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NURS 3150 Week 6 Assignment – Drawing Conclusions About Research Findings and Their Implications for Clinical Practice

NURS 3150 Week 6 Assignment – Drawing Conclusions About Research Findings and Their Implications for Clinical Practice

One of the main things to consider while a patient is hospitalized is their safety. A patient’s safety involves more than them inflicting pain on themselves by not adhering to nursing instructions and falling while attempting to void. Sometimes their safety lies in the hands of their first line of protection: Their Nurse. Oftentimes, a sum of small interruptions or a skipped step can amount to a fatal occurrence, threatening the life of our patient(s), all due to one of the biggest issues in health care: Medication administration. While reading this week’s article, I gained an even higher desire of dedication to be very mindful while administering medications to my patients because of how quickly something can change. Even just the most innocent tap on my shoulder by my colleague or the loud ringer of my Cisco phone as I am preparing prescribed drugs can promote negative patient outcomes. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article, and I was also able to draw three conclusions of my own, along with adopting a new mindset on the variety of research methods and how it correlate to evidence-based practice.

The main purpose of this week’s reading was to assess the effectiveness of a specific intervention to reduce the volume of interruptions and errors as nurses prepare, distribute, and administer medications. The authors conducted a “mixed methods” study to focus on how the implementation of drug round tabards would help to combat this issue. As a nurse, I can appreciate this approach due to the fact that I am being granted exposure to multiple research methods that enable me to not only attain and retain knowledge but to shape it into a way in which clinical practice is more meaningful to me. As nurses, “meaningful” means that a specific intervention was implemented it created positive patient outcomes, which makes it evident, in other words: evidence-based practice, the standard at which nurses practice.

NURS 3150 Week 6 Assignment – Drawing Conclusions About Research Findings and Their Implications for Clinical Practice

The study proved to portray a direct correlation between the usage of round drug tabards and the number of interruptions and “MAEs” (Verwiji, 2014), which plummeted during phases 2 and 3 of the observation. Therefore, “we can conclude that the tabards were effective in improving medication administration safety.” (Verwiji, 2014, p. 346) However, one of three conclusions I was able to draw from the study that concerned me was: The quantity of the data may have been favorable in terms of “a decrease in 75% in interruptions and 66% in MAEs was found.”(Verwiji, 2014, p.340) but the quality of the experience of not only the nurses but also the patients was poor. This is mainly due to their own personal feelings, such as how they look and the cleanliness of the tabard itself. The nurses were also concerned about how approachable they would seem to patients and even family members due to the fact that they’d be reluctant to call for their nurse or ask them anything out of discomfort. Another conclusion I was able to draw from the study is that researchers felt as if students were knowledgeable enough to assess the extent of interruptions and medication errors. I do not agree with this due to the fact that clinical rotations and real-life nursing situations are totally different. We are prepared for what to expect when we graduate, but I do not feel as if one truly knows until we become employed as a nurse and get to experience everything that happens in real-time. I am not discrediting nursing students, but I do feel as if those who are actually practicing as Registered Nurses should have been selected as observers for the study. Last but not least, I was able to conclude that the lack of evidence of the effectiveness of tabards increases a lack of adherence and incentive by nurses. In the nursing world, “seeing is believing”; when we see that something works for the good of the patient, and has been documented in scholarly articles/or journals, then it is evident and considered credible.


Verweji, 2014, pp. 340-348 Retrived from: 150/USW1_NURS_3150_week06.html?





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NURS 3150 Week 6 Assignment – Drawing Conclusions About Research Findings and Their Implications for Clinical Practice

In a 2- to 3-page, double-spaced paper, describe three conclusions you have drawn from the findings of this study, taking into consideration the limitations of the study. Next, describe three implications for clinical practice. Once you have submitted the assignment, you will be given the full article for review.

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