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My Best Team Experience

My Best Team Experience

Describe your best team experience and explain what made it so.

Last year, I was the manager of a team that was planning the wedding ceremony of a member of my family. My team was responsible for setting up the reception, i.e., arranging tables, flowers, etc. It was a team of ten people. As the manager, I worked closely with the team members and coordinated every activity. My responsibilities were to respond to inquiries about the wedding, manage the planned schedule, coordinate deliveries, receive requests, etc. What made the team the best experience ever was the happy mood that was all over due to the wedding. Everyone is excited and, hence, doing their responsibilities effectively and with lots of commitment and love.

Identify at least three factors that contributed to the positive culture, inclusivity, and engagement of that team. Provide at least one specific example for each factor.

The major factor was the love for the couple. Coming together to make the couple’s day wonderful was very fulfilling. This naturally brought engagement and commitment from all team members, and no conflicts were experienced in terms of the lack of commitment of members. The next factor is the wedding ceremony. Weddings are a source of joy. Therefore, the team members were happily engaged in the activities of planning, leading to a positive working culture. The third factor is my leadership and management style. For example, I supported my team members in their responsibilities, listened to their opinions, closely communicated with them, and involved them in decision-making.

Then, identify two specific practices you could use as a manager to ensure your teams are effective, positive, and inclusive.

The two practices are regularly holding meetings and building a connection with team members. Regular meetings will provide me with a chance to assess the progress of the team, communicate the goals of the group, listen to their opinions about the work, and solve any issues that may be present. Building a friendship with team members will help me to connect with them deeper, and I will be more than just a boss to them.


Ford, R. C., Piccolo, R. F., & Ford, L. R. (2017). Strategies for building effective virtual teams: Trust is key. Business Horizons60(1), 25-34.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Nearly everyone has been part of a team during the course of their lives. Some of these team experiences may have been positive, some perhaps negative, and some neutral to the point that they are barely memorable. By working together with a team, you are offered unique opportunities for growth as other members will challenge your assumptions and present different perspectives. Think of your experiences being in teams. Which ones stand out as being most memorable?

My Best Team Experience

My Best Team Experience

In this Discussion, you will dissect the characteristics of a positive experience with a team. Then, you will use this analysis to develop clear takeaways for your own development as a team leader and manager.


Post an analysis of managerial practices that promote effective, positive, and inclusive teams. In your analysis, do the following:

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