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New Science Summary

New Science Summary

New Science and its Implications for Leaders in the 21st Century

The New Science is a concept that looks at leadership as an interconnection of webs that influence people’s behaviors. This concept puts emphasis on the awareness of the space within which a given species exists. The space is made up of morphic fields, which are developed by the actions of the species (Wheatley, 2011). In turn, they cause interpenetrating influences that affect current behaviors. In the leadership context, organizational influence greatly affects people’s behavior. It is important to nurture the environment within which people exist to control their behavior. This concept can be used to influence how the leaders of the 21st-century act. Leaders need to understand that their roles are only successful when they create a positive environment. Leadership is more likely to be successful when the employees are engaged and a culture of trust is created so that they can influence each other to succeed. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.

How are they supported by The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination and The New Business Realities?

The Thinking Habits support New Science’s assumptions by focusing on developing a collaborative, interconnected environment (Jaisle, 2000). For instance, complementary thinking, connected seeing, and collaborative teamwork are components of The Thinking Habits, which align with New Science’s arguments and the influence of the environment. These concepts are also in line with the ideas of New Business Realities, particularly on the focus on engagement and nurturing a positive culture.

Do you see any points of conflict?

There are points of conflict. For instance, the habit of courageous action, which requires leaders to be ready to make hard decisions when needed, is not in line with concepts of New Science. This habit shows that leaders sometimes need to take active action rather than being influenced by the environment.

What examples of these new science implications for leaders do you see in your working environment?

I have worked with leaders who are very keen on developing a positive work environment to enhance performance. For example, I have been in a group where the leader would call for a meeting where all important information would be shared and employee concerns handled as a team. People in this team influenced each other because of the culture of collaboration that had been developed.

How are your leaders adapting to these new assumptions?

Many leaders still have difficulty adapting to the interpenetrating space’s assumptions. Control is a concept that guides a lot of leaders. They prefer having a leadership model where they are the head and create the rules that will help to maintain order rather than having people develop order naturally by developing the environment.

How can this summary be part of the theoretical base of your Group Project?

The assumptions that have been made in the New Science concept are helpful in developing a culture of cohesion in my group. They can be used to help people become engaged and aware of the contribution they make to the group. However, I feel that some degree of control is necessary to maintain order completely. The group members may need some guidance in some instances, which brings some form of control to the team.

How does it explain the need for the mastery competencies suggested in Leadership From the Inside Out, that focuses on purpose, values, interpersonal relationships, being versus doing, and so on?

The forms of mastery that enhance leadership skills, as explained by Cashman (2017), can be well understood with the help of the concepts of New Science. Mastering one’s values, interpersonal relationships, and being among others affects how one interacts with people in the larger environment. Therefore, enhancing mastery creates a better space for more positive influence, which enhances productivity.


Cashman, K. (2017). Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Jaisle, A. (2000). Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart and Imagination for the 21st Century. Capella University

Wheatley, M. (2011). Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world.


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Unit 6 Discussion 1 – New Science Summary

Write about your understanding of the assumptions of new science and their implications for leaders in the 21st century.

New Science Summary

New Science Summary

  1. How are they supported by The Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination and The New Business Realities?
  2. Do you see any points of conflict?
  3. What examples of these new science implications for leaders do you see in your working environment?
  4. How are your leaders adapting to these new assumptions?
  5. How can this summary be part of the theoretical base of your Group Project?
  6. How does it explain the need for the mastery competencies suggested in Leadership From the Inside Out, that focuses on purpose, values, interpersonal relationships, being versus doing, and so on?

Response Guidelines

Read at least one other learner’s summary. Offer helpful, insightful comments, referencing The Thinking Habits and New Business Realities.


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