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NSG 4076 Week 4 Project

NSG 4076 Week 4 Project

In our textbook, Stanhope reveals that the EPA uses a process referred to as “risk assessment” when they develop health-based standards. The term risk assessment refers to a process to determine the probability of a health threat associated with an exposure (Stanhope, 1950). The aggregate that I chose for my practicum site has many individuals who all have similar health conditions. I assume that living conditions and low income is the initial reason that illnesses are prone to being health threats to the community.

Client Overviews

After observing several members of my chosen aggregate, I realized how many people who face poverty conditions were desperate for more opportunities in the community. The first client that I assessed was a woman of African-American descent. She has recently been diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF). Getting to know her for the first two hours, I learned that the prognosis of her illness was critical and was the primary reason she wanted to get CPR certified. She was very clueless as to where she could get information from to help improve her condition. One of the strengths I observed from this client is the fact that she was determined to help others and inspired to learn CPR skills thoroughly. Her initial reason for wanting to partake in CPR relates to her having several cardiovascular emergencies personally, and she wanted to be able to reach out to others who faced the same. Consequently, she was physically weak due to CHF and would become winded very quickly during the demonstration portions of the CPR class. Being that she falls in my researched aggregate (poor African American & Hispanic populations), her main weakness was due to being financially unstable with no health insurance due to her lack of funds. As discussed in previous projects, the lack of finances was the central reason people in the community did not have access to proper health care.

Another client that I assessed at my practicum site was a gentleman of Hispanic descent. He has currently been diagnosed with a critical heart condition called Atrial Fibrillation, which is an irregular heartbeat that leads to blood clotting, heart strokes, heart failure, and several other heart complications. He is not compliant with full treatments because he falls in the category of people who can only afford to pay for medications and regular doctor visits. Although he is not considered poor, he still falls in the low-income sector of my chosen aggregate. To assist him, we did our best to educate him about programs for low-income patients, those who do not have a steady income or no income. We also informed him of local physicians that are close to the area and may be able to help his condition more than the vicinity he currently goes to.

The third client I assessed had a breathing condition called Dyspnea. She falls in both the poor African American & Hispanic aggregate due to the fact she is mixed with both races. She currently has Medicaid but is not able to receive the proper treatments needed because Medicaid does not cover the full cost needed to treat her condition. One of the strengths that stood out about this client is the fact she has been able to make payments monthly to receive minimal care for her condition. However, from her recent prognosis, her condition is worsening, and she is not in a physical condition to put extra stress to work for the finances that will cover her payments. Nevertheless, I did my best to inform her of the same programs as my previous client, who suffered from AFIB.

NSG 4076 Week 4 Project

Strengths & Weaknesses in Depth

After successfully assessing each of my clients, I realized that the community lacks healthcare facilities that clients can afford. Each client had an income or just did not have the financial stability to be able to afford proper treatments. I highlighted the lack of finances as the primary weakness of the aggregate. Another weakness I observed was the home conditions of the aggregate. Previously, I discussed my outlook on the community, and it was in poor condition. I think it is highly ironic that most people who are associated with my chosen aggregate have similar diagnoses & prognoses of their illnesses. The primary strength of the community stems from those who constantly seek out better health care and promote the want for more accessibility to proper health care vicinities. Those who have similar illnesses tend to form groups and try to figure out what they can all do to better their conditions. I considered this a strength because it shows that members of the community will stick together when it comes to promoting better health care, which is beneficial to nurses and other professional health care advocates. In the textbook, it states: “Poor people who live in low-income communities are more often housed in 229 substandard housing (with attendant risks of chipping and peeling paint, pests, and unsafe neighbourhoods), live closer to pollution sources, are employed in more dangerous occupations, and have less access to healthy food options. In addition, vulnerability is variable through the human life cycle” (Stanhope,1950). This concludes my assumption that living conditions and low finances are the primary reasons of terrible health conditions and lack of health care knowledge. The quote from the text is a perfect example of my chosen aggregate because the home conditions and the environment around the community are in very poor shape.


To sum up, my risk assessment of the aggregate, A big strength that I have seen with this community that my facility is a part of is that it does not stop with providing CPR classes. It goes beyond that. When you come to our vicinity, you will leave with so much more insight. All of the people that I have selected have received additional information that was not asked for, but because of my assessing their conditions just by having a simple conversation with them, I found out more than I would have known just by assisting with the teaching of this class.


Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J. Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community. [South University]. Retrieved from


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NSG 4076 Week 4 Project

There are two parts to this assignment. Select a few members from the aggregate you have identified at your practicum site.

There are two parts to this assignment. Select a few members from the aggregate you have identified at your practicum site. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the aggregate and the community where the aggregate resides. Support your responses with examples.

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