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NURS 3100 Week 4 Assignment – Quality Nursing – Part 1 of 2

NURS 3100 Week 4 Assignment – Quality Nursing – Part 1 of 2

In every organization, using quality indicators in health care is necessary to measure or assess the loopholes and areas that need improvement to achieve desired outcomes. Nurses are the first person that interacts most with patients during admission, and the quality indicators assessment starts the moment a patient meets with the nurses and other healthcare providers. Quality indicators (IQs) are established by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In this aspect, there are four methods that constitute the standard of care rendered to the patients. The four classifications of quality indicators are Prevention, Quality care.

Quality Indicators (QI) are developed by the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). There are currently four categories that represent the standard of care provided to patients. The four classifications include Prevention QI, Inpatient QI, Patient Safety QI, and Pediatric QI. Each class measures important aspects of performance by determining where improvement is needed to ensure the best patient outcomes (“U.S. Department of Health and Human Services”). A Quality Indicator that is of particular interest to me is one that has increased in popularity and awareness nationwide. Monitoring readmission rates to the hospital within 30 days following discharge proves to be an effective way to gauge a hospital’s discharge process, thereby representing the overall quality of care provided. As a nurse practitioner, I will reduce the risk of deterioration in health status that brings patients back to the emergency room by improving patient education and awareness. This will create a smooth transition from inpatient care. The purpose of this paper is to describe steps that healthcare professionals can take to decrease patient readmissions, improve patient satisfaction, and assist hospitals in complying with provisions set by the Affordable Care Act for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

Quality Indicator

Each category of QI helps to equip medical professionals with the tools necessary for improving patient care. Utilizing these scientifically proven studies assists healthcare organizations in reevaluating particular aspects of care provided so that reimbursement qualifications can be met and overall patient satisfaction increases. Decreasing readmission rates is considered a reflection of the exceptional care provided by healthcare workers by utilizing evidence-based practices and quality indicators to improve patient outcomes. Making modifications based on scientific evidence and expert experience will reduce the frequency of avoidable emergency room visits and readmission rates. This will enhance the safety of patients by lowering the risk of potentially dangerous reactions to new medications, hospital-acquired infections, and increased anxiety, depression, or delirium. It will also lessen the stress of financial burden due to missed work and healthcare expenses. Avoiding these types of complications will minimize avoidable readmissions and unnecessary hospital expenses.

NURS 3100 Week 4 Assignment – Quality Nursing – Part 1 of 2

Current Data and Leadership’s Goals

Receiving monetary gain for services provided offers hospitals a very little incentive to improve the transition from inpatient care in an effort to reduce readmission rates. It was not until 2012 that payment policy changed, forcing healthcare institutions the reevaluate the importance of a successful discharge plan. “Section 3025 of the Affordable Care Act added section 1886(q) to the Social Security Act establishing the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, which requires Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to reduce payments to inpatient prospective payment plan system hospitals (IPPS) with excess readmissions” (, 2016) In addition, a limited number of health care providers are examining if bundle payments would help to hold organizations responsible for putting measures in place that will prevent avoidable readmissions. New models of payment are being explored that could create retention in savings for healthcare organizations that successfully provide better coordination and care for their clients and reduce the amount of “frequent flyers” (Silow-Carroll, Edwards, & Lashbrook, 2011, p. 3). Recent studies indicate that one in five patients return to the emergency room within 30 days post-discharge, and over half of those patients get readmitted (Brennan et al.2015, para. 4). These statistics are not surprising due to the convoluted process of transitioning a patient from inpatient care.


A smooth transition requires proper planning and interventions to guarantee adequate patient safety and education, medication reconciliation, and collaboration among caregivers. Implementing a plan based on evidence-based practices and expert experiences will reduce inauspicious events during hospitalization, such as nosocomial infections, pressure ulcers, falls, and therapeutic errors. Continuing that plan following discharge can ensure the continuation of patient safety and compliance. One way to extend patient care is by following up with a phone within 48-72 hours after a client leaves the hospital. Providing outpatient support by communicating with patients using open and closed-ended questions can allow for prompt action to be taken if an issue is suspected. Proactive intervention regarding patient stressors, side effects of new medications, or increasing symptoms of a diagnosis will alleviate unnecessary readmissions (Harrison et al., 2011). Research shows that setting up future appointments, communicating with primary care physicians, and encouraging patients to practice teach-back methods to assess understanding are all additional ways that patient care can be extended.

Boston University Medical Center is home to a research group called Project RED. This group reinforces interventions that increase patient education and reduce hospitalizations. Project RED utilizes a virtual assistant that educates patients and is programmed to encourage teach-back methods. They have also created a strategy to compile necessary patient information to aid in the transition from inpatient status and reduce readmissions (TRM Mgmt Group, 2016). By implementing a personalized approach using evidence-based practices to increase patient outcomes and decrease multiple hospital visits, this group has already enhanced patient satisfaction and hospital savings for some institutions.

NURS 3100 Week 4 Assignment – Quality Nursing – Part 1 of 2


Improving patient outcomes and increasing revenue for hospital organizations is the ultimate goal of the four categories of Quality Indicators. By providing research and scientific evidence, they represent the standard of care provided to patients and illustrate where improvement is necessary for patient satisfaction and cost reduction. By implementing strategies to create a smooth transition from inpatient status and creating a plan that continues after discharge, healthcare professionals can minimize avoidable readmissions. Remaining diligent in our efforts to continuously improve the quality of care provided to patients while being cost-effective in our approach to treatment will result in optimal outcomes for patients and healthcare organizations.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (). Retrieved February 1, 2017, from

Brennan, J. J., Chan, T. C., Killeen, J. P., & Castillo, E. M. (2015 November 30, 2015). Inpatient Readmissions and Emergency Department Visits within 30 Days of a Hospital Admission. WestJet. 10.5811/westjem.2015.8.26157

Harrison, P. L., Hara, P. A., Pope, J. E., Young, M. C., & Rula, E. Y. (2011, February 11, 2011). The Impact of Post-discharge Telephonic Follow-Up on Hospital Readmissions. Population Health Management.

Silow-Carroll, S., Edwards, J. N., & Lashbrook, A. (2011). Reducing Hospital Readmissions: Lessons from Top-Performing Hospitals. Retrieved from Emerging RN Leader: content/uploads/2012/08/1473_SilowCarroll_readmissions_synthesis_web_version2.pdf

TRM Mgmt. Group. (2016). Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) (V12.16). Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Use the Walden Writing Center guidelines titled “Writing a Paper” and “Scholarly Writing: Overview” to do the following:

Draft a 2- to 3-page paper describing your selected QI in general, and then describe how this QI has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and outcomes of your patients and their families.

Describe the current data available and leadership’s goal for improvement.

Draft a solution using two sources from professional and scholarly literature to support your proposal.

Use the 2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template in the resources for this week to complete your Assignment.

Use in-text citations to support your paper. Use essay-level writing skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames.

Before you submit your final paper for grading, submit it to a Safe Assign Draft in Academic Integrity. Use the information provided in the Originality Report (Walden University, n.d.-c) to revise your paper. Paraphrasing and citing your sources in-text will decrease the similarity score. Go to Academic Integrity to learn how to interpret your originality score. Revise your paper before submitting it to the Week 4 Assignment within the course.


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