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National Junior Beta Club Application

National Junior Beta Club Application

Being a National Beta Club member is something I have wanted for a long time, and I believe in myself to do everything in my power to make a significant impact in the club. My character traits and morals are highly fitting for this position. I am a student highly determined to achieve the best in life. I believe the earlier I commit to my life goals, the better. As such, I work my absolute best to attain good grades because I know that education can make a difference in my life and the lives of other people. Besides working hard, I do my best to enjoy other extracurricular activities and, most importantly, attain people skills. Hire our assignment writing services if your assignment is devastating you.

I am kind, honest, intrinsically motivated, respectful, and humble. I value people; thus, I treat them as I would want them to treat me. I believe that one gets what one gives in life; as such, I am consistently doing all I can to give my best in different circumstances because it is what I want back. I am highly motivated to attain my goals, and for the most part, I do not depend on external motivators. I believe that the world needs more kindness, so I am, in most cases, the help people need. However, I only stretch a helping hand to the best of my ability because I also know that a single individual cannot help all people in the world.

As a member of the National Beta Club, I commit to being responsible. I will take accountability for my actions in and outside the club. I will maintain and pass the knowledge I acquire in the club to other individuals. Additionally, I intend to practice justice in all my undertakings. Fairness is something that the world and people need, and therefore, I will give people a fair shot. I will be just enough not to condemn people prior to allowing them to defend themselves, and I will be considerate before judging others. Moreover, I will be honest in everything I do because I know it is vital to good character formation. As such, I will do my best, to tell the truth even in situations where being truthful might seemingly be unwise. I will be fully committed to performing my duties and taking advantage of the circumstances offered to me. Even more important is how I will give service to others in my community. I will do my best when giving these services and ensure that people benefit from them. I will work cooperatively with other people to achieve the best results. I also intend to be humble, charitable, and industrious. All these will come easy because my qualities and character traits align with these commitments. Happiness is something I highly value in life, and I believe that adhering to these commitments will make me happy.

To some it all, I want to be part of the National Beta Club member, and I believe I have what it takes to be an outstanding member. I am well-behaved and perform well in school despite the challenges I encounter every day. I am kind, honest, intrinsically motivated, respectful, and humble, not forgetting a role model for some people. When I put my mind to something, I attain it; thus, I will adhere to everything I have committed to.


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A creed is a set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions and choices.

National Junior Beta Club Application

National Junior Beta Club Application

Based on what you have learned about the Beta Creed, write a creed for yourself. Candidates are to include qualities, morals, and ethics that are important to them and thoroughly demonstrate how they will represent themselves as a member of the National Beta Club. Responses are expected to highlight a minimum of four principles of the National Beta Club included in the Beta Creed. Responses should be between 500-600 words.

**Failure to comply with any of the essay requirements above will result in immediate loss of consideration. **

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