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Multimodal Personal Narrative

Multimodal Personal Narrative

I have been brought up in well-to-do families. Growing up, I can’t remember lacking anything for or desired. We were constantly having parties and toured most parts of the country and even outside the country. In a nutshell, I had everything one would wish for in life. However, as I grew older, it dawned on me that money was not everything, nor could it buy everything. Also, it was never enough because people kept looking for it even when it was apparent they had more, and this got me thinking about the true meaning of happiness in life.



After some time, I became disinterested in some things I so much yearned to own. At this juncture, I started wondering what one needed to have a complete life or become fully satisfied in life. Besides, I became very concerned with the huge disparity between the rich and the poor and the vast inequalities in a society based on how much one has or owned. Moreover, I got myself thinking about how lucky I was in life and fortunate to have a good life that others lacked. With this, I thought I could do something to impact others’ lives, and the philanthropic call emerged from this. Although I did not have much to give, I had some influence and favored being from a rich family; hence, I could mobilize some of my family friends.



With time, I became more involved in philanthropic acts and even joined one movement that majored in this course. I believe that men are not respected because of their riches; instead, they are respected because of their good deeds. Also, what we do for ourselves remains within us, but what we do for the world, and others do not fade away. I was awakened by this realization that it is more important to touch people’s lives as opposed to wanting to have a lot of money. Consequently, I found a better life and was determined to pursue it.

Albert Pike

Albert Pike

Upon turning 21, I started participating in volunteer work at the shelters for homeless people, which finally led to a career in one of the biggest donation organizations in the country. The organizations were led by people who did not have sufficient finances but had a rich heart; hence I felt like lending a hand would go a long way by minimizing the expenses. I knew that besides providing finances, I could change a life by volunteering and offering any other assistance where necessary. A study conducted by the International Journal of Psychophysiology revealed that those who engaged in volunteering and giving are less susceptible to depressive feelings, have high self-esteem and low-stress levels. For me, this was a noble undertaking that could guarantee peace and some sense of fulfilment in life.

Giving is equal to receiving; one must give to get. As we grow older, we tend to reflect on what we have achieved, and this can either bring joy or sorrow. Knowing that I have somebody laugh or change their life in one way or the other is one of the things I would consider the greatest achievement in life. Working at the donation organization earned me so much fulfillment that I never experienced at home despite having enough money and prestige.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Multimodal Personal Narrative

Topic and Structure:

Multimodal Personal Narrative

Multimodal Personal Narrative

Multimodal Personal Narrative – Develop a multimodal document to both visually illustrate and verbally express a personal transformation.

Use a one-page newspaper or single-panel brochure format to present a personal narration of a transformation of your choice from a point in your childhood to today. You might discuss a career aspiration you had as a child, transition to the job you held as a teenager, and lastly, explain the profession you maintain today. Use connecting ideas to ensure you have a cohesive essay, which will ultimately (in the conclusion) explain what you learned from this transformation. For example, how and why did you go from point A (job 1) to point B (job 2) and then on to point C (job 3)? Or, you might consider illustrating a transformation based on a way of life or philosophy.

Implement three photos to represent your ideas, feelings, etc., at the three focal points in your life. You may use personal photos, clip art, or other images, but be sure you use and/or attribute the them appropriately. For example, you are free to use your personal photos as you’d like, but make sure to choose clip art or other images that you either have permission to use freely or that you cite adequately. Equally consider your document’s layout, such as text sizes, photo placement (near the related essay text), and colors, in addition to how you present your content, to include thesis, support, and organization.

Sample thesis statement: Growing up in Sedona, Arizona, I was constantly looking up into the clear night sky, viewing multiple constellations and shimmering stars, which had me yearning to reach them—literally—so when I turned 16, I began working as a camp counselor at a space camp, which ultimately led to a career at NASA; my journey taught me that if I reached for the stars, nothing could stop me.

Format Requirements:

While you do not need to follow standard MLA format for this assignment, be sure to still include your name, the course title, assignment name, and date within your submission as part of the newspaper or brochure.

Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words.

Underline your thesis statement.

Example format:
Personal narration title document example shows title at the top. There are three columns in the document, each of which include a text description that correlates with a picture below.

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