Native Americans
Part 1
Describe what advantages Native Americans might have had that are not depicted here.
King Philip’s War is among the most damaging wars between the Native Americans and the New England Soldiers (Lepore, 2009). Metacom was forced to declare war against the English to secure his people’s existence because the English defied the agreements’ terms. The picture shows a confrontation between the Native American warriors and English soldiers; the Native warriors appear to be poorly armed with bows and arrows compared to the heavily armed soldiers. Also, the picture depicts how the Native Americans and other tribes joined forces leading them to have more significant numbers than the English soldiers. The picture, however, does not depict other advantages the Native American warriors had, like superior militant tactics; the natives primarily employed surprise and ambush tactics, which were very successful. In addition, some natives had secured firearms from the English, making this the first war in which the natives had firearms.
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Part 2
What did Thomas Jefferson want to accomplish with the “civilization program”?
How did the “civilization program” threaten the culture and way of life of Native Americans, and do you believe the program was successful?
As the President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson greatly impacted North America’s Indian nations (Bragaw, 2006). The main aim of the civilization program pursued by Jefferson was to guarantee the country’s security, and therefore, he sought to connect the United States and the Indian Nations via the civilization program. He wanted to facilitate trade and acquire land but, most essentially, to keep the Indian nations as the United States’ allies as opposed to the European powers such as Spain in Florida, England in Canada, and the Gulf Coast of the Mississippi River. This program, however, threatened the Native American’s way of life because a majority of them were forced into reservations leading them to live a life of poverty without their rights being held by White Americans at the time. This program was not entirely successful since it was not until the mid-Twentieth Century that American Indcouldce to become American citizens with full voting rights. They still struggle with land ownership, poor health, and poverty.
Other Related Post: Three key ideas from Zinsser in “On Writing Well.”
Bragaw, S. G. (2006). Thomas Jefferson and the American Indian Nations: Native American Sovereignty and the Marshall Court. Journal of Supreme Court History, 31(2), 155-180.
Lepore, J. (2009). The Name of War: King Philip’s War and the Origins of American Identity. Vintage.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Native-American Studies
Part 1

Native Americans
- Examine the depiction of King Philip’s War (Metacom’s War). (Click the link to view the picture)
- Describe what advantages Native Americans might have had that are not depicted. Here.
Part 2
Read the “Civilizing” Native Peoples: AmericaPolicieses to remake tribal worlds.
- What did Thomas Jefferson want to accomplish with the “civilization program”?
How did the “civilization program” threaten the culture and way of life of Native Amer icons, and do you believe the program was successful?