Brandt, B. F. (2021). The importance of interprofessional practice in family medicine residency education. Family Medicine.

CDC. (2020, January 28). Hypertension Resources for Health Professionals | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Chike-Harris, K. E., Durham, C., Logan, A., Smith, G., & DuBose-Morris, R. (2021). Integration of telehealth education into the health care provider curriculum: A review. Telemedicine and E-Health, 27(2), 137–149.

Cosimo Marcello, B., Maria Domenica, A., Gabriele, P., Elisa, M., & Francesca, B. (2018). Lifestyle and hypertension: An evidence-based review. Journal of Hypertension and Management, 4(1).

Frank, H. E., Becker‐Haimes, E. M., & Kendall, P. C. (2020). Therapist training in evidence-based interventions for mental health: A systematic review of training approaches and outcomes. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 27(3).

Gajarawala, S., & Pelkowski, J. (2020). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218–221.

Ganapathy, S., de Korne, D. F., Chong, N. K., & Car, J. (2020). The role of text messaging and telehealth messaging apps. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 67(4), 613–621.

Lafuente-Lafuente, C., Leitao, C., Kilani, I., Kacher, Z., Engels, C., Canoui-Poitrine, F., & Belmin, J. (2019). Knowledge and use of evidence-based medicine in daily practice by health professionals: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open, 9(3), e025224.

Lee, J. J., & Bae, S. G. (2018). Implementation of a care coordination system for chronic diseases. Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine, 36(1), 1–7.

Moser, K. S., Dawson, J. F., & West, M. A. (2018). Antecedents of team innovation in health care teams. Creativity and Innovation Management, 28(1), 72–81.

O’Cathain, A., Croot, L., Duncan, E., Rousseau, N., Sworn, K., Turner, K. M., Yardley, L., & Hoddinott, P. (2019). Guidance on how to develop complex interventions to improve health and healthcare. BMJ Open, 9(8), e029954. 029954 OECD. (2021). Evaluation Criteria – OECD.

Pirotte, B. D., & Benson, S. (2021, July 26). Refusal of Care. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Schmutz, J. B., Meier, L. L., & Manser, T. (2019). How effective is teamwork really? The relationship between teamwork and performance in healthcare teams: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 9(9). NCBI. 028280

Schommer, J., Brown, L., Bortz, R., Cernasev, A., Gomaa, B., Hager, K., Hillman, L., Okoro, O., Pakhomov, S., & Ranelli, P. (2018). An opportunity for pharmacists to help improve coordination and continuity of patient health care. Pharmacy, 6(3), 78.

Varkey, B. (2021). Principles of clinical ethics and their application to practice. Medical Principles and Practice, 30(1), 17–28.

Yen, P. H., & Leasure, A. R. (2019). Use and effectiveness of the teach-back method in patient education and health outcomes. Federal Practitioner, 36(6), 284–289.


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As a leader in the practice, you will use your gap analysis to provide a 12-15 slide recorded PowerPoint presentation on the critical importance of interprofessional collaboration for the provision of safe, high-quality, coordinated care.

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