Musical Instruments
From the various families of musical instruments covered in the video, I picked four elements from four families that I found to be my favorite. The first instrument was from the wind instrument family. I liked the clarinet, a pipe instrument. This instrument can play up to nineteen notes enabled by holes or keys found on its surface. This instrument was my favorite because it originated from my favorite musical instrument, the pan flute. This instrument is also known as the first mouth instrument (Hagerman, Michelle Schira, et al. 72). Further, in my perspective, the clarinet produces the most similar sound to the pan flute compared to other modern pipe instruments. Subsequently, the violin was the second favorite instrument of the string family instruments. This instrument is the smallest in the string family and also the one with the highest pitch. This instrument was my favorite because it is small enough to carry around and even dance while still playing it.
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Consistently, from the brass family, my favorite instrument was the trumpet. This particular instrument has different ranges of pitches, from the highest range by the piccolo trumpet to the octave ranges made by the bass trumpets. The sound made by a trumpet is usually loud, and the length of the air columns can be adjusted using press valves or slide mechanisms. The trumpet is my favorite among the brass family because it has the highest register in this category. Lastly, I chose the kettle drums from the percussion instruments family, also called timpani. The sound produced by these instruments is loud. The timpani is a pitched instrument, meaning it is made in a way that one can adjust the top so that it can be instantly tuned, similar to how a guitar string can be changed. The property of the timpani that made it my favorite was the sound, which I found to be dramatic and reminded me of theatrical movie scenes that get my heart pumping faster
Benjamin Britten: (Illustrated) The Young Person’s Guide To The Orchestra Op. – With Peter Pears”., 2022,
Hagerman, Michelle Schira, et al. “Literacies in the Making: exploring elementary students’ digital-physical meaning-making practices while crafting musical instruments from recycled materials.” Technology, Pedagogy and Education 31.1 (2022): 63-84.
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On the MINDTAP site, please listen and familiarize yourselves with all the orchestral instruments. Also, watch the video below: https:/ (Links to an external site.)

Musical Instruments
Please discuss your favorite instrument from each family (so you will have to pick and discuss 4 different instruments). Please make sure to touch one or two specific features of the instrument (i.e., what type of sound does it feature, is it a large/small instrument, does it play loudly, softly, sweetly, etc., or whatever else you might deem relevant about the instrument. Secondly, please tell us why this instrument is your favorite (I am very interested in your personal opinion; there is no need to do any research). You will find the info in the video, so watch it closely, perhaps multiple times.