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NR 447 Week 2 Discussion – AACN Essentials Self-Assessment & Patient-centered Care

NR 447 Week 2 Discussion – AACN Essentials Self-Assessment & Patient-centered Care

After carefully reviewing and completing the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment and Patient-Centered Care, I gave myself a score of 40. Through the assessment, I identified many areas I need to improve as I did not score “Excellent” in any area, especially under Essentials listed under the Roman numeral V; Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments, where I scored poorly. This helps me understand areas where I need to improve and educate myself. The Essentials under the Roman numeral V are areas that I am not very familiar with as I only deal with patient care. But after reading the assignments this week, I have realized how important it is to have knowledge in these areas even though I am not directly involved. I scored “Very Good” under Inter-professional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes. As part of the Trauma dedicated program at our Trauma Level I Center, it is key to have interprofessional communications and collaborations with different members of the team to have positive patient outcomes for the critically ill patients encountered. Every day a trauma gets paged, these skills are put to use. These traumas end with debriefings, and they produce educational meetings based on real scenarios, which helps to hopefully achieve and improve patient health outcomes. Standards in this particular area are key. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) verifies and monitors a center’s standards and competency; if at any time these standards are not met, the accreditation can be lost. Such standards and others set by different authority bodies are what guide our nursing practice (CCN, 2017).

As a nurse, I love my job, and it is very important to me to maintain a great level of professionalism and professional values, as listed in Essentials VIII. I  believe that all around, I do a great job in these, but I can not say that it is excellent or perfect all the time. I love empowering and educating students on how rewarding my job is and how important it is to maintain a great standard of professionalism to gain the respect and trust of coworkers and Especially our patients. The AAC Essentials, rightfully so, puts great emphasis on patient-centered care (CCN, 2017). The AACN and Patient-Centered Care have a direct relationship for successful patient care. There are many opportunities for me to improve upon, starting with the ones listed above. Healthcare is always changing; new medications, technologies, procedures, etc., and it is why promoting patient-centered care goes hand and hand with the AACN Essentials (Kramer et al., 2009). Making this possible is important in promoting the control of nursing practice and a patient-centered culture.


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2017). NR447 RN Collaborative Healthcare: Week 2 lesson. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication. DeVry Education Group.

Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Kramer, M., Schmalenberg, C., Maguire, P., Brewer, B., Burke, R., Chmielewski, L., … Meeks-Sjostrom, D. (2009). Walk the Talk: Promoting control of nursing practice and a patient-centered culture. Critical Care Nurse, 29(3), 77-93. url= direct=true&db=edswsc&AN=000266533800011&site=eds-live&scope=site


We’ll write everything from scratch


NR 447 Week 2 Discussion – AACN Essentials Self-Assessment & Patient-centered Care

After you have completed your self-assessment, answer the following questions:

If you are willing, please share your total score on the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment. If you do not wish to share your score, give a general description of your current KSA.

Candidly identify and share with your classmates areas where knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSAs) are lacking.

Describe the relationship between the AACN Essentials and your new-found knowledge about Patient-Centered Care. Are there opportunities for you to improve?

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