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NSG 3007 Week 2 Project-Professional Development Plan

NSG 3007 Week 2 Project-Professional Development Plan

Nursing is a discipline that promotes health, educates the public, and engages in illness-prevention strategies for better health outcomes. However, these activities require extensive education and training to ensure that health practitioners provide standard healthcare to patients of all ages. Different factors influenced my decision to obtain a BSN degree. Firstly, the education would enable me to help my patients more effectively. According to Tartavoulle et al. (2018), significant research indicates that the role of patient care from BSN-educated nurses is associated with more accurate diagnoses, low mortality rates, and better patient outcomes. The acquisition of a BSN is also a part of my career and professional development journey.

Recent years in the healthcare system have also seen many healthcare institutions take more consideration to individuals with a BSN. Significant studies suggest that more healthcare facilities have begun requiring registered nurses to acquire a baccalaureate degree. Merrell et al. (2020) discuss that studies suggest that 80 percent of nurses will need a BSN shortly, especially with the shortage of physicians and increasing demand for healthcare.

Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role.

The major distinction is the role of the baccalaureate in my current role. As an RN, an associate degree mostly focuses on clinical skills, while the BSN degree is focused on more skills such as leadership, nursing research, and management skills. The additional skills have an impact on the impact of the scope of the RN’s duties. Depending on particular interests, the BSN degree is important as it gives job security and increases career options.

Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion.

Multiple opportunities come with the completion of the BSN. First, nurses have increased employment opportunities. After receiving the RN certification, nurses can work in several settings, such as legal nurse consultants. The BSN can prepare an individual to specialize in evaluating legal proceedings, enforcement investigations, and insurance cases. According to Herrmann (2019), the education and skills attained with a BSN degree also provide an opportunity to become a nurse educator. Nurse educators mentor students and help them navigate the various stages of nursing education. They are also responsible for designing, evaluating, and implementing the current nursing curriculum.

A BSN would also allow me to work in a nursing managerial role or administration. The managerial roles allow nurses to take charge of the whole unit’s operations, including budgeting, planning, and human resources. With the increase in complexity of the healthcare system, there is an increased need for more skilled professionals. The BSN degree allows healthcare professionals to reduce the gap and advance the nursing profession.

Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages.

Socialization is a process where an individual’s standards, skills, motives, and attitudes change to conform to those deemed acceptable and applicable (Cazden, 2017). It is a process where individuals acquire culture from their society that influences the individual’s personality. The process includes many agents that contribute significantly to socialization, such as families, peers, neighborhoods, schools, and religious institutions. According to Cazden (2017), there are two categories of socialization: primary and secondary.

Primary socialization occurs in early life, both as a child and as an adolescent. Secondary socialization occurs throughout an individual’s life and childhood when the individual encounters new groups that require new socialization. After a deep analysis, I believe I fall under secondary socialization, where various interactions and experiences, especially in nursing, help influence my beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. For example, the various interactions in my nursing career have helped to provide a new perspective on life.

Identify two short-term professional goals. 

Like many nursing students, one of my short-term goals is to finish my BSN studies and jump into the next stage in life, which includes employment and continued education. Nursing involves interaction with different individuals, and the return will help me develop my networking skills and learn how to balance office and professional commitments.

Long-term professional goals

The short-term professional goals are dependent on some of the long-term professional goals. I also aim to achieve more professional accreditation by pursuing more clinical education activities, which will lead to attaining the MSN. Advancement in my nursing career leads to increased knowledge and contributes to more access to healthcare services, especially for underserved communities.

NSG 3007 Week 2 Project-Professional Development Plan

Barriers to achieving Short-term and Long-term goals 

The nurse’s role in patient care is critical as it helps promote health in the community. However, several factors act as barriers to the attainment of these goals. For example, in recent years, the healthcare industry has seen an increase in demand for healthcare needs due to the complexity of disease patterns, the older generation with more healthcare needs, and the shortage of healthcare providers. These increased demands have led to an increased workload in the clinical environment, leading to less time engaging in continued education to help advance some of my goals (Busca et al., 2021). In addition, with the increased cost of living over the last few years, nurses sometimes have difficulty funding their continued education. Nevertheless, these barriers are not long-term but require critical thinking to develop lasting solutions that will enable me to continue chasing my dreams.

Identify mentors and support systems that help you overcome challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.

Professional development depends on various factors, including the appropriate support structures that help navigate complex barriers to achieving expertise and excellence in a particular field. Some of these support systems include mentorship programs from experienced nursing professionals. Mentors encourage an individual in both personal and professional development. Mentorship helps individuals set goals and provide guidance and education, whereas the mentor provides positive criticism that allows them to concentrate on their strengths and weaknesses for effective professional growth (Jacobs, 2018). A mentor helps to point out areas of great performance and those that require improvement. In the end, they help the nurse become an effective clinician.


 Busca, E., Savatteri, A., Calafato, T. L., Mazzoleni, B., Barisone, M., & Dal Molin, A. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to implementing nurse’s role in primary care settings: An integrative review. BMC Nursing, 20(1).

Cazden, C. B. (2017). Socialization. Communicative Competence, Classroom Interaction, and Educational Equity, 66-69.

Herrmann, A. D. (2019). Service-learning and professional values development of baccalaureate nursing students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(5), E47-E49.

Jacobs, S. (2018). An analysis of the evolution of mentorship in nursing. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(2), 155-176.

Merrell, M. A., Probst, J. C., Crouch, E., Abshire, D. A., McKinney, S. H., & Haynes, E. E. (2020). A national survey of RN-to-BSN programs: Are they reaching rural students? Journal of Nursing Education, 59(10), 557-565.

Tartavoulle, T., Adorno, M., Garbee, D., Kensler, P., Manning, J., & Pierce, S. (2018). Predictors of success in BSN students. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 15(1).


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NSG 3007 Week 2 Project-Professional Development Plan

Discuss factors influencing your decision to obtain a BSN degree.

Discuss how the role of the baccalaureate differs from your current role

Describe new opportunities that may be available after degree completion

Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages

Identify two short-term professional goals

Long-term professional goals

Barriers to achieving Short-term and Long-term goals

Identify mentors and support systems that help you overcome challenges and barriers necessary to achieve goals.

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