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NSG 4029 Week 5 Project-Compilation

NSG 4029 Week 5 Project-Compilation

Leadership is vital to teamwork in a professional, personal, or social setting. Various characteristics make up an individual’s personality, and each attribute will either enhance or hinder their ability to be an effective leader. A person’s leadership style, personality traits, theory of change and conflict, emotional intelligence, and communication style influence their ability to lead their peers. In addition to these attributes, the leader’s capacity to incorporate nursing informatics and technology into patient care is essential in effectively leading the group.

There are three different leadership styles that an individual can fall under, and whichever one they do will determine what kind of leader they will be. It is essential to consider that a person can carry traits from each style and still be an effective leader. The first style is an Autocratic leader; they have full reign over all decisions, take little to no input from the team, and belittle their peers (Murray, 2017). This style is not the most effective because their peers feel demoralized, creating poor workplace morale. The second style is a Democratic Leader; they give their team the freedom to develop ideas, value input from each group member, encourage all members to participate, and increase employee satisfaction (Murray, 2017). This style is the most favored among all three because it creates an open and honest environment that makes each employee feel valued. The final style is a Laissez-Faire leader; they give free rein to their employees, provide little input on their end, expect all team members to execute the tasks, and have very little involvement in completing these tasks themselves (Murray, 2017). This style is the least effective for the organization because timelines are not met, creating a disharmonious between all team members. Most managers look for employee and management satisfaction and high work morale.

An individual’s personality traits are one of the factors that play a role in their leadership style and whether or not they will be an effective leader. The five most used traits that psychologists believe make up a personality are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeable, and neuroticism (Pappas, 2017). These five attributes are thought to be evenly distributed in an individual’s personality, or some can shine more than others. A person can be abundantly extroverted, very open, mildly conscientious, plenty agreeable, and have little neuroticism. This shows that each trait is measured differently and not evenly disbursed throughout their personality. These characteristics make a person who they are and ultimately decide if they will be an effective leader or a change agent.

A person’s emotional intelligence is a part of their personality and plays a crucial role in an individual’s ability to be an effective leader. Emotional intelligence is self-awareness and awareness of others concerning their emotions, feelings, and points of view (Murray, 2017). Since nursing is based on compassion, empathy, and self-awareness, having high emotional intelligence can make you a great nurse. Additionally, an above-average emotional intelligence level can aid in your communication style with your peers. The five components of emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, so all managers look for these qualities in their nurse leaders. When individuals can be aware of their emotions and peers and navigate through a conversation on a situational basis, they have all the characteristics to be influential leaders.

Change is a constant in life, and how an individual enforces and deals with resistance to change plays a role in whether they will be an effective leader. There are four different theories of change, and each one suggests that change happens in a sequence and that for it to be successful, one must progress through each stage. Lewin’s theory is best used for problem-solving and unplanned changes; one would unfreeze the status quo, move towards the new plan, and freeze there to sustain the change (Murray, 2017). This theory is the most used, and the other three branches of Lewin’s. Lippitt’s approach is best used for changes that are planned; they would diagnose the problem, assess the motivation for change, assess the change agent and resources, select the change objectives, choose a good role for the change agent, maintain the shift after it begins, and terminate the helping relationship (Murray, 2017). This model was based on Lewin’s theory with additional stages and focuses on the change process. Roger’s theory is best used for individual and company changes and goes off five steps: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation (Murray, 2017). It is believed that for any change to be successful, everybody involved must be on board. The final theory is Kotter, which is best used for rapid organizational changes. The eight stages include establishing urgency, creating a guiding coalition, developing a vision, communicating the change, empowering action, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains cre, creating more change, and anchoring new changes (Murray, 2017). An effective leader will use each change theory on a situational basis and understand that each can work to their advantage if used correctly.

NSG 4029 Week 5 Project-Compilation

Nursing informatics integrates information and nursing science with IT to control and communicate information, data, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice (Murray, 2017). Nurses have been integrating technology into how they care for their patients for quite some time now, and they will continue to do so in the future. This technology helps nurses and physicians assess, diagnose, and treat their patients, allowing them to care for them efficiently. “Although a relatively new specialty in nursing, informatics is essential to improving patient care and meeting regulatory requirements” (Murray, 2017, p.195). The healthcare industry understands that to provide excellent patient care, as well as ensure their safety, technology must be at the forefront of nursing. Nurse leaders and managers should continuously work towards implementing nursing informatics into daily care to deliver safe and quality care.

My leadership style falls under the democratic technique, and because of this, I believe it will enhance my ability to be an effective leader. Democratic leaders allow all members to provide input in the decision-making process, expect all team members to analyze and make final decisions, encourage participation from all members, and welcome all their creative ideas, all of which bring higher production and satisfaction in the workplace (Murray, 2017). I believe this leadership style creates an open and honest work environment because it allows employees to feel their opinions are being heard and that they have some control over what goes on in their place of employment. Additionally, this style welcomes new ways to improve patient care, such as integrating nursing informatics and technology into their work routines.

These two aspects have changed how medical professionals provide patient care, making it safer and more efficient. Integrating nursing informatics and technology into my leadership style can only enhance my ability to be effective. It would give my peers the tools to care for their patients to the best of their ability. Also, I would be leading by example because this would show my peers that I am willing to accept changes and implement them into my patient care. These characteristics will build the team up and make everyone better, making me an effective leader.

As anyone can see, leadership is the most essential feature of a team, and without there would be poor morale in the workplace. Each characteristic that makes up an individual’s personality plays a vital role in whether or not that person will be an effective leader for the group. A person’s leadership style, personality traits, communication style, and emotional intelligence are the driving forces behind what enhances or hinders their ability to be a good leader. However, the leader’s willingness and aptness to incorporate nursing informatics and technology into their style plays just as big of a role. As John Maxwell said, “The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders, and continually develops them” (10 Powerful, 2018).


Murray, E. Nursing Leadership and Management For Patient Safety And Quality Care. [South University]. Retrieved from

Pappas, S. (2017). Personality Traits & Personality Types: What is Personality? Retrieved from

10 Powerful Quotes on Leadership for Your Organization. (2018). Retrieved from


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NSG 4029 Week 5 Project-Compilation

Summarize this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4.

In addition to the work you completed in the last four weeks, your assignment should Include an introduction and a conclusion.

Implement the recommendations from the instructor.

Describe the role of nursing informatics.

Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.

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