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NSG 4076 Week 1 Project – Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

NSG 4076 Week 1 Project – Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

Pasadena is a city in Texas, and according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau (2018), it is the second-largest city in Harris County. In 2018, the population in Pasadena was about one hundred and fifty-four thousand people. The city’s median age is around 31.3, while the household median income is about $53,3331. Pasadena has been experiencing growth in terms of population and household income. This was confirmed between 2017 and 2018 when the city experienced 0.185 percent of its total population. The population increased from 153,909 in 2017 to about 154,193. On the other hand, the median household income shot by about 6.22 per cent to stand at $53,331 in 2018, down from $50,2017 in 2017 (U.S. Census Bureau., 2018). Pasadena, TX, has five major ethnic groups, and the largest one is Hispanic at 61.9 per cent, Non-Hispanic at 25.6 per cent, African-American at 2.4 per cent, and Asian at 1.64 per cent. Data by U.S. Census Bureau. (2018) shows that as of 2018, about forty thousand people, representing 26.1 per cent of the total population, were foreign-born, which was an increase from 25.9 per cent the previous year. Most of the residents in the city are U.S. citizens, and they are English speakers.

The value of property in Pasadena is relatively high, as the current median property value stands at $117,400. Due to this factor, the rate of homeownership is about 52.9 percent. Car ownership in Pasadena is two cars per household. The city’s main mode of transport is by road, where the average commute time is about 25.5 minutes. This makes the area easily accessible. The income inequality in Pasadena, TX, is higher than the national average, as it stands at 0.482 per cent. Males in Pasadena earn more on average income compared to their female counterparts by more than 1.41 times (, n.d.). Most of the employed people in Pasadena are in the construction sector, manufacturing, and retail trade. I chose Pasadena, TX, as my aggregate because the hospital where I will do my practice is located in this region. I have also lived here for a while, which gives me an added advantage since I know the area pretty well.

Age and condition of the homes in the community

Pasadena has about 48,724 homes and apartments, and the appreciation value has been on the rise since 2000. On average, the monthly rent stands at $1,197. The total percentage of rented homes stands at 47.4 percent, and owned homes equate to about 52.6 percent. 9,4 per cent of the homes are not yet occupied (U.S. Census Bureau., 2012). Of most homes in Pasadena, Texas, about 45.7 per cent were built between 1970 to 1999. In contrast, 40.6 per cent of the homes were built between 190 and 1969. Only 12.6 per cent of the homes were built from 2000 (U.S. Census Bureau., 2012). Pasadena, Texas, has different categories of homes. About 58.6 per cent of the homes in Pasadena are single-family, while apartment complexes take up about 29.9 per cent of the homes. Mobile homes are also prominent in Pasadena, TX, as they represent about 4.7 per cent of the homes. The size of homes matters, while in Pasadena, 40.1 per cent of the homes have three bedrooms. However, only 2.7 percent of the homes that are 5 or more bedrooms (U.S. Census Bureau., 2012). There are more than 50 residential care homes in Pasadena that act as homes for loved ones, including the elderly.

NSG 4076 Week 1 Project – Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

Amount of space between homes and businesses

Homes and businesses in Pasadena, TX, are somewhat far apart; however, accessing the city is not challenging due to a well-connected road network. Businesses are booming, and although the city is not entirely a 24-hour economy, the city is at the heart of Texas’s booming state. Most of the businesses operate during the day, and they range from small businesses to large businesses. There are more than 30 manufacturing factories in Pasadena, and they are located away from homes thanks to the zoning of different areas in the city.

Neighbourhood Hangouts

Pasadena, Texas, is an amazing place to live and work. It is a city that thrives in creating the future through resources and exploration. It offers great opportunities for everyone who wishes to connect with nature and the history that the city holds. Amongst the most popular hangout places in the city lies the Armand Bayou Nature Center, which gives every guest a breathtaking experience with several forms of wildlife and mind-blowing history (Deloitte, n.d.). Another hangout that should be a must-visit while in Pasadena is the Pasadena Little Theatre. This theatre usually hosts dozens of theatre performances and events every year. The Pasadena Historical Museum is another incredible hangout spot that offers every visitor a glimpse into the amazing past information about the Houston Area.

Transportation in the Community

Pasadena, TX, has a well-connected road network as the main mode of transport is by road. According to Deloitte (n.d.), every household in Pasadena has an average of 2 cars. Pasadena also has a rapid transit system that occupies eight routes, and all connect to the metro L line. This has ensured smooth movement from one point to another. Navigating through the city has been made much easier due to well-marked signs and traffic lights. This ensures a smooth flow of traffic.

Quality of streets and sidewalks

Pasadena streets are well-lit and organized. The streets are also spotless, and the city has zero tolerance for the throwing of garbage on the streets. The issue of cleanliness is serious in the city, such that there is a Graffiti Abatement Hotline that one can dial and have graffiti removed within 48 hours of reporting (Deloitte, n.d.). The sidewalks are well-paved, which ensures smooth traffic for people. The sidewalks are in good condition such that even the elderly can take a walk on them without any incidents of stumbling on blocks.

Types/numbers of stores and other businesses

Business is an integral part of the livelihood of most people in Pasadena, TX. Most of the businesses are in construction, manufacturing, and retail trade. One can also spot grocery stores, supermarkets, jewellery stores, and clothes stores, among other businesses. Convenience stores are also in close proximity, which ensures easier shopping. One of the businesses in Pasadena includes Afton Chemical Corporation, which is considered one of the region’s major employers. Agri, LLC is also a great company employing a huge chunk of the Pasadena residents.

People out in the Community

Data by U.S. Census Bureau. (2018) shows that as of 2018, about forty thousand people, representing 26.1 per cent of the total population, were foreign-born, which was an increase from 25.9 per cent the previous year. Most of the residents in the city are U.S. citizens, and they are English speakers. Pasadena, Texas, people are kind and loving.


Pasadena, TX, has five major ethnic groups, and the largest one is Hispanic at 61.9 per cent, Non-Hispanic at 25.6 per cent, African-American at 2.4 per cent, and Asian at 1.64 per cent. Although the population here comes from different ethnic groups, harmony among them is paramount. English is the common language spoken in the city.

Cleanliness of the Community

The community is well organized and promotes cleanliness. The shared public spaces, such as parks, were well-maintained and clean. There is usually no litter on the streets, and the pavements are well organized and made to ensure a free flow of people.

NSG 4076 Week 1 Project – Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

Billboards or other media displays

There are a number of billboards and other media displays placed strategically across the city. Most of these billboards promote tech products such as mobile phones as well as fashion. Most of the notable figures on the billboards are whites, which is understandable since the highest population is made up of whites at 61.9 per cent. Food and drink adverts also feature heavily on billboards. Most of the product influencers on the billboards across the city are young people.

Places of Worship

In Pasadena, there’s the right of worship. The most common religion in the region is Protestantism, which accounts for almost 50 per cent. Judaism accounts for 1 per cent, while Catholicism accounts for 23 per cent (Deloitte, n.d.). The city has many churches as compared to temples. Each place of worship has a clear address and a zip code.

Availability of Services

Different kinds of services are provided in Pasadena. There are internet providers, healthcare providers, transport companies offering reliable transport, as well as food vendors. All these have made life pretty easier as one can access any service just by the dial of a button. Technological advancement in the city has greatly enhanced the provision of services. This has promoted efficiency and effectiveness in the service sector.


U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). United States Summary, 2010: Population and housing unit counts. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau.

U.S. Census Bureau. (2018). American Factfinder (Vol. 5). U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). Data from the 2010 United States Census. The Census counts every resident in the U.S. and is conducted once every 10 years.).

Deloitte, (n.d.). Data USAPasadena, TX.


We’ll write everything from scratch


With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, you can assess the common characteristics of the community of your selected aggregate. Key observations to make during a windshield survey include the following:

Age and condition of the homes in the community Location and condition of parks and other recreational areas Amount of space between homes and businesses Neighborhood hangouts

Transportation in the community

Quality of streets and sidewalks

Types/numbers of stores and other businesses

People out in the community


Cleanliness of the community

Billboards or other media displays

Places of worship

Availability of services—doctors, dentists, social centers, recreation centers, hospitals. By the due date assigned, submit your proposal to your instructor for approval.

In addition to the data collected in the windshield survey, include the following information about your aggregate:

Name of the aggregate, Geographical location and size, Population A brief history. Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project.

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