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NR 500 Week 6 Discussion-Systems-Structure and Function

NR 500 Week 6 Discussion-Systems-Structure and Function

Healthcare systems should function as complex adaptive systems (CAS) within their communities. CAS views all parts of the healthcare system through interconnected relationships between departments where each plays a role in the cause & effect of outcomes. Healthcare systems must be ready for the rapidly changing environments that exist in healthcare today at all levels. There is flexibility & fluidity in adapting to change within this organizational system. Strong interdependencies are forged when management strategies are developed collaboratively, resulting in positive system changes (Berta, Virani, Bajnok, Edwards, & Rowan, 2014). Microsystems, ecosystems, & macrosystems are the levels at the unit or global level. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.

I have chosen the Education track as my specialty. Advanced practice nurses are integral to CASs, leading patient education and nursing education.

NR 500 Week 6 Discussion-Systems-Structure and Function

Educational preparation needs to be multidimensional & creative to prepare nurses to function in CASs (Lis, Hanson, Burgermeister, & Banfield, 2014). As an advanced practice nurse educator, I will need to be adaptable to training modalities to meet the needs of the nursing staff on my unit. Simulation-based training is becoming widely recognized as an effective modality in the healthcare industry. Using simulation lab-type training may impact the microsystem level as it takes the staff away from the unit for extended periods. At the mesosystem & macrosystem levels, simulation labs require input from the nursing department leaders, & financial officers mainly due to the funding necessary to set up the lab. In the obstetrical field, simulation training has significantly improved response times related to shoulder dystocia & postpartum hemorrhage management, resulting in improved patient outcomes. At the microsystem level, simulation training can be done in its simplistic form on the unit. Neo-code mock drills are an example of simulation training that can be done on the team. On the unit level, this is cost-effective & does not require significant time off the team for the staff. Research has shown that simulation-based training, whether an expensive investment at the macrosystem level or inexpensive at the microsystem level, improves patient outcomes(Bilotta, Werner, Bergese, & Rosa, 2013).


Berta, W., Virani, T., Bajnok, I., Edwards, N., & Rowan, M. (2014). Understanding whole systems change in health care: Insights into system level diffusion from nursing service delivery innovations – A multiple case study. Evidence & Policy, 10(3), 313-336.

Bilotta, F. R., Werner, S. M., Bergese, S. D., & Rosa, G. (2013, November 7). Impact & implementation of simulation-based training for safety. The Scientific World Journal. 10.1155/2013/652956

Lis, G., Hanson, P., Burgermeister, D., & Banfield, B. (2014, November-December). Transforming graduate nursing education in the context of complex adaptive systems: Implications for master’s & DNP curricula. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(6), 456-462.


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NR 500 Week 6 Discussion-Systems-Structure and Function

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems, whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your future practice specialty area, identify a situation in which an issue or concern common to your future specialty would impact that system. (Note: This can be the same practice issue identified in Week 5) In your initial response, please place your specialty track as well as the subject or concern. Discuss how this issue or problem will impact the system at the micro, meso, & macro levels. How will you address this issue or problem at each of those levels? What is the expected impact on each system level using your solution(s)?

Remember, you can use an information technology-based solution to address the issue or concern.

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