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NSG 4076 Week 3 Project

NSG 4076 Week 3 Project


This capstone nursing project will focus on wound care for chronically ill patients. Chronic wounds have been so challenging when it comes to wound care in healthcare facilities since they consume a great deal of Medicare resources worldwide. Chronically critically ill patients have the potential to recover or heal from their acute cataclysmic diseases, although they need intensive Medicare.

Problem Statement

Chronically ill patients suffering from acute wounds present the primary healthcare nurse with a variety of issues (Jones et al., 2018). The examination of the patient’s wound and related hazard elements and the medication methods and wound healing stage should be a continuous procedure. The nurse’s responsibility, according to Nightingale, is to “place the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon.” The medical assistant is crucial in developing and sustaining the optimal condition or habitat to maximize the body’s wound-healing process and speed the patient’s return to health (Matthews et al., 2020).

Many healthcare researchers have indicated that it’s challenging to treat chronic wounds, although understanding the underlying pathos functioning and particular consideration towards the treatment of these perturbations may lead to effective wound healing. According to Han and Ceilley (2017), wound therapy is a complex, extremely synchronized procedure that is precarious in managing the hurdle purpose of the skin. The cascade of events associated with wound treatment can be disrupted by various illness disorders, culminating in chronic non-healing wounds that cause the patient great suffering and misery while sucking the healthcare system of massive funds. Many components must work together for a cutaneous wound to heal. Wound dressings and therapies have changed significantly to address potential impediments to wound healing, such as infections and ischemia.

NSG 4076 Week 3 Project


An open-ended questionnaire will be administered to assess the skills and knowledge of nurses engaged in wound treatment. The questionnaire will offer an additional and important understanding of evidence hindering wound care. Additionally, the questionnaire shall be used to evaluate the risks of nursing practice involved in wound management. The questionnaire contains phrases such as tissue viability, nurse, wound and education to advise the family/nurse in relation to solutions to counter the limitation to evidence-based treatment or usage of evidence-based wound treatment (Welsh, 2018).

The entire scope of training and education must be practised by all nurses. The core concept of the Destiny of Care: Leadership Development and Advancement of Healthcare from the Institute of Health study is applicable to each RN. Restrictions must be eliminated that prohibit nurses from achieving their full performance. The obligation required of all persons to obtain medical insurance is a significant and sensitive aspect that merits notice. As a consequence of this obligation, millions of extra individuals in a society already suffering with its ability to deliver that healthcare will demand access to primary healthcare. In particular, RNs (Nurse practitioners) and RN First Assistants may help organize and execute pre- and post-operative surgical treatment and first surgery assistants with suitable training.

The APRNs undertake pre-anaesthesia evaluation workshops in peri-operative treatments as a further means for the caregivers to operate to their best ability. This improvement is worth highlighting since the patient’s results and expenses saved as a consequence of the surgical treatment are planned and enhanced for surgery. Some hurdles cover the area of focus for APRNs, decentralization of treatment, irregular payment, rapid turnover of team members and population issues (like old nursing practice nursing diversity deficiency). Failure to address these limitations can prevent the nurses from meeting the objective of improving the access of elderly and ethnically diverse patients to patient-centred and socially significant treatment. Quality of Care (14 questions) and Medical Centrality (six items) were applied to assess nurses’ opinions of the healthcare system and the collaboration required to deliver it (Heinemann et al., 2021). The Medical Centrality subtest assessed views on nurses’ power and authority over patient data. Assessments of theory and empirical show how every variable is a strong estimate of its basic premise throughout three stages. Potential applications involve assessing clinically oriented team practice courses for children and trainees, as well as instructional team therapies.

Research Questions

The following questions will be considered to ensure my project achieves anticipated results or outcomes. According to international consensus, evidence-based practice can be used to advance results for patients by use of well-being and home care services. However, the implementation of evidence-based practice may be upon by various barriers, such as inadequate time, staff shortage, enormous patient caseloads, family obligations, and poor awareness of evidence-based and negative attitudes about it (Mathieson et al., 2019).

Does teaching evidence-based wound care in the household health setting increase the use of evidence-based wound treatment in chronically ill patients?

Will a high demand for APRNs assist in fulfilling the demands of an elderly society with chronic medical needs?

Do nurses provide a critical function in patient care and transitions of care?

Must all practitioners, particularly nurses, have instant access to crucial medical information while making choices regarding the patient’s treatment?

Are nurses prone to stress due to the lack of education, expertise, or psychological help?


Gethin, G., Probst, S., Stryja, J., Christiansen, N., & Price, P. (2020). Evidence for person-centred care in chronic wound care: a systematic review and recommendations for practice. Journal of Wound Care, 29(Sup9b), S1-S22.

Han, G. & Ceilley, R. (2017). Chronic Wound Healing: A Review of Current Management and Treatments.

Heinemann, G., Schmitt, M., Farrell, M., & Brallier, S. (2021). Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams- Heinemann. Retrieved 2 August 2021, from

Jones, R. E., Foster, D. S., & Longaker, M. T. (2018). Management of chronic wounds—2018. Jama, 320(14), 1481-1482.

Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2019). Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed- -studies review and qualitative synthesis. Primary health care research & development, 20.

Matthews, J. H., Whitehead, P. B., Ward, C., Kyner, M., & Crowder, T. (2020). Florence Nightingale: visionary for the role of clinical nurse specialist. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 25(2).

Welsh L. (2018). Wound care evidence, knowledge and education amongst nurses: a semi-systematic literature review. International Wound Journal, 15(1), 53–61.


We’ll write everything from scratch


NSG 4076 Week 3 Project

The introduction establishes the scope, context, and significance of the project being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information (literature) about the topic, stating the purpose of the work, explaining briefly the approach used to examine the problem, and identifying one or two outcomes of the project. Problem Statement

A problem statement is the description of a currently existing issue, which needs to be addressed with evidence-based interventions. The statement of the problem is the focal point of the project. Be sure to back up the noted issue/problem with evidence. Must include citations of evidence.

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