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Nonviolence Towards Ourselves

Nonviolence Towards Ourselves

Knowing who we are is important; we are sons and daughters of God. God is a God of love and peace, and once we know who we are, we become inherently non-violent to ourselves and to others as well. When one wants to become non-violent, the first step is to first understand their position in God, as a son or daughter. From that position of understanding, one needs to go into steady daily mindfulness, concentration, meditation, study, and contemplation, as well as have a conscious, continuous awareness of one’s true identity in God.

Jesus taught non-violence even as He is the Prince of Peace and tells us who we truly are: the sons and daughters of the God of peace and not the sons and daughters of the imported or the culture of war and violence. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who persecute us (Mathew 5:38-39, 43-44). He also warned against being angry at one’s brother and calling him a fool as this would bring judgment (Mathew 5:21-22).  Lastly, Jesus in the Sermon on the Mountain said that those who pursue peace would be blessed sons of God (Mathew 5:9)

Dr. King’s vision of nonviolent resistance proved that it was an effective way of combating racial segregation. Nonviolence, according to King, prevented both internal violence of the spirit and physical violence.  Today, when an acrimonious situation arises (such as was the case between the US and South Korea regarding nuclear weapons possession), rather than forcefully fighting for justice to be done, a person should protest in a non-violent way until such a point that justice is served (the US, in this case, had threatened to launch an attack on S. Korea which would only have caused more violence and possible world war).

One element of spiritual nonviolence is mediation that allows us to let God to love us, claim us and name us. Prayer and life are about having an intimate relationship with God and making the relationship a conscious priority in our daily lives and heart which results in nonviolence.


Dear, J. (2013). The Nonviolent Life. Pace e Bene Press.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Nonviolence Towards Ourselves

Read Part One of the Book The Nonviolent Life by John Dear
1. Why is it so important to remember “who you are”? How does that help us become nonviolent?
2. According to the book, what are some of the practices that can help you become a less violent person?
3. What are some of the teachings and examples of nonviolence we find in Jesus? Name at least three.
4. What is Dr. King’s vision of nonviolence, and how does it apply to situations today?
5. What are some elements of a spirituality of nonviolence?

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