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National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies


Nurse practitioners (NPs) are important in nursing since they provide acute and primary care across the healthcare continuum. NPs assess, diagnose, and treat diseases, as well as educate patients and communities about disease prevention. In other words, every NP must comprehend and demonstrate mastery of the competencies established by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). The NONPF was established to increase the quality of NP education (NONPF, n.d.). The reality is that NP education and training must be strong and relevant, which is why NONPF designed the nine competencies and NP evaluation systems.

Competency 1: Scientific Basis

Through the use of high-fidelity simulation, the training qualified me to meet NONPF’s initial competency (HFS). Scientific underpinnings generally demand nurse practitioners be proficient in medical sciences. Psychiatric nurse practitioners, on the other hand, should concentrate on neuroscience, clinical and evidence-based procedures, and translational research (NONPF, 2017). Human patient simulation is used in the teaching methodology, which engaged me in a contextual learning setting. According to Abram and Forbes (2019), HSF delivers realistic nursing scenarios and hence promotes cognitive development and psychomotor skill advancement through purposeful practice. The method taught me how to think critically and integrate knowledge from different disciplines into my nursing practice.

Leadership is the second competency.

The second competency demands that nurses demonstrate professional accountability, advocacy, and scholarship. Management, communication, company development, and leadership styles were all heavily studied by educators. In one of the seminars, I learned that participatory and transformational leadership styles are essential for NPs because they promote the development of other nurses, hence enhancing treatment quality and patient safety. The training taught me the importance of interprofessional teamwork in healthcare. Close interactions are important for psychiatric-mental health NPs (PMHNPs), according to Zakhari (2021). I read the book several times and recognized that individuals, coworkers, and patients are NPs’ support networks.

Quality is the third competency.

The third competency calls for NPs to improve intended healthcare outcomes while adhering to professional knowledge and norms. The lecturer suggested I study and comprehend Buppert’s (2021) Chapter 14, where I discovered that the standard of treatment is focused on time, effectiveness, safety, and outcome based on the patient’s condition. The curriculum assisted me in comprehending quality improvement approaches such as Six Sigma and Plan-Do-Study-Act. NPs should include safety culture, grasp laws to improve care quality, and comprehend the foundations of cost-benefit analysis (NONPF, 2017). PMHNPs were supposed to learn how to enhance healthcare outcomes.

Competency 4: Inquiry Practice

For formative and summative testing, the program used simulation-based instruction. According to Jeffries et al. (2019), simulation-based competency-based education assists NPs in understanding cases and patient problems. Teachers who were responsible for teaching practice inquiry competencies helped me to become proficient in translational research. For example, I used academic research to imaginary clinical settings or simulation-based instances. The program taught me how to apply new knowledge and clinical experience in NP practice to improve patient outcomes.

Competency 5: Information and Technology Literacy

Because of sophisticated technology and growing electronic or digital equipment, healthcare is an ever-changing profession. Information literacy, according to NONPF, concentrates on digital technology and communication tools for efficient communication (NONPF, 2017). The preceptors assisted me in understanding how EHR, telemedicine, and wearable technology increase care quality and patient safety. Today, I may enhance my technical skills by using concepts or studying pedagogic content in real-life settings. The primary goal is for NPs to integrate appropriate technologies for knowledge management in order to improve health care.

The policy is a sixth competency.

The instructors prepared me for the competency by emphasizing all health legislation and decisions that influence health resource allocation. I learned from the training that there is a link between policy and NP practice. Buppert’s (2021) Chapter 12 helped me understand the federal budget, comparative health systems, and national health priorities. Most importantly, the program changed my perspective on the bill’s writing process. To make bill drafting and debating relevant, NP associates must discuss topics or problems with lobbyists.

7th Competency: Health Care Delivery System

According to Abram and Forbes (2019), students must engage in a complex decision-making process for PMHNP practice since patients’ biopsychosocial variables can complicate the therapy process. In other words, NPs must use organizational knowledge, health programs, and interpersonal skills to make appropriate decisions. The preceptors taught me how to smoothly conceive, organize, and implement public and community health programs. Buppert (2021) also highlighted the healthcare reform process and how NPs might make organizational-based decisions in addition to the reading material.

8th Competency: Ethics

Stewart and DeNisco (2019) state that NPs must act professionally by recognizing the ethical implications of scientific discoveries. When making life-saving decisions, nurse practitioners must consider ethics and establish suitable evaluation standards. The program identified and investigated information sources that aid in ethical decision-making. I was aware of all ethical frameworks, the role of the ethics committee and genetic counseling, as well as the significance of legal statuses and cultural sensitivity. I discovered I am a consequentialist theorist.

Competency 9: Independent Work

The educators concentrated on developing the newbie. My nurse educators served as preceptors and used positive teaching methods. For example, the preceptors provided helpful input rather than condemnation. According to Andrews et al. (2021), the teaching technique (non-critical feedback) enables NP students to make good critical decisions. The curriculum was created to prepare students to make independent decisions based on scientific knowledge. Without direct supervision, the instructors permitted PMHNPs to assess and diagnose human simulators and offer treatment plans.

Proposal for How I Plan to Participate in Community Social Change as a Nurse Practitioner

As an NP, I intend to use knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) and untrustworthy professional activity (EPA) strategies to effect societal change in my community. For example, when dealing with people suffering from mental illnesses, I will employ the KSA. The technique enables NPs to use their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to make the correct diagnosis (Hodges et al., 2019). I will conduct interviews with patients, measure their intoxication and withdrawal symptoms, and utilize psychometrically validated tests to make a diagnosis.

EPA is utilized in medical colleges, but it is crucial in tying competencies to nursing practice and enhancing their feasibility (Hodges et al., 2019). I intend to contribute to society’s change by using appropriate technology in relevant mental health problems via EPA. For example, I intend to employ electroconvulsive therapy on individuals with treatment-resistant depression. The treatment strategy alleviates symptoms associated with major depressive disorder (MDD). My strategy will ensure that the appropriate technology is deployed to maximize community benefit.

Description of One Legislative and One Advocacy Activity Involved in by My State Nurse Practitioner Organization

Section 34-21-86 of the Alabama Code requires certified registered nurse practitioners to collaborate with physicians. In other words, NPs must work together with other healthcare professionals to ensure patient safety and recovery, as well as care quality. In Alabama, for example, a PMHNP treating a kid with MDD should work with a neonatal nurse and other physicians to understand the patient and provide effective care.

The third goal of the Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama (NPAA) is to address critical concerns affecting the general welfare of NPs (NPAA, n.d.). For example, NPAA recognized that NP education facilities are inundated with digital native generational learners. According to the NP organization, generational nurse practitioner students need adequate learning resources for just-in-time content delivery.


I feel that the program effectively prepared me for NONPF competence. HFS, educator-preceptors, non-critique feedback teaching, and summative learning strategies all assisted me in understanding and mastering the nine skills. An NP should be competent in medical sciences, have strong leadership and advocacy abilities, give high-quality treatment, employ translational research, and have adequate IT literacy.


Abram, M. D., & Forbes, M. O. (2019). High-fidelity simulation: an application to psychopharmacological training for the psychiatric nurse practitioner student. Issues in mental health nursing, 40(3), 260–267.

Andrews, C. S., Steller, J. V., & Friedman, A. K. (2021). Development of collaborative family nurse practitioner education using physician preceptors: A focused critical ethnographic study. Nurse Education Today, 107, 105110.

Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th Ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Hodges, A. L., Konicki, A. J., Talley, M. H., Bordelon, C. J., Holland, A. C., & Galin, F. S. (2019). Competency-based education in transitioning nurse practitioner students from education into practice. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(11), 675–682. DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000327

Jeffries, P. R., Bigley, M. B., McNelis, A. M., Cartier, J. M., Pintz, C., Slaven-Lee, P. W., & Zychowicz, M. E. (2019). A call to action: Building evidence for the use of simulation in nurse practitioner education. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(11), 627–632. DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000335

Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama (NPAA). (n.d.). About NPAA: Alabama Nurse Practitioners are by your side.

Stewart, J. G., & DeNisco, S. M. (2019). Role development for the nurse practitioner (2nd Ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). (2017). Nurse practitioner core competencies. eCompsContentF.pdf

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). (n.d.). The national organization of nurse practitioner faculties.

Zakhari, R. (2021). The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner certification review manual. Springer Publishing Company.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet the competency (for a total of at least nine paragraphs).

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies

Then, propose how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Finally, describe 1–2 legislative and/or advocacy activities involving your state nurse practitioner organization(s). Be specific and provide examples.

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