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My Nursing Journey- A Vision of Inspiration and Motivation

My Nursing Journey- A Vision of Inspiration and Motivation

Nursing has always been my dream. I attribute my decision to pursue nursing to my family and the environment I grew up in. My mother is a professional nurse. Her passion for the nursing profession and contributions towards bettering the career through advocacy always inspires me to follow in her footsteps. Knowing that I can emulate her work gives me pleasure. The nursing program prepares me for this role. It equips me with the skills and knowledge to engage communities, educate them on their health and wellness, and advocate for their well-being.

The environment I grew up in also informed my decision to become a nurse. Growing up in a multicultural community, I got to experience some of the challenges that disadvantaged communities go through. In these communities, traditional problems such as poor access to healthcare due to poor healthcare-seeking behavior and a negative perception of conventional care are still apparent. These communities also suffer from poor health literacy, social discrimination, and exclusion from key decision-making processes within society.

As a professional nurse, I believe I can leverage my advocacy skills to advocate for health and wellness in these communities. By engaging other professionals and health administrators, we will be able to lobby for policy-level changes that can help marginalized communities. Additionally, as a health educator, I can educate my patients and communities on the significance of the available healthcare resources in health preservation and how perceptual change in these resources can be beneficial to them.


We’ll write everything from scratch


2. Inspiration (30 points/24%)
Create a one-page vision board that reflects your inspiration and motivation for becoming a nurse. The
format may be a PowerPoint slide, word document, infographic, etc.

My Nursing Journey- A Vision of Inspiration and Motivation

My Nursing Journey- A Vision of Inspiration and Motivation

Includes pictures, a collage, a series of quotes, etc. Choose words and images that are meaningful to you.
This should be a page that you can post somewhere, perhaps where you study, to motivate yourself as
you move forward on your journey to become a nurse.
Links the inspiration to your ePortfolio’s “About Me” section.

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