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NURS 3100 Week 5 Assignment – Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

NURS 3100 Week 5 Assignment – Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as taking another person’s writing or ideas and incorporating it into your work. For instance, making it your own and not giving the proper credit to the original writer. However, plagiarism, intentionally or unintentionally, is a violation of Walden University’s academic policy. The purpose of this paper is to describe how to avoid plagiarism in my assignments and how implementing tools such as paraphrasing and synthesizing will strengthen my future as a nurse scholar-practitioner.

Describe how you will avoid plagiarism in your submitted assignments.

According to Walden University’s writing center, there are three types of plagiarism. First “overt plagiarism,” which is taking someone else’s words and not using direct quotations. Secondly, “passive plagiarism,” which entails the usage of inappropriate or ineffective paraphrasing, and lastly, “self-plagiarism,” is the student using his or her work from a previous course in another (Walden University, n.d.). I will avoid plagiarism in my submitted assignments by utilizing all the resourceful tools in the writing center provided by Walden University. These invaluable resources will help me in the following ways: to enhance my writing skills, familiarize myself with proper citations, give credit to the appropriate source, and maintain academic integrity. I will ensure to apply the latest APA format to safeguard my work from citing incorrectly and upload each assignment via the SafeAssign program to check for any potential plagiarism and to ensure the originality of my work.

NURS 3100 Week 5 Assignment – Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

Discuss how paraphrasing and synthesizing professional literature strengthens your future nurse scholar-practitioner practice.

Paraphrasing is characterized by interpreting someone else’s thoughts or ideas and conveying it into your own words that make sense to you. Synthesizing is described as the similarities or connections between multiple sources and analyzing them (Walden University, n.d.). Employing these two unique skills in my practice as a nurse scholar-practitioner can assist me in educating my patients and peers on evidence-based articles. Ultimately providing me the ability to convey this information on a level easily digestible to the comprehension of all, as well as delivering effective quality-based care. Subsequently leads to better patient outcomes.


Walden University. (n.d.). Academic Guides: Plagiarism Prevention Resource Kit: Home. Retrieved May 9, 2020, from


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NURS 3100 Week 5 Assignment – Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

In this Assignment, a) describe how you will avoid plagiarism in your submitted assignments, and b) discuss how paraphrasing and synthesizing professional literature strengthens your future nurse scholar-practitioner practice.

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