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NURS 3100 Week 1 Discussion – Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy

NURS 3100 Week 1 Discussion – Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy

Current challenges: Retiring baby boomers and Fewer people entering the nursing workforce. In 2008, the oldest baby boomers were 63 years old, with many of them already retired (Jauhiainen, 2009). By the year 2030, every fifth person in the United States will be 65 years old (Jauhiainen, 2009). This large amount of baby boomers reaching retirement causes a lot of challenges for the nursing population. The retiring nurses will leave vacancies in nursing. This, compounded with nursing shortages, will lead to not enough supply to meet the demand for nursing vacancies (American Association of College Nursing, 2014). Therefore, eventually, the size of the RN workforce will shrink as older nurses continue to retire (Evans, 2013). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

If the shortage is not addressed, the nursing shortage is projected to reach 29% by the year 2020 (Krail, 2005). In order to address the aging nursing population, many federal and state agencies are providing grants worth millions of dollars to fund programs to address the shortage (Krail, 2005). Employment agencies are also providing incentives and increasing wages for potential nursing staff (Krail, 2005).

There are also fewer people entering the nursing profession (Krail, 2005). Also, women who comprise a majority of the nursing workforce have more career choices, which has also led to a decrease as well (Krail, 2005). The number of graduating students has decreased (American Association of College Nursing, 2014). In order to meet the growing demand for nurses over the next decade, nursing education will have to increase the number of graduates by 30% (American Association of College Nursing, 2014). Unfortunately, nursing school enrollment is not increasing quickly enough to meet the demand (American Association of College Nursing, 2014).

NURS 3100 Week 1 Discussion – Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy

I believe that at least one way to address the potential nursing shortages is to promote the nursing profession earlier to potential students. I believe that if students are educated about the nursing field, for example, in middle school, there could be potentially more people that would be interested in going into nursing. By building a foundation early and showing the younger generation how important nursing is, they may become interested in the profession. Then this could lead to offering nursing programs in high school. To address this issue, nursing service providers are joining educators in recruiting students, developing programs, and improving the image of nursing (Krail, 2005).

Furthering my education to become a primary care nurse practitioner will enable me to help address these specific issues in nursing. I plan on also going into education in the classroom as well as in the community. Therefore, by me furthering my education, I will be able to educate the younger generation on the importance of nursing and how nurses are important to healthcare. Nursing is a great field with many different routes to choose from.


American Association of College Nursing. (2014). Nursing Shortage. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from shortage

Evans, J. D. (2013). Factors Influencing Recruitment and Retention of Nurse Educators Reported by Current Nurse Faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(1), 11-20. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.04.012

Jauhiainen, J. (2009). Will the retiring baby boomers return to the rural periphery? Journal Of Rural Studies, 25(1), 25-34.

Krail, K. A. (2005). Retaining the retiring nurse. Nurse Leader, 3(2), 33-36. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2005.01.005



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NURS 3100 Week 1 Discussion – Creating Your Personal Nursing Legacy

Describe at least two current and/or future challenges in nursing and the solutions that are being proposed to meet those challenges. Explain how furthering your education will enable you to build up your personal nursing legacy in meeting these types of challenges.

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