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Navigating Social Perceptions-Strategies for Impression Management 

Navigating Social Perceptions-Strategies for Impression Management 

One way I engage in impression management is by giving compliments to my friends so that they like me more. Some of my friends give me gifts or take me to dinner or lunch dates to show likeability. I also return their gestures of treating me by taking them on dinner or lunch dates as well so that I may not appear like a bad friend to them. I usually go for strategic, assertive impression management. According to Guadagno & Cialdini (3), assertiveness, especially among women, involves self-promotion, which breaks the normal expectations of people. The world is in a state of dynamism where people are always looking for something new. Therefore, embracing strategic assertiveness as impression management helps me build on my confidence to do things I would never do and step into the unknown. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

To give my impression, I mostly insist on wearing heeled shoes and taking my friends out to encourage myself to feel comfortable about my dress code and body and adapt to a habit of giving. Bolino et al. (382) argue that people tend to be more motivated to manage impressions when their own behavior is public and they depend on someone else who controls the outcomes they value. Therefore, I think people usually buy it because they see my independence and respect; hence, they think twice before commenting negatively about my body or dress code.

I have failed to convince others to see me in a particular light occasionally. For instance, I took a colleague out for dinner and they thought that I was trying to get them to empathize with me at work when I was trying to reduce the tension that was between us at work. I gave an excuse that I was trying to solve the conflict so that we could work together in peace.

Impressions do change across social contexts. For example, my impression may vary when it comes to classwork because every student is trying to score a higher mark on the exam. Therefore, trying to solve the conflict may not really work with a fellow student who is also trying to defend their paper.

Works Cited

Bolino, Mark, David Long, and William Turnley. “Impression management in organizations: Critical questions, answers, and areas for future research.” Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 3 (2016): 377-406.

Guadagno, Rosanna E., and Robert B. Cialdini. “Gender differences in impression management in organizations: a qualitative review.” Sex Roles 56.7 (2007): 483-494.


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Describe some ways you (or your friends) engage in impression management. If it helps, focus on one social context (e.g., school, work, church, etc.).
What impression are you going for?

Navigating Social Perceptions-Strategies for Impression Management 

Navigating Social Perceptions-Strategies for Impression Management

How do you go about giving that impression (hint: be specific—the way you dress, speak, etc.)?
Do you think other people buy it?
Have you ever failed to convince others to see you in a particular light? How did you manage that situation?
How does the impression that you are trying to give change across social contexts?

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