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NSG 4076 Week 1 Discussion

NSG 4076 Week 1 Discussion

My aggregate will be clients receiving in-home palliative care and hospice services. The geographical location is middle Georgia. There is a total of ten counties covered. The size varies by county. We cover about 1 hour each way of Bibb County. The population is from about 876 to 153,925, depending on the county. The total population for the service area is 291 352. Palliative and hospice services are similar but have key differences that make the two different. Palliative is comfort care at any stage in the illness or disease process. Hospice services are care in the last six months of life. “The terms hospice and palliative care are sometimes used interchangeably, but this use is inaccurate and misleading. Because medical-surgical nurses are a vital source of information for patients and families with chronic and/or terminal diseases, insight into the difference between hospice and palliative care will enable them to educate and support patients and families in exercising their autonomous choices during a very difficult time in their lives” (Casey, 2019).
Basic vital statistics

Crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, leading causes of death, and any other relevant statistical information related to the health of the aggregate from the windshield survey.

I chose this aggregate for my project because I feel like hospice and palliative care have a bad reputation. I want to shine a light on the truth. “Hospice is a model for quality, compassionate care at the end of life, involving a team-oriented approach of expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient’s wishes. It is a way to deal realistically with a fatal disease by focusing on quality of life. Hospice is a family-oriented program that helps families and friends care for their loved ones in a home. It is not a substitute for the family or the family’s care. It offers the hope of dignity and comfort.
Hospice care usually is provided in the patient’s home or in a home-like setting operated by a hospice program” (Casey, 2019). I also picked this project because I want to become a palliative nurse practitioner. It has been my dream job since doing clinical rotations on the cancer floor.


Casey,D.(2019).Ethics, Law, and Policy.Hospice and PalliativeCare: What’sthe Difference?MEDSURGNursing,28(2),196–197.


We’ll write everything from scratch


NSG 4076 Week 1 Discussion

Post your initial response to the topic below. In community and public health nursing, the target of care is the community; thus, the community is the client receiving the care. The role of the nurse is to evaluate health concerns and develop an aggregate plan of care to address those concerns. Aggregates or target populations in the community may include childcare centers, cities, counties, senior centers, homeless shelters, minority communities, faith-based organizations, work sites, schools, or other populations. Identify and discuss a few targeted populations in your community that are of interest to you. Provide your rationale for the selections identified.

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