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Natural Evil Examples

Natural Evil Examples

How does this video relate to the problem of evil? Would a perfect God design a world that allows this sort of thing to happen? Why? Give your own example of “natural evil.”

The video does relate to the problem of evil in that it depicts the struggle for survival in the world. The predators (snakes), which are an imagery of evil, come out and go after the prey (iguana), a type of the innocent. The world is full of evil that lurks in the dark, lying in wait to shed the innocent blood of the simple and the unsuspecting. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

A perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God in His divine wisdom and sovereignty has indeed designed a world that allows this sort of thing to happen. But why would He? It is not easy to defend the divine in light of the much evil observed in the world. Not without separating the emotional nature of the issue from any rational explanation offered. It is much more difficult to address natural evils such as tsunamis and earthquakes than to address moral evils (human evil actions).

If God exists, why is it that He allows natural evil? If He exists and is all-powerful, it is definitely within His grip to prevent natural evil. Why doesn’t He? God, in His sovereignty, occasionally permits natural evil in order to provide, preserve, and protect the free will of human beings (Wallace, 2017). Free will is necessary for true love to be achieved. There cannot be love where there is no choice.

First, natural evil may be a consequence of necessity. Some evil is the inevitable result of natural processes that facilitate the thriving of free-will creatures. God created a universe governed by natural laws to make life possible on earth so that humans can exist. For instance, the very plate tectonics that will cause devastating tragedies in earthquakes are vital in regulating surface and soil temperatures necessary for humans’ existence. Secondly, it may be God’s nudging. Providence has many faces. The difficult times challenge us to really think about eternity and God. For many, tragedy has resulted in the very first thought about God or prayers. In His wisdom, God may use temporary suffering to focus our thoughts on eternity.

Furthermore, God may allow natural evils to nurture us. Tragedies are opportunities to develop a Godly moral character. Humanity’s best emerges as people respond in compassion and love during natural disasters. Such acts of love and cooperation have to be chosen freely. As we care for the needy, we become better free-will creatures in the process.


Wallace, J. (2017). Why Would a Good God Allow Natural Evil? | Cold Case Christianity. Retrieved 19 June 2021, from


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Natural Evil

Watch the following video:

Natural Evil Examples

Natural Evil Examples

Iguana vs Snakes | Planet Earth II (2:16)

How does this video relate to the problem of evil? Would a perfect God design a world that allows this sort of thing to happen? Why? Give your own example of “natural evil.”

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