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NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Summary of the Patient, Family, or Population problem

Type two diabetes is a lifestyle disease whose prevalence and incidence in the world are increasing. Sedentary lifestyles have increased, leading to increased cases of type two diabetes. Increased morbidity and mortality rates of diabetes in the recent past have made type two diabetes a major healthcare problem that should be addressed. The cost of managing the condition is expensive, and sometimes, the required outcomes are not achieved. Patients suffering from the condition are poorly managed, leading to poor patient outcomes and reduced quality of care. In the case scenario, Mr. Paul, at the age of 65 years, was diagnosed with type two diabetes three years ago. Mr. Paul has not been well managed since he complains of his condition worsening. The patient does not perform any exercise, smokes, takes alcohol, and eats fatty meals. There is a gap in managing the patient since his condition is worsening. Therefore, there is a need to come up with effective strategies that prevent type two diabetes and improve the outcomes of patients suffering from the condition. The proposed intervention to the problem of diabetes is health education for both nurses and patients.

Significance of the Problem

The prevalence and incidence rates of type two diabetes in the United States are currently high. Trends indicate that the number of people being diagnosed with type two diabetes increases each year. The mortality and morbidity of type two diabetes in the population is high and keeps on increasing. Type two diabetes has become a health problem that has increased healthcare costs for both health organizations and patients (Okemah, Peng & Quiñones, 2018). Despite current management strategies being implemented, the condition is still being managed poorly. Focusing on the problem in the project identifies the root cause of the problem and possible solutions to the problem. The project comes up with strategies to prevent diabetes and the best management strategies. The project will provide relevant data, technologies, resources, and strategies that can be implemented by the government and health organizations to solve the problem (Okemah, Peng & Quiñones, 2018). Therefore, the project will reduce diabetic cases, mortality, and morbidity of diabetes and improve the outcomes and quality of care of type two diabetic patients. Health education on diabetes is the proposed intervention that can be used by the government and health organizations to solve the problem.

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

The role of leadership and change management in addressing a patient, family, or population health problem

Leadership functions such as directing, supervising, organizing, budgeting and effective communication help address type two diabetes. Leadership should ensure the successful implementation and evaluation of health education for both the patients and the nurses. Leaders are role models who should educate patients and employees (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). The motivation of staff and encouraging research are also important in dealing with diabetes. Leaders ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of health education for both the nurses and the patients (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). Change is inevitable, and therefore effective management of change is essential in dealing with the problem. Challenges in implementing health education, such as resistance, are expected (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). Barriers such as the high cost of training and language barrier are expected. Through change management, the challenges will be addressed, leading to the efficient and effective implementation of health education (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). Leadership and change management play a major role in the effective and efficient implementation of the intervention of health education to solve the problem.

Influence of Leadership and change management strategies on the Development of the Intervention

The intervention developed is health education for both the nurses and the patients on diabetes. Leadership and change management strategies influenced the selection of the intervention in various ways. Coordination and effective communication is required in the provision of care (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). The selected intervention should allow coordination and ensure there is effective communication. Multidisciplinary collaboration and approach are also essential, and therefore the intervention should encourage a multidisciplinary approach as a leadership strategy. The intervention was also supposed to address the issue on the patient’s side and on the side of the healthcare professionals (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). The ease of implementation and resources was also considered. Therefore, health education was developed as the best strategy based on leadership and change management strategies.

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

How Nursing Ethics Informed the Development of the Proposed Intervention

Ethical principles in nursing require nurses to use safe and respectful interventions that respect the beliefs and values of the patient. Ethical principles such as confidentiality, justice, non-maleficence, patient autonomy, and beneficence were considered in the selection of intervention (Beck et al., 2018). The intervention of health education was developed because it is safe and can be adjusted to suit the patient’s beliefs and values (Chaghari et al., 2017). The intervention also will improve the patient outcome and, therefore, will do more good to the patient (Beck et al., 2018). The intervention also does not interfere with the issue of patient autonomy and confidentiality.

Strategies for communicating and collaborating with the patient, family, or group to improve outcomes associated with the problem

Effective communication between health workers, the patient, and the patient’s family members is essential in managing type two diabetes. Management of diabetes focuses on lifestyle modification, such as performing exercises that should be communicated effectively (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). Using both audio and visual communication techniques will help in dealing with the problem (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). Involving the patient, family members, and other professionals in providing feedback will also lead to better outputs. Communication during teaching on self-management, nutrition, and exercise should be clear and simple (Higa, Davidson & Loos, 2021). The motivation of the staff, the patient, and the family members will also result in better collaboration and communication, which will improve the outcomes (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). Feedback and evaluation are essential for ensuring effective communication (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). Feedback helps in prioritizing care and improving the quality of care.

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

Benefits of Gathering Family Input to Improve Care Associated with the Problem

The best approach in managing type two diabetes is encouraging self-management, which can be achieved through education. However, family support and input are essential in the effective management of patients with type two diabetes in their homes. By involving the family, the social and economic status of the patient is identified and used to come up with the best strategies. For example, family input is essential in coming up with the best nutritional diet for diabetic patients. Families also provide various resources required, and therefore it is important to involve them. Patient and family input leads to better planning. When ideas from patients and family members are considered, there is no conflict. It is also ethical to involve the patient and family members in making decisions.

How State Board Nursing Practice Standards and/or Organizational or Governmental Policies Guided the Development of the Proposed Intervention

State board nursing practice standards provide the guidelines for managing type two diabetes. Nurses are required to work within a certain scope and observe certain policies that improve the quality of care. The standards require that all practicing nurses should be well-educated and licensed before practicing (Parker & Hill, 2017). Well-educated and licensed nurses are equipped with knowledge and skills which can be taught to other professionals and the patient through education programs (Beck et al., 2018).

The scope of nursing also requires nurses to play the role of an educator, where nurse leaders should teach student nurses, others, and patients on best strategies for managing their conditions. As nurse educators, nurses can use the intervention of educating to educate other professionals, patients, and family members on managing diabetes (Beck et al., 2018). The nursing standards require that the selected intervention should be safe and observe ethical principles. Health education is safe, observes ethical principles, and does more good for diabetic patients (Beck et al., 2018). Some policies advocate for self-monitoring and management to reduce the cost of healthcare (Parker & Hill, 2017). Health education as an intervention promotes self-management of type two diabetic patients and reduces hospitalization, hence reducing healthcare costs.

NURS-FPX 4900 Assessment 4 Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution

How the Proposed Intervention Will Improve the Quality of Care, Enhance Patient Safety, and Reduce Costs to the System and Individual

Health education will improve the quality of care given to diabetic patients both in healthcare facilities and at home. Educating the patient and family members on diabetes will improve self-management, such as modifying lifestyle (Ogunrinu et al., 2017). Through education, the patient will be able to perform some exercises and stop a sedentary lifestyle which will help in the management of their condition. Educating the patient on nutrition will also improve nutritional management. Educating nurses and other health professionals on diabetes improve nurses’ skills and knowledge, which improves the quality of care they provide (Ogunrinu et al., 2017). Training and education of nurses regularly remind them of their roles to ensure quality care is provided to diabetic patients (Beck et al., 2018). Through interdisciplinary collaboration, specialized professionals share the best strategies for managing diabetes through education (Ogunrinu et al., 2017). Education helps in increasing the literacy levels of patients and their family members on their condition, which increases patient safety by reducing errors.

How Technology, Care Coordination, and the Utilization of Community Resources can be applied in Addressing the Problem

Technologies such as self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) and MHealth will help improve the quality of care given to diabetes patients. MHealth ensures accuracy and provides relevant diabetic data to both the patients and the medical professional, which improves the quality of care. The technologies also provide relevant data that can be used to evaluate and make decisions on best management strategies (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). The technologies also reduce patients’ reliance on medical professionals; hence the quality of care is improved. Using SMBG and MHealth reduces the burden on a few hospital resources, reducing the cost of healthcare when managing diabetes.

Care Coordination and the Utilization of Community Resources are essential in addressing the burden of type two diabetes. Type two diabetes is affected by economic and social factors in the community, and therefore proper coordination and utilization of resources are essential in managing the condition. Proper coordination of exercise fields, food, transport, and hospitals ensures proper management of diabetes (Chérrez-Ojeda et al., 2018). A good relationship between nurses, family members, and community leaders helps educate the community on diabetes. Schools, churches, and other places of social events in the community can be used to educate the public on modifying their diet and lifestyle to help manage diabetic conditions.


Beck, J., Greenwood, D. A., Blanton, L., Bollinger, S. T., Butcher, M. K., Condon, J. E., … & Wang, J. (2018). 2017 National standards for diabetes self-management education and support. The Diabetes Educator44(1), 35-50.

Betschart, P., Staubli, S. E., Zumstein, V., Babst, C., Sauter, R., Schmid, H-P., & Abt, D. (2019). Improving patient education materials: A practical algorithm from development to validation. Current Urology, 13(2), 64–69.

Chaghari, M., Saffari, M., Ebadi, A., & Ameryoun, A. (2017). Empowering education: A new model for in-service training of nursing staff. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, 5(1), 26–32.

Chérrez-Ojeda, I., Vanegas, E., Calero, E., Plaza, K., Cano, J. A., Calderon, J. C., … & Guevara, J. (2018). What kind of information and communication technologies do patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus prefer? An Ecuadorian cross-sectional study. International journal of telemedicine and applications2018.

Higa, C., Davidson, E. J., & Loos, J. R. (2021). Integrating family and friend support, information technology, and diabetes education in community-centric diabetes self-management. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association28(2), 261-275.

Johnson, R., Edwards, R., Rivers, A., Patil, C., & Walsh, S. (2019). Evaluating literacy levels of patient education materials for a sickle cell transition group education programme. Health Education Journal, 79(3), 253–265.

Ogunrinu, T., Gamboa-Maldonado, T., Ngewa, R. N., Saunders, J., Crounse, J., & Misiri, J. (2017). A qualitative study of health education experiences and self-management practices among patients with type 2 diabetes at Malamulo Adventist Hospital in Thyolo District, Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal29(2), 118-123. DOI: 10.4314/mmj.v29i2.8

Okemah, J., Peng, J., & Quiñones, M. (2018). Addressing clinical inertia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a review. Advances in therapy35(11), 1735-1745.

Parker, J. M., & Hill, M. N. (2017). A review of advanced practice nursing in the United States, Canada, Australia and Hong Kong special administrative region (SAR), China. International Journal of Nursing Sciences4(2), 196-204.


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Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented (shared) with your patient, family, or group.

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