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NURS 4115 – Week 2 Discussion – Nurses Working to Improve the Socioeconomic Status of Impoverished Citizens Through Government Actions

NURS 4115 – Week 2 Discussion – Nurses Working to Improve the Socioeconomic Status of Impoverished Citizens Through Government Actions

Politics and economics may affect healthcare delivery in healthcare settings in different ways. Therefore, politics encompasses various concepts, including trade union and electoral behavior, which influence welfare state expansion and how communities care for their citizens. Politics play a pivotal role in healthcare by analyzing how various health problems are addressed in the policy agenda. Holtz (2017) mentions that in the long run, the welfare state can affect social and income inequalities and shed light on society’s health disparities. It is noteworthy that health disparities in the community may involve ethics in the justice system, which advocates for equality in healthcare resource allocation.

Additionally, economics can influence the healthcare delivery system in healthcare settings in different ways. In the case “Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico,” people associated with divested economies and minimal financial resources have various health issues, including malnutrition (Levin, 2007). On the other hand, an improved economy may enhance healthcare delivery in healthcare settings and improve access to healthcare services and enhance living standards. Therefore, economics helps to determine how to improve health outcomes and living standards through interactions between healthcare settings and members of society.

According to Riportella & Schmeiser (2020), economic systems influence access to care by families in society. I come from a middle-class family with middle-class income and fair economic empowerment. However, my family faces some difficulties in accessing healthcare. Therefore, my family can facilitate regular appointments with dental and family planning professionals through comprehensive medical insurance coverage. Consequently, members of society lacking financial resources may have difficulties accessing quality healthcare services in the community (Holtz, 2017). Additionally, most underprivileged individuals in society live in unsafe environments that may contribute to health problems among these populations.

NURS 4115 – Week 2 Discussion – Nurses Working to Improve the Socioeconomic Status of Impoverished Citizens Through Government Actions

Government intervention, for example, the use of policies and programs, may improve the healthcare system in many ways. For instance, in Mexico, government administrations have heavily invested in social services to enhance services and reduce costs (Levine, 2007). For example, during President Zedillo’s administration, he increased healthcare funding and implemented government-funded programs, including “Progresa,” to address healthcare concerns. Therefore, the program pointed to increasing healthcare services among the underprivileged populations in Mexico, including most rural areas. Thus, government intervention led to significant achievements (Levine, 2007).


Holtz, C. (2017). Global health care: Issues and policies (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Levine, R. (2007). Case studies in global health: Millions saved. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Riportella, R., & Schmeiser, M. D. (2020). Economics as it Relates to Family Health. Encyclopedia of Family Health.


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NURS 4115 – Week 2 Discussion – Nurses Working to Improve the Socioeconomic Status of Impoverished Citizens Through Government Actions

Post your response to the following prompts: Explain how politics and economics may influence health and the healthcare system from your own perspective. Analyze whether the political and/or economic systems play a major role in your or your family’s access to health and explain why. Then, describe how government intervention might benefit a health care system. Be specific and provide examples.

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