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Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 2: Significance of Health Promotion

Health promotion is a very important activity. As indicated by the World Health Organization, health promotion supports governments, communities, and individuals in dealing with as well as addressing various health challenges (WHO, n.d). The World Health Organization further notes that health promotion enables individuals to enhance their level of control over their health. The Rural Health Information (RHI) hub, on the other hand, establishes that health promotion empowers people and communities to adopt healthy behaviors and implement changes that minimize the likelihood of developing chronic infections and other morbidities (RHI Hub, n.d).

Slide 3: The Context of the Health Promotion Plan

I have developed this health promotion in the context of improving infant health. The Healthy People 2030 Framework is keen on ensuring that infants are safe and healthy in their first life of life. According to Healthy People 2030, keeping infants healthy begins with ensuring mothers get high-quality prenatal care and improving women’s health in general (ODPHP, n.d). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Slide 4: The Context of the Health Promotion Plan

According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), in the United States, close to 4 million infants are born every year. Sadly, thousands of these infants die due to various causes that include short gestation (also known as preterm birth), low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome (ODPHP, n.d). Cognizant of this challenge, one of the goals outlined under Healthy People 2030, that is, MICH-02, specifically targets reducing infant deaths.

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 5: The Health Concern

Of the various cause of infant death identified by Healthy People 2030, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) appears to be the least known. SIDS is defined as the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy infant within one year of birth (Mayo Clinic, 2022). Some scholars and professionals have used the terms “cot” and “crib” death to describe SIDS because infants mainly die during their sleep. Although unexplained infant deaths within one year are termed SIDS, medical research has shown that 95% of these deaths occur between 2 and 4 months of life (Duncan and Byard, 2018). Peculiarly, the condition has no diagnostic features, but certain unique factors are associated with SIDS (Duncan and Byard, 2018; Mayo Clinic, 2022).

Slide 6: Community Affected (Teen Mothers)

SIDS has a disproportionate impact on teenage mothers (Huang et al., 2021). Statistics presented by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for surveys conducted between 2017 and 2018 support this research finding. During this period, the 8.77 deaths per 1,000 births SIDS Incidence rate recorded among infants of teenage mothers aged 15-19 was considerably higher compared to the death incidence among infants of mothers aged 20 and above. To highlight, there was a 6.93 SIDS incidence rate for mothers aged 20-24, 5.56 for mothers aged 25- 29, and 4.69 for mothers aged 30-34 (Woodall and Driscoll, 2020). Researchers have identified several reasons why teen mother infants are disproportionately affected by SIDS; they include drug & substance abuse in the course of the pregnancy, mental health problems, high likelihood of developing anemia during pregnancy, socio-economic disadvantage, preterm birth, and delivery of low birth-weight infants (Wong et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2021).

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 7: Individuals from the Affected Community

Ms. Amka Deborah falls in the category of the community whose infants are most affected by SIDS. Ms. Deborah is 19 years old and is a first-time mother from Anchorage, Alaska. In terms of ethnicity, Ms. Deborah is a member of the non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native community (AIAN). I bring this up because the AIAN community is one of the ethnic communities most affected by SIDS in the United States. Statistics presented by the Department for Human and Health Services (HHS) show that AIAN babies have a 50% higher likelihood of dying due to complications resulting from low birth weight compared to non-Hispanic white infants (HHS, 2021). The statistics further show that, in 2019, for example, AIAN mothers had close to three times the likelihood of receiving late or no prenatal care compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts (HHS, 2021). True to these findings, Ms. Deborah was late in receiving prenatal care. Furthermore, findings from a survey conducted between 2015 and 2019 presented by the CDC showed that the sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) rate was highest among non-Hispanic AIAN children, with 216.0 per 100,000 live births (CDC, 2022). The survey also found that the AIAN community had the highest percentage of infant deaths attributed to unknown causes at 40% (CDC, 2022). Overall, these statistics point to the need to involve and collaborate with Ms. Amka Deborah. The activity will help Ms. Deborah reduce the risk of her infant dying of SIDS.

Slide 8: Educational Session (SMART Goals)

Thank you and welcome, Ms. Amka Deborah, for attending this education session on improving the safety and health of infants. Last week we agreed that at the end of this session, you would practically demonstrate the supine sleeping position or “back sleeping.” We also agreed that you would “stay clean” from alcohol, drug, and substance use for at least the six months recommended for exclusive breastfeeding. But I understand that you may encounter challenges in your “staying clean” and that a slip-up might occur. In case of such an incidence, kindly do not share a bed with your baby, as that would increase the likelihood of the baby dying from SIDS.

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 9: Supine Sleeping Position/Back Sleeping

At this point, I would like to introduce you to Ms. Angela Dawkins. Ms. Dawkins is one of the Resident Nurses at the Valley Hospital. For the past five years, Ms. Dawkins has been offering nursing and parenting assistance to mothers, especially first-time moms like you, Ms. Deborah. Ms. Dawkins will demonstrate to us, using baby toys, the supine sleeping position or back sleeping.

As Ms. Dawkins has demonstrated, and as you can see from this photographic illustration, the supine position which describes the situation whereby the infant is facing up with their head resting on a pillow and their neck adopting a neutral position. In our illustration, the supine position has a green tick mark. The other two positions crossed with a red sign are referred to as prone positions. Research has shown that a prone position has the potential to increase the risk of SIDS by more than ten times among ill babies (Goldwater, 2017). Therefore, although I encourage you to ensure that your baby sleeps on the back at all times in the first year, kindly be more alert when the baby is sick.

At this juncture, I wish to thank and release Ms. Dawkins unless you have any questions for her. Any questions, Ms. Deborah?

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 10: Environmental Modification

In addition to ensuring the infant sleeps on their back, there are several other things that I would like you to do in the course of the next year or so. First, I would like you to avoid the use of alcohol, drugs, and other substances during the six months recommended for exclusive. Breastfeeding. I say this because research has linked alcohol, antidepressants, or hypnotic drugs which are mainly used to treat/manage extreme fatigue with SIDS (Jullien, 2021).

Slide 11: Additional Interventions

There are other SIDS interventions that I would like to discuss with you. These interventions have been outlined by the Allina Health Patient Education (AHPA). The AHPA first published this list in 2002 and has since updated it, with the last update coming on June 12, 2021. In express terms, the AHPA recommends the use of a firm crib mattress with only a fitted sheet. Also, AHPA advises that soft, loose bedding and toys should be kept out of the crib.

Also, ensure that your baby is not overheated. Furthermore, according to AHPA, the safest place for an infant to sleep is in your room but in a crib/cot or bassinet. You should only bring the baby into your bed to feed or comfort them (AHPA, 2022). Last but not least, you are encouraged to breastfeed your baby on demand as it reduces the risk of SIDS (Jullien, 2022).

Slide 12: Evaluating Session Outcomes

At the start of this activity, we agreed that you would be able to practically demonstrate the supine sleeping position or back-sleeping. At this juncture, I would like to request Ms. Dawkins to assist us with her toys and to invigilate them.

I invite you, Ms. Deborah, with the slight guidance of Ms. Dawkins, to demonstrate the recommended sleeping position for an infant. Ms. Dawkins, is that correct? Now that you have practically demonstrated an understanding of the supine position, I would like you to demonstrate one of the two prone positions we highlighted. Ms. Dawkins, is that correct? Congratulations, Ms. Deborah, for perfectly demonstrating the supine sleeping position, which research has shown to reduce the risk of SIDS.

We also agreed that you would avoid alcohol, drugs, and substance use for at least six months, meant for exclusive breastfeeding. To this end, I encourage you to attend the free counseling sessions conducted at Valley Hospital for young mothers. I humbly request you to consider attending these sessions at least once or twice a month. I also encourage you to seek the support of family and friends. Friends and family can be of particular help in case you encounter challenges in your journey of staying clean from alcohol, drugs, and substance use.

Nurs-FPX 4060 assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Slide 13: Evaluating Session Outcomes (Healthy People 2030)

The education session that we have completed meets the goals of Healthy People 2030. As earlier noted, one of the goals outlined under Healthy People 2030 is to improve the health and safety of infants. In addition to this, Healthy People 2030 is also keen on eliminating health disparities, attaining health equity, and enhancing literacy to improve the health and well-being of all (ODPHP, n.d). As a member of a community that is disproportionately affected by SIDS, information shared with Ms. Deborah will go a long way in addressing disparities in care and enhancing health literacy in the AIAN community.

Slide 14: Revisions to Improve Future Sessions

Several issues have been identified as areas for possible improvement. To this end, to better align future sessions with Healthy People 2030 objectives, there is a need to conduct the education session in an area devoid of disturbances and loud noises, as this was seen to distract the learner/subject. Also, it was deemed important to engage the subject more, possibly through questions to identify their unmet needs. Last but not least, collaborating with Ms. Dawkins proved to be very effective. As such, I would seek to collaborate with more professionals in the future.

At this juncture, we have come to the end of this presentation; thank you for your time and patience.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC. (2022). Data and Statistics. Retrieved July 27 2022, from

Duncan, J.R., & Byard, R.W. (2018). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: An Overview. In: Duncan JR, Byard RW, editors. SIDS Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death: The Past, the Present and the Future. Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press.

Goldwater, P. N. (2017). Sudden infant death syndrome, infection, prone sleep position, and vagal neuroimmunology. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 5, 223.

Huang, L. Y., Chen, W. J., Yang, Y. N., Wu, C. Y., Wu, P. L., Tey, S. L., & Liu, H. K. (2021). Maternal Age, the Disparity across Regions and Their Correlation to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Taiwan: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Children, 8(9), 771.

Jullien, S. (2021). Sudden infant death syndrome prevention. BMC pediatrics, 21(1), 1-9.Mayo Clinic. (2022). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – Symptoms and causes.

Mayo Clinic. Retrieved July 27 2022, from conditions/sudden-infant-death-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20352800#

Rural Health Information (RHI) Hub. (n.d). Defining Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from promotion/1/definition

Woodall, A., & Driscoll, A. (2020). Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mortality Rate of Infants Born to Teen Mothers: United States, 2017–2018. CDC. Retrieved August 2 2022, from

World Health Organization, WHO. (n.d). Health Promotion. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from


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Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment.

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