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NSG 3039 Week 5 Discussion-Simulation in Healthcare

NSG 3039 Week 5 Discussion-Simulation in Healthcare

Topic 1

The advancements in simulation technology helped me tremendously while obtaining my associate’s degree in nursing. The school I attended had a simulation lab with simulators that could present real-life patient scenarios and prepare us, as students, for stressful and unexpected situations. I remember being placed in a system with several classmates and being presented with a patient who experienced different signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack. The simulator taught us how to run a code without the risk of actually losing a patient. The first time I was placed in a code, I was more prepared for the tasks than without the simulator. A study conducted by Crowe and Derman (2018) found that simulation increased knowledge and confidence in nurses when responding to deteriorating patients. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing conducted a study that indicated that 50% of the clinical time could be replaced by simulation without any adverse effects on learning outcomes (Hayden, Smiley, Alexander, Kardong-Edgren, & Jefferies, 2014). Just like with students and nurses, patients could benefit from simulators. Using simulation in the education of patients could aid in their understanding of certain situations. In my experience working in the NICU, we taught each parent how to perform CPR upon discharge. The parents had to watch a video about infant CPR and then come and relay what they had learned back to the nurse. With a simulation, the nurse could better assess the parents’ understanding of how to perform CPR on their infant if they found them lifeless.

Topic 2

The pandemic of March 2020 to the present in the United States seems to have taken away patient focus in some lines of business in nursing. It is evident that bedside nurses in hospitals and nursing facilities had to be present at the bedside despite confinement; however, this is one of the periods that many of us genuinely questioned our profession. I attended some classes in the nursing program years ago at Florida Atlantic University, where the Nursing Department is all about the framework of caring. “Nursing is caring” is engraved into our minds as students from the first nursing class. I later understood that they had embraced the theory of Jean Watson’s caring science. Throughout my years of experience, I agree that human eye contact, a smile, a handkerchief, and an encouraging word cannot be replaced by a machine or any state-of-the-art piece of Electronic equipment.

NSG 3039 Week 5 Discussion-Simulation in Healthcare

As a care manager, my job is to provide resources to my members to ensure that they have the resources needed to have a better quality of life. During the pandemic, we were not allowed to do face-to-face visits primarily to protect the members; however, when I engage the member’s parents in a short, pleasant conversation when they hear a smiley voice now and then, they are more receptive and more willing to continue the conversation with me. It makes a difference from when I read the script on the computer. I used to feel so lonely when I started working from home. Managing care from home has its benefits and challenges. I never knew the faces of any of my coworkers or my members. However, treating someone with respect, giving a listening ear, not typing when they are talking, and asking about their family’s health, not only the member, shows how much the insurance plan cares and will give them a reason to keep their loved one in the program. It goes the same for distant interaction with coworkers; sending a smiley face or a happy dancing person video clip emoji is fundamental nursing science. I believe these simple gestures may assist patients with keeping up with, improving, or reestablishing their well-being.

It is important to note that while the new advances, for example, shrewd siphons, standardized tag drug organization frameworks, electronic health records (EHRs), wearables, I- pads, and cell phones being brought into our training environment are intended to increment effectiveness, we want to inquire: to what degree do these innovations disturb the nurse-patient relationship and caring experience? Mc Gonigle explains, “Innovation’s utilization isn’t intended to supplant the individual-to-individual association that is fundamental in any nurse-patient experience” (2019). If we use informatic tools to complement medical staff competence and caring attitude, healthcare would be the best profession ever for employees, patients, and family members. (p.525).

In conclusion, as nurses, we can ensure that the patient understands that they are at the center of our care and that the technology is an adjunct to it by practicing Jean Watson’s Caritas, which McGonigle quotes in the chapter entitled “The art of caring in Technology.” As McGonigle puts it, the “carative” factors not curative factors of Jean Watson are summarized and can be practiced by implementing the setting of caring awareness, being legitimately present and empowering and supporting one’s profound conviction, opening to others with responsiveness and sympathy, creating and supporting credible loving relationships, being available to help, participating in certifiable education growth opportunity, establishing a mending climate at all levels environment of energy, by helping with fundamental necessities, with a purposeful caring cognizance, while caring for the mind-body-soul completeness of well being, and by opening and taking care of self holistically. (Watson, 2015, p. 325).


Crowe, S., Ewart, L., & Derman, S. (2018). The impact of simulation-based education on nursing confidence, knowledge and patient outcomes on general medicine units. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 70–75.

Hayden, J. K. Smiley, R. A., Alexander, M., Kardong-Edgren, S., & Jefferies, P. R. (2014). The NCSBN national simulation study: A longitudinal, randomized, controlled study replacing clinical hours with simulation in prelicensure nursing education. Journal of Regulation, 5(2), S3–S69.

McGonigle, D., Mastrian, K.G. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. (4th ed.) Jones & Barlett Learning.


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NSG 3039 Week 5 Discussion-Simulation in Healthcare

Topic 1

Simulation technology has been transformative in nursing education. Using simulation, nurses can repeatedly practice skills and gain clinical confidence in a risk-free environment. Simulation, however, is not just for health care professionals. How can nurses leverage simulation technology for patient and family education? Share your experiences and ideas for leveraging simulation technology for patient education.

Topic 2

It can be a great tool in our caring environment but can also be perceived as a hindrance. Recent patient satisfaction surveys have commented that “the nurse and the doctor were more interested in the computer than me” and “I felt like they were treating the machines, not the person connected to them.” You read about Jean Watson and her Theory of Human Caring in your textbook. How can we, as nurses, ensure that the patient understands that they are at the center of our care and that the technology is an adjunct to it? Share your experiences and ideas to ensure a patient-focused experience in a high-tech environment.

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