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Multigenerational Center Activity Links to an External Site-Workshop Proposal

Multigenerational Center Activity Links to an External Site-Workshop Proposal

Part 1A: Workshop Details

Title Playing is Learning
Explanation Research shows that play is the foundation of learning. It is how children gamble with life to make it meaningful. Through play, children develop creativity, constructive problem-solving, and self-expression. Playing helps children build and expand their understanding, skills, and knowledge in a sensible manner (Ramroop, 2021). There are various types of play, such as interactive and social, where children play with their peers. Others play alone, while there is also symbolic play where children pretend and imagine when they play. Generally, play is vital because it is a form of learning as children can try out possibilities, practice skills, and discover new challenges, resulting in deeper learning.
Objective/Purpose The workshop aims to enlighten parents and teachers that play is a form of learning; thus, it is a vital part of the curriculum. The workshop will teach teachers and parents that play allows young learners to learn about nature, their bodies, and their place within the environment. The workshop will encourage and challenge teachers and parents to ensure play is part of a child’s daily learning. Besides, play improves children’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development and well-being. In addition, play enables children to be creative, learn about the world independently, learn diverse skills, and build stronger relationships.
Target Audience My target field is Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education. The workshop primarily targets parents, teachers, administrators, guardians, and children.
Theory Jean Piaget was the first psychologist to systematically conduct children’s cognitive growth in 1962. Piaget considered play as fundamental to the development of children’s intelligence. His play theory argues that as children grow, their play and environment should promote further language and cognitive development (McLeod, 2018). As a result, Piaget’s research made him build his theory depending on the four stages of cognitive development based on how children play. These stages include sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages. Piaget then broke down these stages by age from birth to 2 years, 2 years to 7 years, 7 years to 11, and 11 through adolescence. Children should participate in various types of play at every developmental stage to help develop their intelligence or cognitive thinking (McLeod, 2018).

For Piaget, children play in four diverse ways: fantasy, functional, games with rules, and constructive play. This kind of play happens in four stages of development. According to Piaget, children’s play shows their cognitive development level. The first type of play is functional play. This kind of pay is more physical and involves jumping, sliding, running, and experimenting with the world using the senses. This type of play happens in a sensorimotor stage between ages 0-2 years. At two years, children begin engaging in constructive play because, at this stage, children desire to play with toys and other objects to achieve a goal. As such, children will want to play with blocks and try to build towers or toss things. When children reach age three, they start fantasy play. Notably, symbolic/fantasy play enables children to engage in role-playing and make-believe games. (McLeod, 2018).

 Part 1B: Workshop Flyer

Part 2: Roadblocks

Roadblocks Roadblocks Solutions
List Roadblock #1 here
Specific to the Objective
The absence of play areas within the classroom where children can freely and comfortably engage in play will affect children’s learning. Alternatively, a class that lacks different learning areas, such as molding or creating a center for children to engage in creative play and hands-on activities, discourages playing. Create specific playing zones or learning centers children can use to engage in different types of play. There are various play toys, challenges, or activities for the children to do in these areas. Ramroop (2021) affirms that the play area is a vital part of a classroom because it helps learners develop crucial social, physical, imaginative, and emotional skills needed to attain self-confidence, improve critical thinking, and improve coordination.
List Roadblock #2 here
Specific to the Objective
The workshop’s lack of accommodations for special needs learners, adults, or tutors will affect special needs learners. For example, a class that has a child with a hearing impairment or a child with autism but lacks the necessary accommodations to help the learners thrive in their education. Ensure there are appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs. For instance, a class that has a child with a hearing impairment should have a sign language interpreter to help such learners follow the learning sessions. Also, ensure proper seating areas for the students with disability on time so that I can get a staff member to help them with their needs.
Professional Standards
Professional Standard #1
Explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #1
INTASC Standard #3: Learning Environments.

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning and encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. The third standard supports a solution to Roadblock #1 because it will help the teacher ensure that the learning environment is conducive and supports collaborative and individual learning, promoting active engagement in learning and social interaction (NAEYC, n.d.). Therefore, creating various play areas or learning centers within a class enhances play. I will ensure the learning environment is favorable for young learners as they can exploit various opportunities and develop their abilities through play in a conducive and welcoming environment.

Professional Standard #2
Explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #2
INTASC Standard #2: Learning Differences.

The teacher uses an understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards and support a solution to Roadblock #2 (NAEYC, n.d.). This is because the standard will enable the teacher to ensure that there are necessary accommodations, materials, and resources for all learners from diverse cultures and those with special needs. As a result, all the learners will feel supported and part of the class.

 Part 3: Environment and Materials

Environment This workshop’s ideal environment or space will be an indoor room or a gated open area. The area should have various play stations, areas, or learning centers packed with diverse play materials, toys, challenges, and activities that fit the learners’ age. This area will have different play toys, materials, or activities, accommodating at least six to eight children per station. The area should also have seats or seating areas for the parents, guardians, and administrators to sit and watch the children play. Besides, the instructors should be teachers who will move around the play areas, supervise how children play, and ensure they do not harm each other but engage in friendly play.
Needs and/or Supplies The needs and supplies for the workshop include chairs, toys, exercise book markers, colors, wagons, play stations, phone toys, puppets, dolls, dress-up accessories, cardboard, wood blocks, musical instruments, tables, seats, boxes, and puzzles.


Roadblocks Roadblocks Solutions
List Roadblock #1 here

Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

The outside environment can be ineffective when the weather changes or it rains. The workshop should be conducted indoors where children can freely play without interruptions by weather changes. In addition, this will also ensure that even students with health conditions caused by climate change are not affected. As a result, all children will be comfortable and freely engaged in the workshop without any interruptions. The indoor arena will also give parents ample time and opportunity to observe and monitor their children’s playing closely.


List Roadblock #2 here
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies
The indoor arena might also be unfit for learners with special needs. Consider choosing an indoor arena that meets the accommodations of both special needs and non-special needs learners. It is also important to have a play station well equipped and set for learners with special needs. This will help achieve equality; all children will feel part of the workshop. Let the area have user-friendly entrances or parking spaces for special needs adults and children. The floor should also not be too slippery as it is unfavorable for children and learners with special needs because it can cause harm, or children can easily fall and hurt themselves.
Professional Standards
Professional Standard #1
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies
INTASC Standard #3- Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning and encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation (NAEYC, n.d.). This supports the solution to Roadblock #1 because the primary objective is to show parents and teachers that playing means learning. Therefore, this standard will ensure that the workshop coordinator or teacher chooses a venue or learning environment that is safe and conducive and can also not be affected by weather changes.

Professional Standard #2
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies
INTASC Standard #3- Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning and encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation (NAEYC, n.d.). This standard supports the solution to Roadblock #2 because the primary objective of the workshop is for parents and teachers to see that children learn as they play, and teachers must ensure that they provide an environment that is conducive to learning and accommodates the needs of all learners whether special needs or non-special needs. The workshop area or venue must accommodate the needs of all children; it must be a safe area with a floor area favorable for children’s play so that there are minimal chances of harm, like cases of children sliding and falling due to slippery floors.

 Part 4: Strategies

Partnerships The groups that can benefit from the workshop include;

·         BA Cognitive Studies (BACS)

·         BA Early Childhood Education (BAECE)

·         BA Early Childhood Administration (BAECEA)

·         BA Education Studies (BAES)

The four groups, BACS, BAECE, BAECEA, and BAES, will all benefit from this workshop because these programs educate young or adult learners. In addition, as already mentioned, Piaget noted that even adult learning occurs through play. As such, conducting a play workshop will educate educators from these programs on the essence of play to learners and enable them to learn and understand that play is more of learning and not just jumping and running around. Play helps children to develop socially, physically, emotionally, and cognitively. It also helps children gain vital skills and develop self-expression, confidence, and problem-solving skills. Thus, through this workshop, the four programs will learn a lot about play and how they can make it part of learning by using or creating learning centers and playing zones within their classrooms or outside to help students learn better. Besides, Stadler-Altmann (2021) asserts that early playing improves a child’s intelligence. As such, children should be allowed to play so they can learn.

Strategies Strategy for Delivery #1: Competition in Playing Centers

Once all the children have freely engaged in various play activities, there will be a timed competition at different playing centers’ activities. A group of five learners will be required to engage in a play challenge, and the winning team or group will be awarded. For example, there will be a puzzle or racing competition on the PlayStation, and the winning group will be awarded various toys they can use at home to advance their skills and abilities. Apart from the learning centers being used for competition, they can be used by students later to build or improve their skills on specific play events as they will be allowed to spend as much time as possible in every play area or learning center. Subsequently, this will allow them to practice the skills they acquire in school or those that they have been taught previously.

Strategy for Delivery #2: Grouping

The teacher should group the children or learners with high abilities and those with low abilities so that they can interact and play freely. The special needs learners can be grouped with other special needs students or with gifted learners to help them engage in play while learning.

The students will be grouped into six or eight depending on the total number of children.


McLeod, S. (2018, June 06). Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Retrieved September 2, 2018, from

NAEYC. (n.d.).The 10 NAEYC program standards.

Ramroop, R. (2021). The Importance of Play in Children’s Learning and Development: A Case Study. Journal of Educational Studies20(2), 141-155.

Stadler-Altmann, U. M. (2021). Indoors and Outdoors: Schoolyards as learning and playing opportunities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport21(Supplement issue 1), 553-559.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Workshop Plan Part 2
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Multigenerational Center ActivityLinks to an external site. interactive.

Multigenerational Center Activity Links to an External Site-Workshop Proposal

Multigenerational Center Activity Links to an External Site-Workshop Proposal

Workshop Proposal
In your Final Project, imagine that your supervisor at the Multigenerational Center has requested a proposal for a Workshop to be presented, by you at the center. Your Workshop Plan will include a topic of your choice based on your field of study and the needs of your audience. You will use the Welcome to the Multigenerational Center interactive from Week 1 to understand your audience and to choose a topic for your workshop. Your supervisor has requested that you use a specific Summative Template. Download the Summative Template to ensure that all components are comprehensively addressed. Since this is a substantial project for a new employee, your supervisor (instructor) will review the major components of your proposal before your final submission.

Assignment Directions
There are multiple parts to this assignment. You will work on components of this assignment in Weeks 3, 4, and 5 using the provided Summative Template. Please be sure to review the template completely, as well as the due dates, to ensure that you are addressing your supervisor’s request in a timely manner. Parts of the assignment described below correspond to sections in the template. Review the completed Summative Template With Flyer Example Download the Summative Template With Flyer Example.

Part 2: Roadblocks
Use the Summative Template, and fill out the section due in Week 4. Your supervisor made suggestions in your first draft. You will revise your original work based on your supervisor’s (instructor’s) feedback.

Think about your target audience and anticipate two possible issues or roadblocks that may arise. Using your background knowledge of your field of study, share two possible solutions for each roadblock. To substantiate your workshop topic and demonstrate its importance to your director, review the EDU499 Professional Standards by Program. Download EDU499 Professional Standards by Program table for your field of study. You will choose two of the following standards and explain how they represent the objective of your workshop:

Roadblock #1
Solution #1
Solution #2
Roadblock #2
Solution #1
Solution #2
Professional Standard #1 and Explanation
Professional Standard #2 and Explanation
Part 3: Environment and Materials
Use the Summative Template and fill out this section, which is due in Week 4. Your supervisor is impressed with your Workshop Proposal at this point and has permitted you to continue working on it. Using the Multigenerational Center Activity from Week 1 as a guide, describe the space you will use to deliver your workshop. Please be sure to name one of the areas shown in the Week 1 interactive, and explain why this is the ideal space for your workshop. You will include a complete list of all materials necessary to have a successful workshop. Review the rooms/locations from the interactive to determine if specific furniture needs to be included as well. All good presenters prepare for the unexpected. Think about your target audience and anticipate two possible issues or roadblocks that may arise. Using your background knowledge of your field of study, share two possible solutions for each roadblock. To substantiate your workshop topic and to demonstrate the importance of this topic to your director, review the Professional Standards by Program table for your field of study. You will choose two of these standards and explain how they represent the objective of your workshop. There is no formal submission of this assignment due this week. You may reach out to your instructor with questions if necessary as you continue working.


Describe the environment or the space needed to deliver your workshop.
List the needs and/or supplies for the Workshop.
Describe two possible roadblocks and two corresponding solutions for each roadblock.
List two professional standards from your field of study.
Explain how the two standards support your content.

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