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NURS 4005 – Week 1 Assignment – Emerging and Reemerging Diseases Fact Sheet

NURS 4005 – Week 1 Assignment – Emerging and Reemerging Diseases Fact Sheet

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is one of the current re-emerging diseases in the world (World Health Organization, 2014). The target populations include;

What is Ebola hemorrhagic fever?

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a fatal severe infectious disease in human beings that is caused by Ebola viruses transmitted from wild animals to humans (Feldmann & Geisbert, 2011). The Ebola virus disease (EVD) which is something detected in 1976. The detection was in two different epidemics, whereby the first one being realized in the current Nzara region of South Sudan (Feldmann & Geisbert, 2011).

Image 1: Ebola Outbreaks: Retrieved from patients


The second outbreak was in the area of Yambuku, which is in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Feldmann & Geisbert, 2011). Between 2014 and 2016, West African countries like Guinea, Sierra Leone, across Liberia experienced a complex Ebola infection in history (Feldmann & Geisbert, 2011). This resulted in hundreds of people dying in a short period (World Health Organization, 2014).

NURS 4005 – Week 1 Assignment – Emerging and Reemerging Diseases Fact Sheet

The Implications of Ebola hemorrhagic fever spread.

The spread of Ebola hemorrhagic fever implies that:

Image 2: Spread and Implication of Ebola. Retrieved from

Also, there is a reluctance among medical researchers when it comes to the detection of diseases together with immediate, reliable treatment approaches to the disease (Feldmann & Geisbert, 2011).

Detection and prevention

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is detected using blood tests that are focused on identifying Ebola viruses. Some of the blood tests undertaken on suspected patients include;


Treatment of Ebola hemorrhagic fever

Currently, no reliable treatment can be used to handle the condition. Some treatment approaches are generally employed to handle the situation, such as:


Feldmann, H., & Geisbert, T. W. (2011). Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The Lancet, 377(9768), 849-862. Retrieved from        cet-site

WHO Ebola Response Team. (2014). Ebola virus disease in West Africa—the first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(16), 1481-1495. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2014). WHO: Ebola response roadmap situation report 15 October 2014. Retrieved from


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NURS 4005 – Week 1 Assignment – Emerging and Reemerging Diseases Fact Sheet

Submit A 1- to 2-page Fact Sheet.

Indicate the audience on the Fact Sheet. Give a brief history of the disease. What are the implications of the spread of the disease?

How does one detect and prevent the spread of this disease? How is this disease treated?

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