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Non-Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is the transfer of the message by using body language without producing sound. Non-verbal communication is a widely accepted form of communication in all societies. Some aspects stood out after watching the video and reading the article about non-verbal communication. They include gestures as non-verbal communication, non-verbal communication is both cultural and universal, and environment matters greatly for effective non-verbal communication. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.

Gestures as Non-Verbal Communication

One of the ways of communicating non-verbally is the use of gestures. Gestures are one of interest in this topic that has been discussed both in the video and in the article. Gestures can be defined as a form of non-verbal compunction with visible bodily actions. It includes moving hands, head, face, legs, or any other body part to pass a message ( 2011). One thing that interests me about using gestures as a mode of non-verbal communication is that gestures can even be understood by a young child who does not know how to talk. One can use a hand gesture or a facial expression on a child, and the child responds to the message by smiling or even laughing (Obermeier, Dolk, & Gunter, 2011). Using gestures is one of the main communication modes for people with hearing impairment. In other words, many sign languages are in the form of hand gestures, and through the gestures, children or people who cannot hear can still receive or pass the message to others.

The languages people speak are thought by some communication scholars to have originated from Homo sapiens in the earlier systems that consisted of gestures. Abbe De Condillac’s theory postulates that language emerged from manual gestures; thus, he termed this theory as gestural theory (Mokhtar, 2013). Some advantages of using gestures as a mode of communication include making communication attractive and quick in expressing the message. Gestures facilitate communication where audio is not required or where silence is needed. Gestures can easily be interpreted by many people regardless of the language of the person (Sooriya, 2017). Some disadvantages of gestures are: first, information can get distorted, especially if the receiver may not interpret the gestures well. Gestures are not appropriate in communicating long messages, such as explaining a point.

Non-Verbal Communication Is Both Cultural and Universal

The second thing that interested me both in the video and the article is the question of whether non-verbal communication is cultural or universal. It is evident that non-verbal communication is a universal communication phenomenon since it is an acceptable way of communication in all cultural setups. The use of non-verbal communication is sometimes accompanied by verbal in all societies. In every culture across the world (Sooriya, 2017). People are used to communicating using verbal and non-verbal communication, which means that non-verbal communication, just like verbal communication, is a universal way of communication. In all cultural societies, non-verbal communication starts at a tender age; thus, people grow up knowing various non-verbal communication signs. It is also universally known that the common body parts used in non-verbal communication are hands and head (Mokhtar, 2013). Moreover, non-verbal communication is considered universal since it cuts across people with different abilities in that even people with hearing impairments can still use non-verbal communication to communicate. Non-verbal communication modes, such as gestures, are the major modes of communication among people with hearing challenges.

However, it should be noted that although non-verbal communication is universal, the meanings of non-verbal cues are not universal. Certain non-verbal cues may mean different things or can be interpreted differently by different cultures. Thus, as much as non-verbal communication is universal and all cultures practice it, it does not mean that people from all societies can interpret and understand certain messages. The cultural practices and aspects have modified the meanings of various non-verbal cues, causing different interpretations across cultures (Obermeier, Dolk, & Gunter, 2011). However, international relationship scholars must be able to accurately interpret various non-verbal cues in different cultural settings. Knowing various interpretations makes it easier for an individual to interact with different people from different parts of the world.

How Environment Affects Non-Verbal Communication 

The third interesting aspect of the video and the article about non-verbal communication is that the environment matters a lot to effective non-verbal communication. In this case, the environment may mean pace, volume, pitch, space, or culture. An individual feels comfortable when communicating in a familiar environment, which means that such individuals can communicate effectively. However, when the environment in terms of space, culture, or tone is unfamiliar, the individual will be uncomfortable, leading to ineffective communication (Mokhtar, 2013). For example, when a person is using non-verbal cues to signal other people in a distressful environment, the message may not reach the receivers of the message as intended. The receivers may misinterpret the message since the sender communicated in a poor environment.

In other words, the environment greatly impacts the outcome of communication. Due to this reason, organizations are supposed to carefully consider the office layout, space, and venues to provide a conducive environment that can enhance effective communication. Things such as color, smell, objects, artifacts, space, security, privacy, and light are the ones that make the environment conducive (Sooriya, 2017). Just the way the environment affects verbal communication, it also affects the non-verbal communication modes. When the environment is good, for example, a salesperson can easily explain to the customers the characteristics of the products he is selling (Obermeier, Dolk, & Gunter, 2011). However, when the environment is poor, such as noise, lack of space, and lack of light, it will be hard for the salespersons to communicate effectively with the customers and convince them to buy the products.


Mokhtar, M. (2013). The puzzle of non-verbal communication: Towards a new aspect of leadership. Level and semester:Master thesis–Spring (2011). Gestures: your body speaks. Retrieved from

Obermeier, C., Dolk, T & Gunter, T. (2011). The benefit of gestures during communication: Evidence from hearing and hearing-impaired individuals. Elsevier. Volume 48, Issue 7, July–August 2012, Pages 857-870

Sooriya, P. (2017). Nonverbal communication. Luxmi book publication.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Non-Verbal Communication

You are to write a 3 page paper (not including title and reference pages so a total of 5 pages) in proper APA format. For your paper, please take a look at the video and article presented in the lesson for Week 3 (I attached a link here also). Pay particular attention to the video and article, as you watch/read, take notes on some of the topics presented that interest you. This is a short paper, think of it as a warm-up for your longer paper due in Week 7.

Video: Non-Verbal Communication in the Global Marketplace (See script attached)

Article: The Puzzle of Non-Verbal Communication (See attached)

Requirements this assignment:

  1. Your paper should utilize appropriate course material:
    • Article and/or Video from Week 3
  2. Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:
    Non-Verbal Communication

    Non-Verbal Communication

    • Pick three areas of interest from the article or video and discuss why you find it interesting, if you have seen any personal examples of it (i.e., someone who covers their mouth while talking).
    • This paper should be fun, I would suggest that you read/watch the materials as soon as possible and then start observing others around you for some non-verbal clues.

Remember your paper must include (all in proper APA 6th edition format):

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