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Nestlé Globalization

Nestlé Globalization

In what countries does your company operate? Given that, when in your career might you expect to begin traveling to other countries? Explain the different coun-tries in which Nestle is operating.

Nestle operates in at least 187 countries. I would expect to begin traveling after being with the company for at least six months. These countries include the United States, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, South Africa, Uganda, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Caribbean, Cambodia, Denmark, Cuba, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, China, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Singapore, Serbia, and Slovakia among others (Nestle, 2021). The main regions of operation are spread wide among the five global continents giving the company’s wide physical presence.

Given your company’s global operations, would you expect that you would actual-ly live overseas at some point? {If yes, which country (you can use the USA as my chosen country. I will prefer to operate here)? Give the advantages or what at-tracts you to work in that country.

Considering Nestlé’s global operations, I expect that I will live overseas in the future. It is impossible to avoid this possibility as the global presence presents an opportunity for richer work experience in different countries. The preferred country of operations is the United States of America. Working in this country provides an opportunity to interact with people from different cultures. Numerous cultures within a single environment create a ‘melting pot’ nature (Zimmerman, 2019). In addition, some of the benefits that employees receive in the country, such as paid parental leave, provide a chance to balance work and life.

If your company is affected by global operations, what skills or abilities do you think will be important in getting a job there? How would you overcome obstacles to work in the country of your choice? For example, you can learn the language, cultural norms of the chosen country.

To get a job at Nestle, I believe that being a team player is a critical skill. The ability to work together with other employees towards a common goal is important in achieving the company’s vision. In addition, the ability to be culturally sensitive and appreciative is important in ensuring that diversity and inclusion are beneficial to each employee. Thus, I should be able to correlate with other employees from different cultures amicably and in a way that is beneficial to the company. Notwithstanding, challenges and obstacles will characterize my position in the United States. To overcome these, I intend to familiarize myself with the culture of the organization. Since the country is multicultural, I intend to remain sensitive and open to others and their cultural practices, beliefs, and backgrounds to avoid offending anyone. If necessary, I will learn multiple languages for easier communication with other people who cannot communicate in English.

You have found yourself in a conversation at a reception with the CEO of your company and you want to impress the CEO with your understanding of the compa-ny and global issues. What would you tell the CEO is the most important factor the company faces in its global environment?

The production of chocolate is critical for the company’s performance and revenue. However, ills such as child abuse and labor have been happening in the process of availing of the critical raw materials; cocoa beans (Andrei, 2021). Our moral obligation as Nestle begins when we purchase cocoa beans from suppliers who practice or tolerate societal ills. It is not enough to overlook the practice. There are effects of requiring our company’s suppliers to an ethical code that clearly states the illegality of these practices. These include providing the competitors with excess raw materials and an ability to determine the buying price. However, the social benefits of such a stern action are immeasurable as the company begins to live by its values. This can begin by seeking to deal with farmers as suppliers to gain information regarding the actual practices on the farms.

What would you ask the CEO about the company’s global environment? For ex-ample, you can ask about the opportunities, how to improve the company in coun-tries that are facing some issues.

Most Nestle companies drain aquifers while others operate without permits, causing agony to residents. The water bottling business is critical to Nestle. However, the environmental and climatic changes continue to increase the difficulty of accessing clean water easily (Shimo, 2018). Taking water away from residents for this sake is unethical. I would ask the CEO about the company’s process of acquiring water. Is the water bottling business sustainable amidst the current climatic changes? What does the company intend to do about the pending shortage of water?


Andrei, M. (2021). Why Nestle is one of the most hated companies in the world.

Nestle. (2021). Nestle Worldwide. Retrieved from Nestle:

Shimo, A. (2018). While Nestlé extracts millions of litres from their land, residents have no drinking water.

Zimmerman, K. A. (2019). Cultural Melting Pot. Cord. Retrieved from


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BUS 135 Globalization

Nestlé Globalization

Nestlé Globalization

(~1-2 paragraphs)

  1. Describe the globalization of the company (NESTLE). This should be done by answering the following questions: in 2 pages
    • In what countries does your company operate?  Given that, when in your career might you expect to begin traveling to other countries? Explain the different countries in which Nestle is operating.
    • Given your company’s global operations, would you expect that you would actually live overseas at some point? {If yes, which country (you can use the USA as my chosen country. I will prefer to operate here)? Give the advantages or what attracts you to work in that country.
    • If your company is affected by global operations, what skills or abilities do you think will be important in getting a job there? How would you overcome obstacles to work in the country of your choice? For example, you can learn the language, cultural norms of the chosen country.
    • You have found yourself in a conversation at a reception with the CEO of your company and you want to impress the CEO with your understanding of the company and global issues.  What would you tell the CEO is the most important factor the company faces in its global environment?
    • What would you ask the CEO about the company’s global environment? For example, you can ask about the opportunities, how to improve the company in countries that are facing some issues.
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